Montag, 25. Januar 2021

Was ist schneller als das Licht ? = Der Gedanke. Was ist schneller als der Gedanke ? = Die Bewegung in der Improvisation, bevor du es gedacht, schon ist es vollbracht 😃 so bewege Dich und vollbringe. 😃[0]=AZXR-m0jE-L0s0sisABDWcoHXDL8Vhgloq3G7W7g9ygTS_rK9jXALeGM5rWkl8Xpb7kUoYgUiQmkGNSGXXVBqOEcO8o46A85BIaHgePuljO3n0ZJX3bgWF1cQ2_S_kZFmPM&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R 

Lerne im Regen zu Tanzen... Sich regen bringt Segen..So rege dich .. aber nicht ""auf, denn mit dem auf-regen, verpasst du den Segen ... 💫💃🕺💫 
Was ist schneller als das Licht ? Der Gedanke, was ist schneller als der Gedanke ? Die Improvisation. So improvisiere und sehe was passiere' .
Sport ist wie Beten, Du bekommst den Heiligen Geist Das Wesentliche auf den Punkt gebracht...
Entwicklungsphasen verschiedener Sucht und Reinigungsstufen von der Kochkost - zur Rohkost ins Prana Bewustsein, das wir nicht vom Essen lebem.

Sport ist wie Beten, Du bekommst den Heiligen Geist, Qi-Energie, N-Ahrung der Gòtter, zuerst kommt die Arbeit, dann das Essen . Wer nix arbeitet der nix isst, wer nix bewegt, der nix stimulierung braucht ... so achte auf die Stimulierung, so manches demoliert mehr oder weniger, und manches garnicht, so wähle gescheid, damit du lange gesegnet bleibst, durch Bewegung wird dein Körper aerobisch (geistig-kosmisch Qi Energetisch verdauungsfrei und Hungerleidfrei erfùllt - durchflutet, durch erdigem essen wird der Kòrper mit Materie (Mineralien-Nàhrfùllverstopfende-Stoffe) ge-fùllt = verstopft, so ist dann nix mit Ahrung=Aria=Luft, der Segen dann verpufft, also sich regen bringt Segen, sich hinlegen, bringt Regen, so biste pitsche nass und den Segen verpasst .

 Das Datum auf dem Video làsst sich nicht auf der Kamera einstellen.. das Video ist vom 21.06.2020 (nicht von 2016) Warum dass bei you tube so chnell ablàuft, ist mir ein Ràtsel, vielleicht sollte ich es neu machen, aber dies bleibt hier erstmal so. Hier on FB ist die Geschwindigkeit normal. Es geht um den Linkhinweis. Interessant-die Zeitlupe ist genial ...
 Die geheimen Fitnesszutaten des Living on Light .. Musik Tanz Gesang in Freude,.. (das was Ihr irrtùmlicherwesie " Liebe" nennt, ist .. die Freude, die Freude jederzeit tanzen zu kònnen ... egal wie das "Lebens"Wetter ist ... die Freude des inneren Làchelns làsst Dich immer schweben.. auch wenn du drittst daneben .. "if you stumble, make it part of the dance" ) da lebst Du ein "Ellen"-lang .. wie lang diese Elle ist? .. das weisman natùrlich nicht vorher ... bei seiner-deiner Geburt .. denn es hàngt immer von den " sonstigen" Lebensbedingungen ab .. aber lohnt sich allemal .. tanze dich in den Himmel hinein . das ist sehr fein, "Ballen Gang Ballen Sprung Ballen Lauf Ballen tanz" .. mit viel Freude und Eleganz .. By Aintjos Klatiu: Die geheime "Zutat" fùr das "Living on Light" - is the Happyness & the Joy of inner Smile .. .
Die Geheimen Fitnesszutaten des living on light. Music, Sing & Dance - The Happyness of Live , jetzt kein Geheimniss mehr ... all' dass wovon ich euch schreibe und erzàhle ,das wird eines Tages zu einer Selbstverstàndlichkeit .
---> hier by Willhelm Busch ...Wer anderen etwas vorgedacht, wird jahrelang erst ausgelacht. Begreift man die Entdeckung endlich, so nennt sie jeder selbstverständlich. Lachtmal nur schòn weiter , am End hab' ich recht gehabt, auf der ganzen Leiter ... "lonesome its to good for you" 😃
Video auf Bildschirm vergròssern.. bitteschòn.. dankeschòn 😉 ... Sonologie - The Voice of "QI"= Die Stimme der "Energie" .. .
Donald O'Connor ... Forever Young Levitation Dance Training.
Bewege Dich Atme und Schwebe...tanzend und singend durch die Luft .. Love on Air.. Freude in der Luft ... Shall we dance an walk on air ... 

By Arnold Ehret : Liebe ist die großte Kraft und sie ist, wenn sie naturlich ist, die hochste "unsichtbare Nahrung" aus dem Unendlichen fur Seele und Korper.
Supraleitung und Levitation, làsst Dich Schweben leicht da-von .... wo-von ? Von der Tràgheit der "Depression" ... diese sitzt tief in Deiner Zelle, also sei hellle, bewege Dich schneller als der Gedanke ... wie geht das?... ganz einfach .. der Gedanke ist schneller als Das Licht .. um diese zu ùberwinden, musst Du, "Improvisieren" ... die Improvisation ist schneller als der Gedanke.


Mit Öffentlich geteilt
Aintjos Klatu : Leset weiter ---> Link 
 Ich bin der Geist der Wahrheit.
Studiert meine Dateien so könnt ihr euch am schnellsten befreien.
Kommentar: Das ist soo viel.
Aintjos : Alles an Foren Kommentare Beiträge Notizen Dateien sind wie Bùcher, wenn Ihr ein Buch leset sagt Ihr auch nicht: ach es ist so viel " ! Oder wenn Ihr jahrein und jahraus jeden Tag online herum Diskutiert, da leset ihr ja auch, und dies ist auch viel, viel Kaffeklatschgerede, Meeeensch du alter Schwede, ooops, reimt sich sogar ... also studiert und beseitigt alles schräge.. so werdet ihr um Jahrtausende an Erkenntnissen nach vorne beschleunigt.. ohne daß ihr jemanden anderen "nötigt", oder "be - nötigt. Denn, begreift ihr diese Erkenntnisse endlich ?', werdet ihr sie nennen selbstverstàndlich ! 
Warum wir früh schlafen gehen und früh aufstehen sollten
            Das Schlafverhalten ist ein sehr wichtiges Thema 
(By Aintjos)...ein Akrobat-Atlet, der nicht genug schlàft kann nicht mehr durch die Lùfte fliegen ...(nicht trainierende und nicht kòrperlich kràftig arbeitenden menschen sind im vergleich aber auch dauer schlapp, auch wenn sie genug schlafen, das fehlt die Geheime komponente der Bewegung, zusammen kombiniert Schlaf Bewegung, und entsprechend Atmen, anders atmen ...

Aintjos: ... der Mensch besitzt Levitationsfàhigkeit .. ohne den Schlaf verliert sich auch die supraleitfàhigkeit unserer Zellen , unsere kòrperzellen sind wie supraleitermagnete , und diese werden aufgeladen durch schlaf , frische Luft und training ...

Qi-Energie im schlaf tanken ...

Die Zirbeldrüse braucht die Dunkelheit (obwohl auch Meditation förderlich ist), um den Neurotransmitter Melatonin zu produzieren. Wie Dr. Robert Becker in seinem Buch „The Body Electric“ (S. 42-43) zeigt, übermittelt Melatonin Nervenimpulse zwischen den Chromosomenpaaren während der Zellteilung, wenn die Zellkerne gespalten werden, um sich dann mit anderen, neuen Hälften wieder zu verbinden. Dieser Prozess der Zellerneuerung wird vor allem nachts durch die Melatoninproduktion angekurbelt, wenn der Körper sich selbst dupliziert, sei es durch Nahrung, Zellrecycling oder auch die Produktion von einigen Basiselementen durch 8Hz-Elektrolyse (Dr. Puharich 1977). So ist das Melatonin von grundlegender Bedeutung für die Aufrechterhaltung der Körpergestalt. Was kaum einer der vielen schlecht informierten Wissenschaftler weiß, ist, daß Melatonin sich innerhalb der Zirbeldrüse zu Pinolin (tetrahydro beta carbolin) umwandelt, welches das optimale Anti-Oxidans ist, 17 verschiedene Parasiten vernichtet ebenso wie diverse Bakterien und Pilze und in Bezug auf die Unterstützung der DNS-Replikation dem Melatonin sogar noch überlegen ist.

Wenn sich die DNS verdoppelt, sendet sie eine 8 Hz - Schwingung aus und verhält sich dadurch wie ein Supraleiter (Scientific American, März 1965, S. 28 ff). In ihrem Kern enthält sie außerdem teilweise supraleitende Elemente.

Supraleitung ist etwas, das weit über feinstoffliche Körperlichkeit hinausgeht - sie ist DAS Modell, an dem bewiesen werden kann, daß „Spirit“ buchstäblich in die Materie hineinschwappt und dabei Gravitonen erschafft, Neutrinos, Subneutrinos und all die anderen subatomaren Teilchen, die die feinstofflichen Körper ausmachen: diese Körper sind bloß Auswirkungen der ersten Ursache, der Elektrogravitation, pure Virtualität, No-Thing. Eating No-Thing, Prima Chi, Prima Prana. Und die 8Hz-Schwingung ist der Dolmetscher.

Pinolin entsteht bei starker Dunkelheit aus Melatonin und erschafft unsere Träume. Seine kristalline Struktur ermöglicht es ihm, mit den DNS-Nukleotid-Basenpaaren Elektronen auszutauschen und für Augenblicke seinen elektrischen Widerstand zu verlieren, wodurch es zu einem Supraleiter wird, der mit dem lebendigen, supraleitenden DNS-Kern in Resonanz tritt, der wiederum in Kohlenstoff und Silizium eingebettete Platingruppenelemente in mono-atomarer Form enthält.

Alle Elektronen gepaart, gleich einem einzigen Super-Elektron, das nur 56% des Gewichts hat, das es seiner Masse nach haben müßte - das heißt, 44 % fehlen, sind supraleitender Spirit oder No-Thing - dem Gewohnheits-Karma-Computer entwischt!

Dieses Modell der DNS-Programmierung und den bewußten Zugang ist ausführlich dokumentiert im Buch „The Unity Keys Of Emmanuel : The Interuniversal Perspective For The Unity Of Diversity“. Es geschieht in diesem Zustand des Träumens, daß die 8Hz-Supraleitfähigkeit mit Hilfe des Pinolin die maximale DNS-Replikation ermöglicht sowie die Erneuerung des Körpers und dessen Gewichtszunahme oder - erhalt, und Prana zur Verfügung stellt in Form von Infrarot-Biophotonen, die aus dem Nichts kommen, aus dem lebendigen Kern der DNS selbst.








Vaccinia is an acute infectious disease caused by vaccination. Vaccination is the inoculation of child or adult, well or sick, with septic matter (pus) derived from suppurating (festering) sores on the abdomen of a previously infected cow. I think this definition is incomplete in an important respect—I should have said that it is a criminal operation.

The disease dates from about the year 1774 when an ignorant and superstitious English farmer, Benjamin Jesty, vaccinated his wife and three children with matter taken from sores on cows suffering with cow-pox," using a darning needle with which to make the incisions. Jesty believed a superstition, then prevalent among the milk-maids, that, one who had had cowpox was immune to small-pox.

Notes of this daring experiment were made by a doctor Nash who died in 1785. At his death these notes passed into the hands of Mr. Thomas Nash who was acquainted with Edward Jenner, a notorious charlatan, who is credited with having "discovered" vaccination. In 1789 Jenner inoculated his eighteen month’s old son with swine-pox matter. He followed this with other inoculations of other children and the filthy practice of vaccination was definitely launched.

An English writer, Arthur Wollaston Hutton, M. A., says of Jenner’s framing and qualifications: "But his professional acquirements were but slender; his medical degree was the outcome of no examination or scientific work, but merely of a fee of fifteen guineas paid to the University of St. Andrews; while his other and more important distinction, his Fellowship in the Royal Society, was obtained by what even Dr. Norman Moore, his latest biographer and apologist, is constrained to admit was little else than a fraud."

Thus we have a filthy practice, born out of the ignorance and superstition of the past and fathered by an ignorant imposter and fraud, palmed off on the world today as a scientific procedure. It is really remarkable, the number of instances in the history of medicine, of practices and theories now in vogue, that owe their origin to ancient customs, traditions and superstitions.

It is not known how remote was the belief among the cow hands and dairy maids of England in the immunizing potency of cow-pox; but it is thought to have come out of the practice of inoculation which was introduced into England from the East, by Lady Mary Wortley Montague, wife of the British Ambassador to the Ottoman Court, in 1717. The practice was abolished by act of Parliament in 1840, due to its evils. In 1754 the Royal College of Physicians issued the following manifesto, which reads strangely like the statements made by physicians today about vaccination:

‘The College, having been informed that false reports concerning the success of inoculation in England have been published in foreign countries, think proper to declare their sentiments in the following manner, viz.: That the arguments which at the commencement of this practice were urged against it have been refuted by experience, that it is now held by the English in greater esteem, and practiced among them more extensively than ever it was before, and that the college thinks it to be highly salutary to the human race."

Despite this evident lie by this august body, the practice was not successful; it was not highly salutary; and experience did not refute the arguments used against it. It was a very damaging practice which caused an increase in small-pox in England and was finally abolished by law. Edward Jenner, following Benjamin Jesty, grafted the old inoculation practice onto the milk-maid’s creed and vaccination (from vacca—cow) was born.

I mentioned that the inoculation practice was introduced from the east. The date of the origin of this superstitious practice is hidden in the darkness of pre-history. Savage and barbaric peoples, in various parts of the world, practiced inoculation. It is thought to have started in India. where so many of our superstitions originated, and spread from there to Africa and Europe.

From time immemorial the Negroes and Arabs of Nubia practiced inoculation against smallpox. The Ashantees and the Moorish and Arab tribes in Northern Africa practiced arm to arm inoculation from ancient times. Savage tribes of the Upper Congo practiced it to prevent "syphilis." The Baris of Lado inoculated themselves over the left breast. The Negroes in Senegal inoculated their children on the arms. The Moors and Pouls of Senegambia practiced inoculation against pleuro-pneumonia. A practice of this kind was in vogue in Berne, Switzerland in the 18th century.

The first record of smallpox seems to be in India, where also is the first record of inoculation, where the practice was in vogue over three thousand years ago. Dhanwantari, the Vedic father of medicine, and the earliest known Hindu physician, supposed to have lived 1500 B. C., is said to have been the first to practice inoculation and it is also stated that the Hindus employed a vaccine. For over a thousand years inoculation has been practiced in China.

The practice is so mixed up with the religious superstitions of various peoples that its origin may not be difficult for students of religious history to guess. In India, in Malaba and in other sections of the world, inoculation was mixed up with the worship of the smallpox goddess. Inoculation seems to have been nothing more than a superstitious rite designed to placate and appease the wrath of an irascible deity. People who imagined all their sufferings were sent upon them because they had offended some of their gods or goddesses originated the filthy rite to get the goddess into a good humor again.

According to a Mr. Porter, who was English Ambassador at Constantinople in 1755 (Gentleman’s Magazine, Oct. 1755): "It is the tradition and opinion of the country that a certain angel presides over this disease. That it is to bespeak his favor and evidence their confidence that the Georgians take a small portion of variolous matter, and, by means of scarification, introduce it between the thumb and fore finger of a sound person. The operation is supposed to never miss its effect. To secure beyond all uncertainty, the good will of the angel, they hang up scarlet clothes about the bed, that being the favorite color of the celestial inhabitant they wish to propitiate.’

I cannot imagine St. Paul, who refused to eat meat that had been offered up to idols, baring his arm for pus that is being offered up to the goddess of smallpox. I cannot imagine Moses, whose Kosher laws, in most of their essential particulars, are excellent, commanding the Jews to have this trefe stuff inoculated into their bodies.

Symptoms: Vaccinia begins after inoculation with slight irritation at the site of vaccination. On the third or fourth day the eruption appears in the form of a red papule, surrounded by a red areola. On the fifth or sixth day the papule becomes a vesicle, being filled with a watery substance or a clear substance, with a distinct central depression (umbilication). By the eighth day the vesicle is perfected and is then surrounded by a wide reddened zone of inflammatory edema, which is the seat of intense itching. By the tenth day the contents are purulent (pus) and the vesicle has become a pustule. The surrounding skin is now much inflamed and painful. About this time the reddened areola begins to fade and dessication sets in with the gradual formation of a thick brown crust or scab, which becomes detached and falls off about the twenty-first to twenty-fifth day, leaving an ugly scar. The scar is at fist red but gradually becomes paler than the surrounding skin having a punched-out appearance and is pitted. The evolution of this pathology is accompanied with fever and constitutional symptoms, malaise, and enlargement of the adjacent lymph nodes or glands.

Notice the symptoms above described (and this description is gathered from standard medical works) and you will at once realize that we have been describing an acute disease—really the acute symptoms of septic infection. Vaccinia will be found classified in medical books as an acute infectious disease. The infectious matter is pus taken from pustules on a cow which has previously has previously had pus from the pustules of a smallpox patient rubbed into incisions in her skin. it is a morbid product, a virus, and is not and never was "lymph from the calf". Vaccine is pus—it is the fluid product of suppuration. To vaccinate a person is to produce disease in that person. It is an effort to prevent disease by producing disease. It does not always "run true to form." The above description of the disease does not fit all eases.

Complications and Sequelae: Irregular and atypical pocks may form; several vesicles may coalesce, a general pustular rash, covering the whole arm or large parts of the body, and called generalized vaccinia, may develop, about the eighth to tenth day.

Abscess, sloughing. cellulitis, erysipelas, general septic infection, urticarial eruptions, syphilis, leprosy. tuberculosis, actinomycosis (big jaw), mental disease, tetanus (lock jaw), paralysis, meningitis, sleeping sickness, etc, may follow. In rare cases the pock may reappear in the same place after it is apparently healed. In some instances the abscess that may form refuses to heal. I saw one case of this kind where the abscess continued to discharge pus after fourteen years. Speaking of generalized vaccinia, Sir Wm. Osler says: "In children the disease may prove fatal." Osler quotes Ackland’s arrangements of the dates on which possible eruptions and complications may be looked for as follows:

"1. During the first three days: Erythema: urticaria; vesicular and bullous eruptions; invaccinated erysipelas.

"2. After the third day and until the pock reaches maturity: Urticaria, linchen urticatus; erythema multikormae; accidental erysipelas.

"3. About the end of the first week: Generalized vaccitha; impetigo; vaccinal ulceration; glandular abscesses; septic infections, gangrene.

"4. After the involution of the pocks: In vaccinated diseases, for example syphilis."

Under the heading "Transmission of Disease by Vaccination," Osler says: "Syphilis has undoubtedly been transmitted by vaccination." Under the heading, "Influence of Vaccination upon other Diseases," he says: "A quiescent malady may be lighted into activity by vaccination. This happens with congenital syphilis, occasionally with tuberculosis . . . At the height of the vaccination convulsions may occur and be followed by hemiplegia." (Paralysis of one side of the body.)

Norway suspended vaccination because of hoof and mouth disease being spread by the practice. In this country our Department of Agriculture traced the epidemics of foot and mouth disease in 1902, 1908 and 1914 to smallpox vaccine.

It is the medical alibi, when these evils follow vaccination, and they are far more common than the uninformed may imagine, that they are due to "carelessness" or to "secondary infections." Dr. Richard C. Cabot says: "The other thing that bothers people is the fact that vaccination sores get septic, sometimes when the vaccination is clumsily done, and sometimes when it is correctly done. We need not necessarily blame the doctor because the patient has a bad arm. In spite of all precautions, if the patient is in a bad condition, the break in the skin may become septic."

This is only a half truth. The vaccine sore is septic from the start. Vaccine is septic matter. Vaccination is deliberate and forcible septic infection. We do blame the physician, because he introduced the septic matter into the arm.

This picture of vaccination is a black one, but it is by no means the whole picture. It is almost impossible to exaggerate the evils of this filthy, superstitious practice and any physician or vaccine propagandist who asserts that vaccination is harmless is either an ignoramus or a liar. I shall make this quite clear before I am done with this subject.

"I wish we had known sooner what an awful thing vaccination is," wrote Mrs A. Kyles, in a letter to the editor of the St. Louis Times, of Nov 1926, after her boy had died of lockjaw following vaccination. He was vaccinated Oct. 15 and died Nov. 8. 1926; the lockjaw developing about Oct. 31. Thousands of other fond mothers have cried. "I wish we had known sooner what an awful thing vaccination is." Why be so willing to believe the sales talks of those who make money out of vaccines?

On Oct. 7, l926, little Elmer Perry, four-years-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Perry. of 35 Schalk St., Newark. N. J. was vaccinated by order of the Health Authorities. Fifteen days later he become sick, and on Oct. 27 they carried him to the hospital suffering with lockjaw. A few hours later he died. "They killed my boy, they killed him," cried the grief stricken father. "They have taken the sunshine from my life," wailed the frantic mother. This was but one more of thousands of such tragic scenes. Medical men kill them to save them.

The authorities in this case hastily denied all responsibility for the boy’s death. They blamed the boy. It is a fair sample of the cowardly manner in which physicians always disclaim responsibility for their deeds. They are the only class of criminals of which I know who can escape the penalties for their crimes by placing the blame on their victims.

On June 20, 1926 little Geraldine Creamer, age 4, 611 John St., Peekskill, N. Y.. died of lockjaw, following vaccination during a cooked up smallpox scare—a case of ivy poisoning having been diagnosed as smallpox. The culprits in this case explained that the girl, who had been vaccinated on the leg, received the lockjaw infection from garden soil, while playing in the garden. In a full page article in the New York Evening Graphic, I challenged them to give me lockjaw by wounding me in a dozen places and rubbing the soil from the garden in every wound, The Commissioner of Health made a weak reply in the local paper, but ignored my challenge. He did not want his alibi exposed by a test,

Lockjaw is a comparatively rare disease except where a vaccination epidemic rages. In his Principles and Practice of Medicine, Sir Wm. Osler says of tetanus as a disease transmitted by vaccination: McFarland collected 95 cases practically all American. Sixty-three occured in 1901, in which R. W. Wilson demonstrated the tetanus bacillus. Most of these cases occurred about Philadelphia."

The States Public Health Report, March 20, 1925 says that several fatal cases of tetanus in vaccinated individuals has recently occurred in the United States" The Report for June 26, 1925, contains accounts, in its first six pages, of eleven cases of tetanus following vaccination. Boys are more susceptible than girls to post-vaccinal tetanus.

In a letter dated Aug. 9. 1929, and addressed to Senator Robt. F. Wagner, Dr. Hugh S. Cummings. Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service, says the figures which his letter shows are incomplete, for deaths due to post-vaccinal tetanus are as follows:

1925---29; 1926---15: 1927---17, 1929---1. As most of these deaths occur after school opens in September, at which time the great orgy of vaccination begins, the apparent reduction in 1929 is probably very deceptive.

In the early part of 1925, while the whole of the East was in the throes of a vaccination epidemic, the New York Evening Graphic uncovered at least two deaths from post-vaccinal tetanus, and many other cases of vaccinal injury in Baltimore. After they published the accounts of these cases, the hospitals in Baltimore established a rigid censorship and suppressed the horrid truth about this criminal practice. But a truce with tetanus; the newspapers carry frequent reports of such deaths and I can only touch the high spots here. Everyone can know of these cases who cares to investigate.

Within recent years other troubles have been definitely traced to vaccination. I have already quoted Dr. Osler’s statement that "at the height of vaccination convulsions may occur and be followed by hemiplegia." Paralysis is a more frequent result of vaccination than has heretofore been suspected. Dr. Osler says: "Cerebro-spinal meningitis has a curious predilection for soldiers." Captain Sheffield Neave, of England, says, "meningitis is a disease of soldiers and babies." During World War I there was a great mortality and invalidism among soldiers due to cerebro-spinal meningitis. Anti— vaccinationists declared it to he due to vaccination. This brought vigorous protests and loud denunciations from the devotees of pus and the smallpox goddess.

In the "Lancet" the leading British medical Journal, of September 4. 1926, is set forth accounts of seven cases of encephalo-myelitis (inflammation of the brain and spinal cord and their membranes), following vaccination in two London hospitals within recent years. Prof.. H. M. Turnbull and Prof. Jas. McIntosh who painfully and carefully investigated these cases stated in the British Journal of Experimental Pathology, from which the "Lancet" quotes, that: "There can be no doubt that vaccination was a definite causal factor."

The Lancet declares that the account in the Journal: "includes summaries of clinical histories and necropsies and descriptions of the pathological changes, gross and minute in the central nervous system as well as in the vaccinated areas, regional lymphatic glands, and other tissues. Beautifully clear drawings illustrate the histological lesions found in the spinal cord at lower levels. The evidence of aetiology (the science of cause) derived from clinical and histological manifestations is shown to be strong, and is confirmed by the results of biological experiments (experiments on animals made independently by Dr. Paul Fildes and Prof. McIntosh). Inoculation of material from the brain and spinal cord of three of these cases showed the presence of vaccinia virus, no other virus being obtained."

The suspicions of these physicians were first aroused in 1912 when a post-mortem on a recently vaccinated boy of 15 years revealed encephalo-myelitis. In December, 1922, a 9 year old girl came to necropsy with a diagnosis of tubercular meningitis. However the microscope revealed no lesions except recent vaccination scabs, glandular inflammation, in the region of vaccination and slight changes in the central nervous system. Brain and cord presented the same peculiar changes as those found in the boy ten years previously.

"Other cases," says the Lancet, "were now quickly recognized one in a man of 21, and ‘the rest in girls of 7, 12, 15, and 22 respectively. All these patients except one girl died in the course of an acute attack of encephalo-myelitis complicated by broncho pneumonia."

As an example of how these seven cases proceeded the case of the woman 22 years of age will suffice. She was vaccinated while an infant and again on November 29, 1922. Seven days thereafter she developed a severe headache and other symptoms. On the 10th and 12th days she was drowsy and had high fever, On the 13th day she became semi-comatose and on the 14th day she died.

The Lancet for October 9, 1926, states that in Holland, during the period from January 1, 1924, to July 1, 1925: "35 cases, of which 15 were fatal, occurred of Encephalitis following vaccination after an interval of 10 to 30 days," had elapsed.

he Lancet further declares in the article previously quoted from: "Investigation of the possible path of infection gave negative results—Close examination of the vaccinal areas and regional glands yielded but little information, since the histological changes appeared to be essentially similar to those in a control case, a recently vaccinated boy killed in an accident."

This means that the ordinary and regular course of mischief pursued by vaccination may easily result in the production of these diseases. The Lancet further says: "Though the path of infection cannot he traced, the authors would appear to have ample justification for concluding, in view of the close resemblance between the clinical histories, the uniformity of the pathological findings, and the absence of similar cases independent of vaccination that vaccination was a definite causal factor and no chance coincidence." (Italics mine).

In the year 1927 when Mr. Marky and Senator Love debated on vaccination, we exhibited on the platform, a little girl whose body was frightfully twisted, greatly emaciated and paralyzed as a result of vaccination. With the smooth sagacity of the suave politician and with resort to the ancient medical subterfuges of "secondary infection" and "intercurrent malady," Dr. Love attempted to make the audience believe the child’s troubles were due to something other than vaccination. But an "intercurrent affection" is mere bunk. It never existed outside the medical mind. The Lancet had formerly held to the same theory with regard to such cases as cited above. Referring in its issue of August 1, 1925, to the numerous cases on the continent, it declares: "Experiment and pathological research have shown that this form of the disease is not due to the virus of Jenners vaccine"…."There was latent infection" and "vaccination merely hatched it out."

 "Latent infection" is another subterfuge that has long served the blundering medical profession when tuberculosis, syphilis and leprosy follow vaccination. But the end of this subterfuge is drawing near. The Lancet has unsaid what it declared in the quotation above. It declares: "Similar cases independent of vaccination were not observed at the same time nor any other time. The authors give cogent reasons against the assumption that the post-vaccinal cases described by them and by workers abroad are merely examples of poliomyelitis, (inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord) or encephalitis lethargic a (sleeping sickness), in which vaccination was an immaterial accident." It declares that encephalo-myelitis following vaccination always exhibits more extensive lesions than those of sleeping sickness and that "histologically, the inflammation in ordinary cases of poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis) differs conspicuously from that following vaccination." In 1923, 1924 and 1925 great efforts were made in England to have everybody vaccinated. Thousands of vaccinations were performed. There occurred a great increase in the cases of Encephalitis-Lethargica. In 1924, there were 6,296 cases of this and similar affections reported in England and Wales, with a population of 38,746,000; or 162 cases per million of population. In Liverpool, with a population of 836,000 there were reported 257 such cases; or 306 cases per million of population. Liverpool was fifty per cent better vaccinated than the average of England and Wales, and had almost 100% more Encephalitis. I presume this was due to an "intercurrent affection," or a "latent infection," or to a "secondary infection."

The New York State Journal of Medicine, May 15, 1926, carried two articles from foreign Journals discussing similar cases on the European continent. In one of these Carl Leiner, (Vienna) is said to have discussed encaphilitis and meningitis developing in nine to fifteen days after vaccination. He admits that in a generalized infection, like generalized vaccinia, there may be intracranial complications. The article also states that Dr. Lucksch saw three cases and knew of four more and of the seven children, five died. In two autopsies, which he obtained, he was able to show beyond doubt that "death had been due to encephalitis." Bastianse, of the Hague, collected notes of 34 similar cases which occurred in Holland during 18 months of 1924-25, with a mortality of forty per cent—"deadlier if anything than ordinary epidemic encephalitis." "In addition several cases of serious meningitis have been reported."

Three cases reported,, by the author of the article, in Austria, showed that "not only the encephalon but the cord and peripheral nerves may be involved, s that the affection may be spoken of broadly as a meningoencephalitis polyneuntis."

The other article is a brief of an article by Dr. W. F. Winkler, chief of the University Clime of Rostock. It says: "Quite recently isolated cases of cerebral symptoms, suggesting encephalitis, following vaccination have been reported from Holland, Czechoslovakia, and Germany and from Switzerland there have been reported two cases of serious meningitis."

The Netherlands, and other countries, for instance, France, have also reported cases of this kind. In the Journal of the American Medical Association, July 3, 1926, p. 45, is an article by its Berlin correspondent discussing "Nervous disturbances and Smallpox Vaccination." In it are these words: "In regions in which there is no organized vaccination of the population, general paralysis is rare. In patients with general paralysis he (Dr. Daraskwiewicz), has never seen smallpox scars, but vaccination scars were always present." Physicians of Holland declared: "It is impossible to deny a connection between vaccination and the encephalitis which follows it." It is noted that, whereas, boys are most susceptible to post-vaccinal tetanus, girls are most suceptible to post-vaccinal encephalitis.

It would be idle to assert that all cases of local or general paralysis are due to vaccination. There are cases due to other causes also. But these other cases must not be made a basis for denying the evil influence of vaccination, as some vaccine apologists attempt.

How new is the phenomenon? Who knows? Dr. Pierre Baron, Ancien Intern of the Hospitaux of Paris, prefaces his work on post-vaccinal encephalitis (1929), in which his conclusions are based on his own observations, with a case he found after searching through medical annals and unearthed a report of a case in the "Archives de Medicine des Enfants," in 1907. Dr. Combay of the Medical Society of the Hospitals of Paris, reported a case which had occurred in his practice in 1905. Dr. Comby tells of a baby girl, in excellent health when vaccinated at four months of age, who developed convulsions on the eighth day, followed by strabismus and other troubles. She did not die but was left with an "important sequel." She no longer recognized her surroundings; almost forgot how to nurse; had a vague look; "veritable intellectual obnubilation," developed idiocy with progressive cerebral sclerosis (hardening of the brain), and nearing her eighteenth month died. Her death went into medical "statistics" as due to pneumonia—an old trick in hiding their crimes.

Dr. Baron’s book discusses 255 cases of post-vaccinal encephalitis, avowedly discussed as such in medical works. His list is far from complete, for he credits the United States with only four cases, all of these before 1927.

Great Britain appointed two committees to investigate this matter—the Andrews Committee, appointed Nov. 1923, which made its report May 1925; and the Rolleston Committee appointed Feb. 1926, which made its report Feb. 1928. These two committees were composed of eminent medical men all of whom supported vaccination.

The Andrews Committee reported 62 cases of post-vaccinal encephalitis with 36 deaths—40 females and 22 males; average age 10 1/2 years. Four cases were under one year, one case fifty years, and forty-eight cases were from six to sixteen years. Government vaccine had been used in 53 of these cases, of which 30 were fatal. The Rolleston Committee reported 30 cases with 16 fatalities. Government vaccine was used in 18 of these with 8 deaths. This committee also reported the subsequent history of 10 non-fatal cases under 15 years, showing that 4 were permanently injured in some way—in mind, memory, temper, vigor, relapse.

Since vaccination was made compulsory in England and Wales one million infants have died (to 1930) of convulsions, tetanus, encephalitis, meningitis, and other nervous ailments. How many of these were due to vaccination there is now no means of knowing, but in the light of present facts, we are safe in assuming that a large proportion of them died from this cause.

In 1924 there were recorded in England and Wales 5,039 cases of encephalitis lethargica, 397 of cerebro-spinal fever, 777 acute poliomyelitis, 83 of polio-encephalitis—a total of 6,296 cases, with 2,200 deaths, 2,520 permanently injured brains (insane), and 1,575 complete recoveries. The cases in 1924 were three times as great as the yearly average for the nine preceding years. In 1922-23-24 the physicians of England and Wales cooked up a number of smallpox scares causing 288,000 revaccinations. "Extra vaccination was followed by this extra crop of sleepy sickness."

A case of post-vaccinal encephalitis was reported in Ireland in 1930 in a baby boy of 10 pounds. He was vaccinated on May 3 and became ill on May 10, "being cross and very restless with vomiting. Next day he was quiet and apathetic and on admission to the hospital his condition resembled tetanus."

The League of Nations in its Report of Aug. 27, 1928 mentions 139 cases and 41 deaths in Holland. This resulted in Holland stopping compulsory vaccination during 1928-29. The total number of vaccinations in Holland in the first half of 1928 was less than one-third of those for the first half of 1927 and the deaths from encephalitis were reduced to less than one-third.

Germany modified her compulsory vaccination law. She adopted an optional clause, such as the one England had. The International News Service, Feb. 27, 1930 informs us: "The change of attitude of some medical experts towards vaccination in favor of a less rigid enforcement of the law has been brought about mainly through a considerable number of post-vaccinal diseases observed in Holland and England and in sporadic cases in Germany.

"Vaccinated people developed a sort of cerebral inflammation (encephalitis post-vaccinalis) which resulted in a number of deaths and in several cases of a mild form of mental derangement."

Here is part of an item which appeared in the Journal of the American Medical Association for April 5, 1930: "Reisch reports that following the vaccination of 233 children aged between 5 and 10 years, several cases with encephalitic symptoms were observed. Two were especially severe and ended fatally. The necropsy revealed the changes characteristic of encephalomyelitis. Six other children also developed encephalitic symptoms from six to twelve days after the vaccination."

The Report of the Commission of Smallpox and Vaccination of the Health Organization of the League of Nations, Geneva, Aug, 27, 1928, says: "The post-vaccinal encephalitis with which we are dealing has become a problem in itself mainly in consequence of the events of the last few years in the Netherlands and England and Wales. In each of these countries the cases which have occurred have been sufficiently numerous and similar to require them to be considered collectively. Their occurrence has led to the realization that a new, or at least a previously unsuspected or unrecognized, risk attaches to the practice of vaccination."

Now what of America? Do such cases ever occur here? They do. But they are seldom reported and, it seems, are never investigated. In 1930 Julia Motley, age 12, of Irisburg, Va., died of acute infantile paralysis which "seized" her 3 weeks after she had been vaccinatëd. Her parents attributed her death to vaccination, whereupon the State Health authorities came to the rescue of vaccination. The News Leader, Richmond, March 28, 1930 says: "While the parents gave vaccination as the cause of death, Dr. J. V. Shackleford, the physician, states that the death certificate (made out by him, of course), shows that the little girl died of acute infantile paralysis, with which she was seized three weeks after she had been vaccinated."

And that’s that! The physician who vaccinated the girl makes out the death certificate to shield himself and the vaccine and the matter is settled. The girl is now immune to smallpox and the smallpox goddess has been appeased. This reminds me very much of a statement contained in the memorandum, of Professor Jorge, to the Committee of the International Office of Public Hygiene (published in the monthly bulletin of that organization, for Jan. 1927) where he refers to "the motives which weighed with us not to noise abroad in the great press the news of this complication of a prophylactic operation hitherto looked upon (sic) as innocuous . . ." (Italics mine.)

The press probably would not have published the news had they given it out, for, it always protects the medical profession. The press is as good about suppressing the truth as Professor Jorge and his coworkers. The mediums of intelligence (?), our newspapers, magazines, movies, churches and schools, play a vast part in the continual bunking of our more or less brainy public, while every subsidized press or scientist. professor or preacher, is entirely a political organ, at the heck and call of the exploiters. Of course, when it is all said and done, the class of nincom-poops who take any stock in the stuff dished out, do not really count. They are like the defenders of any kind of "it-works-one-day-a-week" philosophy: in that when the tide rises, they will be found to be without a bathing suit.

Surgeon Chas. Armstrong, in Public Health Reports, Aug. 23, 1929, says in an article on post-vaccinal encephalitis: "In so far as the age factor is concerned, the custom in this country of performing primary vaccinations at the sixth or seventh year would seem to predispose our population to the complication. Cases have, moreover, occurred. Wilson and Ford, and Fulgham and Beykirk have reported 3 cases in this country which were confirmed by pathological studies. Other possible cases based on clinical and epidemiological grounds have been reported from Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, Maryland, Illinois, California. Washington. and the District of Columbia."

The Weekly Bulletin of the Dept. of Health, of New York City, Sept. 7. 1929 devotes several pages to a discussion of post-vaccinal encephalitis and says: "Although only a few cases have been reported in the United State, it seems advisable to call physicians’ attention to this complication so that any cases in which persons recently vaccinated show symptoms pointing to the central nervous system can he carefully investigated."

It may be interesting enough for physicians to study symptoms pointing to the central nervous system but it will not be interesting to you or your afflicted child. Since the medical profession is determined not to abandon this filthy and deadly practice, no matter how many children are sickened, maimed and killed, it is up to you to prevent post-vaccmal encephalitis, and all the other troubles discussed in this chapter, by not permitting sour child to be infected with this dirty cow pus.

It is your child. It does not belong to the state. It was not born into this world to furnish money to the medical profession. You are responsible for its care and training. If you betray your child by giving it over to this modern moloch, you deserve a worse fate than any Dante ever pictured. Parents owe certain responsibilities to their children. One of these is certainly to guard these children against attack from all foes, including the foes of their health. It is the duty of every parent to "refuse and resist" vaccination for his or her children, wherever such a parent may live and whatever the circumstances under which the vaccination is demanded. Fight, go to jail, resist in every possible manner the cow-pox bullies and their putrescent points. In Italy some years ago, when a group of physicians invaded the homes of Italian mountaineers to forcibly vaccinate the children, the mountaineers simply stripped the pus-punchers of their clothes, gave them a liberal dose of their own "medicine," and sent them scurrying home. I recommend this measure for immediate adoption in this country. Let the rascals suffer as they make others suffer. It will teach them a much needed lesson.

In reply to an inquiry, addressed to the United States Public Health Service, by Senator Robt. F. Wagner, New York, Surgeon Ceneral Hugh S. Cumming says: "One case (of encephalitis followirig vaccination) in the United States was published in 1929 and two in 1927. These three cases seem to be definitely established as sequebe of vaccination. Several other cases less well established have come to our attention but need not be considered here."

That these and all figures given in this reply are not complete is evident from the closing paragraph of his letter. He says: "Although a search has been made of the literature since 1925, we cannot be sure that this is a complete list. While the Public Health Service endeavors to learn of and in many instances to investigate untoward cases suspected of being caused by biologic products, there is no legal mechanism requiring the reporting of such cases to the Public Health Service."

The Report of the Surgeon General of the U. S. Army, 1918, shows that during 1917 there were admitted to the army hospitals 19,608 men suffering from anti-typhoid inoculation and vaccinia. The Report for 1919 covering the year 1918 shows the total admissions suffering from typhoid vaccination to be 23,191, and 10,830 suffering from vaccinia. Assuming that the proportions of those suffering from these two inoculations were about the same for the two years it means that approximately 20,000 were in the army hospitals admittedly suffering from smallpox vaccination. This takes no account of those whose sufferings were attributed to something else, nor of those whose sufferings; though great, were not great enough to cause them to be sent to the hospitals.

The Chicago Tribune, June 6, 1926, carried the account of the death of Kasmir Jeskey, 10-year-old son of Mrs. Anna Jesky, 1523 17th Ave., Meirose Park. The Tribune stated: "Blood poisoning believed to have resulted from vaccination yesterday claimed the life of Kasmir Jesky."

The Report of The Register General, England, from 1875 to 1923 recorded 1,464 deaths officially admitted to have been caused by vaccination. These figures give but a small part of the picture for most such deaths are covered up. For instance, in one series of deaths caused by vaccination, Public Enquiry revealed that vaccination had been mentioned as a cause in only one case. In another series of seventeen deaths following vaccination, investigated by a medical man, who published the details, only one death had been attributed to vaccination. One British physician said: "In certificates given by us voluntarily and to which the public have access, it is scarcely to be expected that a medical man will give opinions which may tell against or reflect upon himself in any way, or which are likely to cause annnoyance or injury to the survivors. In such cases he will most likely tell the truth, but not the whole truth, and assign some prominent symptom as the cause of death. As instances of cases which may tell against the medical man himself, I will mention erysipelas after vaccination and pueperal fever. A death from the first cause occurred not long ago in my practice, and although I had not vaccinated the child, yet in my desire to preserve vaccination from reproach, I omitted all mention of it from my certificate of death."

Vaccination must be saved from reproach at all costs. Who cares how many children are killed if only vaccination may be saved from dishonor. It is up to parents to put an end to this crippling and maiming of children. It is the sacred duty of all parents to protect their children from all harm. If the medical profession is not honorable enough to abandon this highly remunerative, though evil and deadly practice, it behooves parents to cut their professional throats.

Will it be urged that while vaccination is often productive of harm and death, it produces less of these than it prevents? If so, I shall show that this is not true. But, grant for a moment the truth of the assertion, it is still true that to force such a dangerous process upon one is unjustifiable. It is a danger and we each have a right to choose between two dangers. Compulsory vaccination is a crime.

The Christian Herald, England, July 7, 1927, carries an account of a smallpox epidemic, of a very serious type, in 15 departments (counties) in France, with a death rate of nearly 50 per cent in women and about 33 per cent in men. All of these cases were vaccinated people—many of the victims having been vaccinated as many as three times. If vaccination protects, why did it fail in these cases?

In our army during the Spanish American War and in the Philippines the soldiers had been vaccinated, not only annually, but every six weeks. Chief Surgeon Lippincott said: "Vaccination is carried on as regularly as post drill." Yet the official report shows 276 cases of smallpox in 1899 with 78 deaths; 246 cases in 1900 with 113 deaths; and 125 cases with 37 deaths in 1901; the case fatality of nearly fifty per cent, in 1900 being the highest ever recorded for this disease in the army a well vaccinated army, if ever there was one.

In 1872 Japan passed a compulsory vaccination law which was rigidly enforced. But smallpox continued to "ravage" that country. In 1885 another law was passed requiring revaccination every seven years. From 1886 to 1892 there were 25,474,370 vaccinations, revaccinations and re-re-vaccinations recorded in Japan. During these same seven years, 1886 to 1892, Japan had 156,175 cases of smallpox, with 38,979 deaths, or a case fatality of nearly twenty-five per cent which exceeds the smallpox death-rate of the pre-vaccination period when nobody was vaccinated. In a single year (1893) Japan had 41,898 cases of smallpox with 11,852 deaths.

In 1896 the Japanese Parliment passed an act, which was immediately signed by the Mikado, requiring every resident of Japan, whatever his or her station in life, to be vaccinated and revaccinated every five years. The act was rigidly enforced under severe penalties. Baron Takalira boasted in London in 1906, at the Jubilee Dinner of the Society of Medical Officers of Health of England that:

"There are no anti-vaccinationists in Japan. Every child is vaccinated before it is six months old, revaccinated when it enters school at six years and again re-vaccinated at fourteen years of age when going to the middle school, and the men are re-vaccinated before entering the army, while a further re-vaccination is enforced whenever an outbreak of smallpox occurs."

Notice the last part of this statement. If vaccination prevents smallpox, how do "outbreaks of smallpox" occur in such a thoroughly vaccinated country? There can be but one answer; namely, Vaccination does not protect.

This compulsory vaccination law became effective in Japan in 1896. In 1897 there were 49,946 cases of smallpox in Japan, with 2,276 deaths from this cause. In 1908 there were 10,067 cases with 5,837 deaths officially recorded. From 1889 to 1908 Japan had 171,611 cases of smallpox with 47,919 deaths. If anybody thinks that vaccination, re-vaccination, and re-re-vaccination prevents or mitigates smallpox, let him look at these figures. Here is a case fatality of nearly 30 per cent. It would be interesting to know to what extent the disease was mitigated by vaccination in those 47,919 fatal cases of post-vaccinal smallpox.

The New York Medical Journal, July 22, 1899, contains an article on "Vaccination in Italy," by Chas. Rauta, M.D., Prof. of Hygiene and Materia Medica in the University of Perguia, Italy. In this he points out that "Italy is one of the best vaccinated countries in the world, if not the best of all, and we can prove that mathematically." He says further: "For twenty years before 1885, our Nation was vaccinated in the proportion of 98.5 per cent. Notwithstanding, the epidemics of smallpox that we have had have been something so frightful that nothing before the invention of vaccination could equal them." "During 1887, we had 16,249 deaths from smallpox; in 1888, 18,110; and in 1889, 13,413."

Referring to the Italian army, in which "vaccination had been performed twice a year in the most satisfactory manner for many years past" he says that, "now we see that soldiers not protected because vaccination did not ‘take’ were less attacked by smallpox than those ‘duly protected,’ by the good results of their re-vaccination; and that the death-rate in those vaccinated with good results was greater than among those in whom the vaccination did not take."

We have forced vaccination on the Philippines since we took over the Islands. Spain had done the same thing previously. In 1905-06; 1907-08 and in 1918-19 these Islands experienced severe smallpox epidemics, the 1918-19 one being the worst of all. There were 47,887 cases of smallpox with 16,578 deaths officially reported in 1918. In Manila alone, the best vaccinated part of the Islands, there were 1,326 cases and 869 deaths, or a case mortality of 65.3 per cent. The lowest mortality, 11.4 per cent was in Mindanao, the least vaccinated portion of the islands.

The Health Service got busy and vaccinated thousands and thousands, performing about four vaccinations for each inhabitant in Manila. This was followed in 1919 with 99,300 cases of smallpox, with 47,395 deaths. In two years time in a population of less than 11,000,000 there were 147,187 cases of smallpox and 63,973 deaths.

The 1920 Report of the Philippine Health Service, (see pages 141 and 142), makes the following very brief comment: "From the time in which smallpox was practically eradicated in the city of Manila to the year 1918 (about 9 years) in which the epidemic appeared certainly in one of its severest forms, hundreds after hundreds of thousands of people were yearly vaccinated with the most unfortunate result that the 1918 epidemic looks prima facie as a flagrant failure of the classic immunization towards future epidemics." (Italics mine.)

Alibies were offered for the failure, however, and the dirty work continues. No matter how great the evil, those who profit from it will not correct it—not so long as profits are still to be made therefrom.

There is an unvaccinated country in this world without smallpox. Australia is the great unvaccinated country and despite dire predictions of disaster from vaccine advocates, Australia remains free from smallpox. Three-fourths of her population have always been in the never-vaccinated class. Under the modern theory that vaccinal immunity lasts only five years (Italy vaccinated twice a year and failed) 21/2% of her population are "protected."

In the whole of Australian history less than one person a year has died of smallpox. Many of these were from the outside and were simply quarantined there. In Queensland where the official figures show 1 vaccination for every 1,500 births the state has had but one "outbreak." In 1892 a well-vaccinated quarantine official "contracted" the disease on ship. There were no other cases. The "epidemic" had no show among an unvaccinated people. In Victoria in 21 years there were 5 deaths from smallpox and 14 deaths from vaccination—these are only those deaths that are honestly attributed to this cause. This coincides with the reports of the Register General of England covering a period of years in which there were, in England, 42 deaths from smallpox under five years of age and 157 deaths officially admitted to have been due to vaccination. There are also the official figures which show that "only 109 children (under five) in England and Wales died of smallpox in the twenty-nine years ending December, 1933, but 270 died of vaccination" in the same period in these two countries.

In England and Scotland the decline of vaccination has been accompanied by the practical disappearance of smallpox. Here are the figures, briefly England, 1871-75 percentage of vaccination 97.6%; smallpox deaths per million people, 228; 1910-20 percentage of vaccination 43.9; smallpox deaths per million people 0.4.

Scotland, 1855-1874 one of the best vaccinated countries of the world, "not an unvaccinated child in Scotland;" 9,087 children under five years old died of smallpox; 1907-1919 with about one-third of the children vaccinated only 7 deaths under five years from smallpox.

I would not go so far as to say that vaccination has never saved a single person from smallpox. It is a matter of record that thousands of the victims of this superstitious rite have been saved by the immunizing potency of death. But it is a fact that the official statistics of England and Wales show unmistakably that, while vaccination has killed ten times more people than smallpox, there has been a decrease in smallpox concomitant with the decrease in vaccination. The following table of official statistics from England and Wales giving the average annual percentage of births vaccinated and the number of smallpox deaths registered will prove instructive to all intelligent readers:.


Period                  Percentage of births
                                           Vaccinated           Smallpox deaths

1872-1881                     85.5                           3,708.2

1882-1891 .                       82.1                         923.0

1892-1901                      67.9                         436.5

1892-1911..                       67.6                         395.3

1912-1921                      43.3                           12.2

1922-1931                             43.1                           25.0

1932-1941                      34.9                             1.4

During the period when 85.5 percent of all babies born were vaccinated and another ten per cent of them died before they were old enough for vaccination, these two countries had an average annual number of 3,708 deaths from smallpox. When vaccination had declined until only about one-third of the infants born were vaccinated the average annual death rate in smallpox had dropped to less than two a year. It may be appropriately asked, in the words of the Vaccination Inquirer (London), Feb. 1947: "How could an operation that was declining be responsible for the extermination of smallpox?"

In 1942 a case of smallpox at Swindon (Britain) resulted in the vaccination of large numbers of people. Only three cases of smallpox occurred and these all recovered, but twelve vaccinated individuals died from inflammation of the brain. In the same year near Edinburg, Scotland eight people died of smallpox (six of these had been vaccinated) while ten died from the effects of vaccination.

In Britain during the years 1939 to 1944 there were 60 cases of post-vaccinal encephalitis, 31 of whom died. This is a fatality rate of slightly more than fifty percent. During this same period, there were but 21 cases of confirmed smallpox with but three deaths. There were, in other words, in Britain during this period, three times as many cases of post-vaccinal encephalitis as of smallpox and ten times as many deaths from post-vaccinal encephalitis as from smallpox. As these figures are official and are supplied by the British medical profession itself, as they make the diagnoses and report the cases and deaths, they constitute damaging admissions by the profession that, while vaccination does not prevent smallpox, vaccinia is a much more dangerous disease than smallpox.

Since the first edition of this book was published, England, the first nation in the world to pass a compulsory vaccination law, has repealed her law and no one in the British Empire, not even in her armed forces, is forced to submit to vaccination. Since 1907 nobody among her citizens or in her armed forces was compelled to be vaccinated if he conscientiously objected to it. On the same ground parents could avoid vaccination for their children. In this land of the craven and home of the slave, a land that proudly boasts that it gained its freedom in 1776 from this same British Empire, vaccination is still compulsory in several of our states and in many cities outside these states, as well as in the armed forces of the country. Civil service employees are also compelled to submit or lose their jobs.

Smallpox is always worse where vaccination abounds. The scratch of vaccination is the "scratch of death." Yet our medically controlled Health Boards cook up fake epidemics, create panics for profit, such as the ones in Kansas City in 1921, Pittsburgh in 1924, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington in 1925. An effort was also made to create a panic in New York in 1925, but due to the open fight against it by the New York Evening Graphic, the Commissioner of Health called it off.

Surgeon J. P. Leake, says in Public Health Reports, Jan. 28, 1927, the weekly bulletin of the U. S. Public Health Service: "Will a nonimmunized person contract smallpox if exposed to the disease? By no means uniformly. Exposure to smallpox, especially to the milder forms, without contracting the disease frequently occurs and is no definite evidence of immunity. The number of cases of smallpox among the unprotected persons in contact with patients suffering from the disease is very much less than 100 per cent

"Though smallpox is unquestionably many times more frequent in the unvaccinated than in those who have had even a single vaccination, it is believed that neither the vaccination history nor the presence of scars should be given diagnostic weight. The unreliability of such a criterion is especially evident in virulent outbreaks of the disease

"The purpuric, uniformly fatal form of smallpox , is the most difficult to prevent by vaccination, and cases of this form, without a true smallpox eruption, may occur in persons with a fairly good vaccination history . .

"The mildness of the form of smallpox commonest at present is one reason for endeavoring to make preventive vaccination as harmless and as mild as possible

"Cases and even fatalities, occur in every severe epidemic among persons who were vaccinated in good time but with vaccine found, too late, to be of insufficient potency; such cases and fatalities also occur among persons thought to be protected by successful vaccination performed years previously."

You are vaccinated and have smallpox. The vaccine was of "insufficient potency," although this was discovered too late—that is, after you have the smallpox. You are vaccinated and do not develop smallpox—it is assumed that the vaccine was potent. It is like the old test for mushrooms—eat them and live they are mushrooms; eat them and die, they are toad stools.

In 1926, 130 members of the Dallas (Tex.) Chamber of Commerce cancelled their trip to Mexico because vaccination was required as a precedent to entrance. Nearly a 100 medical men, at a conference in Dallas, went to Mexico, after they obtained permission to enter without being vaccinated. Think this over before you submit your child to this evil and superstitious rite.

In this country the risks from vaccination, according to official figures, which are slanted in favor of vaccination, is ten times greater than the risk of smallpox. According to the figures of the United States Public Health Service there were officially reported an average of sixteen deaths per million vaccinations in this country in the years 1925 to 1928 inclusive. These deaths cover only those officially admitted to have been due to vaccination and do not include the deaths from encephalitis, meningitis, etc., which resulted from vaccination. Up to that time twenty cases of encephalitis had been officially reported in the United States as resulting from vaccination. The Public Health service instituted an investigation to determine the extent of such cases in this country, but I have seen no report of their findings.

During the years 1927 to 1929 inclusive there were officially reported an average of 1.18 deaths per million population from smallpox in the United States. In many of these deaths, smallpox is not given as the primary cause of death. Deaths from smallpox have almost reached the vanishing point in this country, only thirteen states of which require vaccination precedent to school attendance and none of which require vaccination of infants and adults outside the armed forces.

Due to the fact that vaccination is more dangerous than smallpox, many leading medical men refrain from vaccinating their own children. An editorial in American Medicine, March, 1914, says:

"The growing opposition to vaccination is a matter of grave concern. This new movement . . . is not the illogical and absurd anti-vaccinationist crusade, but is the conviction on the part of very intelligent men, that it is useless to protect against an infection which they may never encounter . . . This attitude is not confined to laymen, but is taken by those leading men in the medical profession who postpone vaccination of their own kith and kin until the last moment. Two world renowned men have confessed to us that they have had their children vaccinated only in obedience to public opinion in and out of the profession . . . So we hear men saying that there is not one chance in a million of their children being infected with smallpox, but that there is far more chance of pus infection or tetanus from the vaccine .

This criminal practice will end as soon as parents develop sufficient interest in the welfare of their children. At present parents offer up their children on the altars of the smallpox goddess, because commercial ghouls demand it, and hope that the children will not be greatly injured. If a child is invalided for life or is killed, the parents meekly accept the lying excuses of the scoundrels who maim and murder children for money, cry a little, and return to their movies and joy rides. Reader, do you know how Judas felt after he had sold his master for a few pieces of silver? If you have surrendered your child to be vaccinated and inoculated, after you learned the truth, you know how he felt. There is one great difference between you and him—Judas had decency enough to go out and hang himself.


Serum Poisoning


Parents are frightened into having their babies and children "immunized" against a whole series of diseases, having them inoculated with vaccines, serums, anti-toxins and toxoids of all kinds. The constant stream of propaganda carried on by the pharmaceutical houses and commercial medicine to keep this profitable business alive is filled with manufactured and "doctored" statistics, lies, distortions and statements designed to frighten parents. The whole purpose of this propaganda is not to secure the health and welfare of children, but to guarantee the steady inflow of profits to the physicians and manufacturing drug houses.

In Red Book Magazine, Aug. 1952, Edward T. Wilkes, M.D. presents a "New Immunization Schedule for Infants." It is the schedule announced by the Michigan State Health Department and is similar to the one recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Here it is:

"Injections against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus are to be started at three months instead of six, as formerly prescribed. The reason for this is that more than half the deaths from whooping cough occur in infants under six months of age (I wonder what this death rate under six months in whooping cough has to do tetanus and diphtheria?)

"Smallpox vaccination should be given at five months.

"Booster shots for protection against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus are recommended at the age of two or three years.

"Immunization against diphtheria, tetanus and smallpox should be renewed at five or six years of age and again at nine or ten years."

Vaccines and serums are given on the theory that they "act" in the same way as one "attack" of an "infectious" disease in immunizing the patient against a second "attack." Years ago, in my Regeneration of Life I proved this theory, that one "attack" immunizes against a second "attack," to be illogical, unscientific and contrary to the facts. I showed that one may have smallpox, for instance, five times following immediately upon the heels of five successful vaccinations. Cases are on record of patients who had pneumonia as much as fifteen to fifty times. Think this over and answer the question: What kind of serum will ever be found to immunize us against pneumonia? But if not against pneumonia, how about other so-called infectious diseases? Suppose we study diphtheria.

Quain’s Dictionary of Medicine, (1902 edition) says: "One attack of diphtheria confers no prolonged immunity upon its subject. Even during convalesence the patient has been known to develop the disease afresh, and this may be repeated more than once."

Coodall and Washbourn, in A Manual of Infectious Diseases, state: "It is uncertain how far one attack of this disease (diphtheria) protects against a second. Certainly relapses and second attacks are not very rare."

It is certain from these facts that toxin-antitoxin can no more immunize a child against diphtheria than against burning by fire. In this connection, physicians tell us that babies are immune to diphtheria, inheriting their immunity from the mother, but that they lose their inherited immunity at about six to nine months. The mother must have lost hers at about that same age. Where and how did she reacquire her immunity in order that she might transmit it to her child?

A substance called, "diphtheria toxin" is mixed with antitoxin to make toxin-antitoxin. J. W. Hermetet, M.D., in an address published in the Illinois Medical Journal, Nov. 19, 1929, p. 368 says. of this toxin, which he refers to as a "deadly toxin," that "toxins are the most concentrated forms of poisonous material. ... One ounce of diphtheria toxin will kill 600,000 guinea pigs or 75,000 large dogs."

In the Annals of Internal Medicine, Jan. 1929, C. D. Mercer, M.D., says that "Toxin-antitoxin is not a harmless preparation and should not be given to school children in a haphazard way."

The United States Public Health Service gives the ideal mixture of "antitoxin" and "diphtheria toxin," (forming toxin-antitoxin), as of such a poisonous character that when five doses are inoculated into each of five guinea pigs two shall die acutely in four to ten days and the other three shall die of diphtheria paralysis in from fifteen to thirty-five days. Only a thoroughly dishonest Health Board or school physician can ever represent this poisonous mixture as harmless.

Jesse R. Gersterley, M.D., reported a case of sudden death from nephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) in a child, following inoculation with toxin-antitoxin. This report was published in The Medical Clinics of North America, March 1926. This report caused C. D. Mercer, M.D., F.A.C.P., of West Union, Iowa, to investigate the dangers of this serum.

He reports, Annals of Internal Medicine, Jan. 1929, p. 668 that, out of 125 children, between the ages of six and twenty who were inoculated 27, or 20% of them, showed albuminuria after the third toxin-antitoxin inoculation, compared to only 13, or 10%, presenting this symptom of kidney destruction prior to the inoculation. He says that "a great many apparently healthy ,children have albuminuria" and that "administration of T-A (toxin anti-toxin)’ doubled that percentage in 120 school children."

E. Gatewood, M.D., and C. C. Baldridge, M.D., say in the Journal of the American Medical Associations April 2, 1927: "A multiplicity of untoward sequelae have been observed in patients treated with immune serum. The common symptomatology includes fever, urticaria, erythema, oedema, lymphadenoma, (malignant tumor of the lymph glands), arthralgia (pain in the joints), smothering sensations, headache, nausea and vomiting. Occasionally there are more serious and lasting manifestations such as peripheral neuritis, epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis, a small body attached to the testicle), and orchitis." (inflammation of the testicles).

I may add that paralysis, convulsions, inflammation of the heart, heart failure, and sudden death are also more frequent results than the general public is aware of. For a convincing array of such cases, taken from standard literature of the subject, I must refer the reader to my Serum Poisoning a Medical Crime.

On Jan. 27, 1928, in Bundaberg, Australia, 8 children received their second inoculations of toxin-antitoxin and thirteen received their first inoculatinos. The Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiries into Fatalities at Bundaberg, published by the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, June 13, 1928 says: "Of these twenty-one children, eighteen became ill with symptoms of significant similarity during the night of the 27th January or the early morning of the 28th January. Eleven died during the 28th January, and one on the 29th January."

"My little darlings; they are all gone" was the heart wringing cry that came from one poor mother as they lowered her 3 sons, victims of this medical slaughter, into their little graves. One father was at the burial where his two daughters were buried, while the mother was at the hospital with her two sons, who, with more than a score of others, were seriously ill. Efforts were made to whitewash this "accident," as it was called, but well-informed people are not blinded by such efforts.

At Baden, near Vienna, Austria, in an infant’s home, in September 1923, seven children died as a result of toxin-antitoxin inoculations. As a result the Austrian government outlawed the use of this serum: The British Medical Journal, Sept. 26, 1925, page 578, says:

"On the advice of professor Piruqet, active immunization of school children against diptheria with toxin-antitoxin has been forbidden in Austria.

In 1919 a similar thing happened in Dallas, Texas. Forty "severe reactions" with ten deaths from acute myocarditis (heart disease), resulted in the H. K. Mulford.Company paying damages to the extent of $78,000 in 69 suits. This case was also white-washed as an "accident."

In 1924 at Concord and Bridgewater, Mass., other groups in schools suffered severely. The white-wash in these cases was that the serum had been allowed to freeze before using. In 1926 when the famous publicity stunt was pulled off, whereby, a dog team carried serum over land to Nome, Alaska, which did not have an epidemic of diphtheria and which knew nothing of the Herculean efforts to save it, it was explained that freezing the serum does not damage it.

In July 1929, little ten-year-old Anna Voight, New York City, died a few hours after having received an injection of anti-lockjaw serum for a slight wound she had received. In his report, the Assistant Medical Examiner, Benjamin Vance, M.D., gave the cause of death in these words: "Sudden death following administration of antitoxin."

An article in the Daily News (New York), of Aug. 15, 1953, lies about the killing of Pfc. John Moccia, of New York City, when it says in an effort to shield the serum, that "it was a dog bite which got Johnny." This twenty-three year old soldier died on the morning of Aug. 14 of encephalitis caused by anti-rabies shots. It was the medical profession that "got Johnny," as they get thousands of others with their damaging and killing methods of preventing and curing disease."

Bitten on the hand by a dog on Aug. 3 anti-rabies shots were started the following day. These are said to have been followed by a "mild reaction," that is, mild symptoms of poisoning. He was sent home and then "trouble struck hard." He was rushed to the post hospital where he died. The fact that they thought he was out of danger and sent him home reveals how little they know.

The Daily News story says that "an examination showed that Johnny had died of encephalitis. ‘Only one person in 5,000 who takes rabies injections gets encephalitis, and only one victim in 1,000 of encephalitis dies,’ an Army medical man said, shaking his head at the improbable thing which happened to Johnny."

It was not an improbable thing which had happened to Johnny, although these venders of pus and putridity always offer statistics to show that such killings are rare. John Moccia was killed as certainly as if he had been shot down in Korea. He did not die "of a dog bite" as the Daily News said, but of vaccine poisoning. Had he never had the anti-rabies shots he would still be alive and as sound as the Army permits its men to be. Why the shots? Is there a physician in the U.S. today who does not know that rabies is a myth? Is there a physician in the whole world who does not know that all vaccines and serums are dangerous, frequently very damaging and sometimes fatal? Do they not all know that every vaccine and serum is without value? Do they not all know that the vaccine and serum practice is as great a racket as the blood-transfusing racket that is still being farmed by the Red Cross, "to save a fighting man’s life" after the Army has discontinued using blood? Rabies! Hydrophobia! Mad dog! Myths that are kept alive for the money that is to be made out of them. How long will a misinformed and cowed public continue to permit itself to be exploited by soulless scoundrels in this manner?

Did I but have the space, I could give the reader accounts of numerous such cases, since it has become the custom to inoculate everyone with tetanus antitoxin for every pin scratch, nail prick, burn, and to do the same for parturient mothers.

Death and damage comes from all serums. On May 14, (1930) news came from Germany, of the death of 8 babies, in the Luebeck home for infants, and serious illness of 24 others, caused by inoculation with a tuberculosis serum from cows. Deaths continued to occur until on June 4, the news from Luebeck stated that: "Two infants died today, bringing the toll from administration of anti-tubercular serum to twenty-eight persons. Many others are not expected to live." On June 18, news came from Luebeck that "deaths from inoculation with anti-tuberculosis serum here have reached a total of 41, eighty-five infants are ifi." On June 26 the death-toll had reached 44 and eighty-two others were ill.

Killed them to save them! And the process goes on. Parents are indifferent or apathetic. Law makers wink their eyes and grant licenses to more men to carry on the same practices, while aiding in persecuting Christian Scientists, Chiropractors, Naturopaths, Hygienists and others.

The serum employed was that concocted by the notorious Calmette, of France, the B. C. G. vaccine that is said, though falsely, to prevent tuberculosis. This vaccine has left a trail of disaster behind it wherever it has been used. It does not and, of course, cannot protect from tuberculosis. The only prevention of tuberculosis is scrupulous hygiene. Given this and no one need fear the disease. Not even children of tubercular parents, though in constant association with them, will develop tuberculosis, if they are cared for hygienicalily.

In St. Louis, Mo. in the Fall of 1901, eleven children were killed and scores injured, by prophylactic doses of diphtheria anti-toxin. This is the serum that is supposed to cure diphtheria. It has never saved a single case. On the contrary, as I have shown in Serum Poisoning A Medical Crime, it increased the death-rate; and it is only by skillful juggling of statistics that it can be made to appear to have lowered the death-rate.

When wholesale deaths follow an orgy of inoculations, it is customary to blame the deaths on faulty serum. As an example of this, there was the large number of deaths reported in Japan in December, 1949 following inoculation with diphtheria anti-toxin. On Dec. 30, the press reported 64 deaths and 900 ill from the inoculations. The inoculations were halted, while the serum was being investigated. I do not know how many more of the 900 who were ill also died, nor how many of them were left with serious after effects. The press did not find this matter to be "news."

But all deaths from inoculations and all serious disease resulting from these inoculations are not due to "faulty serums." On the contrary, in every orgy of inoculation, as in the army, many serious troubles arise and deaths are often reported. In these instances, "faulty serum" is not blamed—only when several deaths and much serious sickness follow do they find the serum to be "faulty." But all inoculations give rise to troubles ranging all the way from slight, transient trouble to instantaneous death from anaphylaxis. In many instances, serious permanent organic impairment has resulted.

Despite all of this injury and danger, parents might be justified in taking a chance with the health and life of their children, did the inoculations actually prevent the diseases against which they are directed. But there is not a shred of unequivocal evidence that any vaccine or serum will or can prevent any disease or render it milder.

The American Medical Journal, March 16, 1929 tells us that two Chicago physicians sent out a questionnaire to 4,426 picked medical men, asking their opinions on vaccine and serum therapy. Some 1,261 physicians replied. Their replies are described as "exceedingly unfavorable," while over 90% of those replying state that they do not employ vaccines and serums. They say: "Of the 396 physicians in the list who answered as members of the Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons, not one considered the use of vaccines a superior method of treatment of infectious diseases."

In Oct. 1925 an effort was made to introduce toxin-antitoxin into the public schools of London, England, as it has been introduced over here. The London County Council referred the matter to their "Public Health and Education Committee." This Committee rejected the proposal, saying, among other things, "it is not advisable" because "these lines of investigation (of toxin-anti-toxin) should be thoroughly explored before further consideration is given to the immunization of school children."

That toxin-antitoxin does not immunize against diphtheria is certain from many facts. Sir George Newman, Chief Medical officer of the British Ministry of Health, says in his 1927 Annual Report, page 188: "Owing to the few months which must elapse from the time of inoculation until the child is sufficiently protected to resist an attack of diphtheria, this type of inoculation has no immediate effect in checking an epidemic. How long immunity lasts cannot be determined. Three doses will produce full immunity in 80 or 90 per cent of the children."

Not over 15% of children ever have diphtheria, even during an epidemic. If the inoculation only "immunizes the 85% to 90% who would not have diphtheria anyway, why give it?

Dr. Peters, lecturer on infectious diseases, University of Bristol, says that one of his fever hospital nurses, who was not allowed in the diphtheria ward until six weeks after the last two or three doses of toxin-antitoxin, developed diphtheria, and two other nurses developed diphtheria while being immunized, but who’ were not in contact with any known case of the disease. His opinion, based on his hospital experience, he states as follows:

"1. You can have diphtheria after you have given a negative Schick test." (Proving the test to be unreliable).

"2. You may not be particularly susceptible even if you give a positive Schick test." (Proving the test to be utterly worthless).

"3. You can have the disease even if you have been immunized." (Proving that the immunization process does not immunize.)

Dr. Joe, of Edinburgh, states that he personally knew of 33 children who had diphtheria after they had been immunized—immunized! Hundreds of such examples have been reported.

Compare this with the fact that the cities of Lasalle, Peru and Oglesby, Ill., were reported, in The Illinois Medical Journal, Nov. 1929, p. 337, by Arlington Ailes, M.D., Health Director of these three cities, aggregating 30,000 people, not to have had a case of diphtheria in two and one-half years and not a death from this disease in three and one-half years, with the use of toxin-antitoxin ‘practically nil." Their neighboring city, Chicago, where toxin-antitoxin has been lavishly used showed a rise in both the case rate and death rate. "In 1928 it (diphtheria in Chicago) again increased over 60 percent and nearly 100 percent in mortality." Let them find an alibi for these facts if they can. But you save your children from the dangers of all serums and vaccines.


Commercial Medicine


I am an incurable idealist and a chronic optimist, but I am not able to shut my eyes to what I see going on around me. I don’t believe in looking always on the "bright side" of things and refusing to examine the darker side. In the human garden there flourish some mighty foul weeds, most of them cunningly disguised, that need to be looked at and destroyed.

Ours is a system of pig-ethics. I do not mean by this merely our love of wallowing, but include also our selfishness, our game of grab and stab. Modem business of all kinds is just such a game, cleverly disguised, though it often is, under a pretense of philanthropy, service and idealism. At the root of business, and supplying its motive power is a sordid commercialism that does not hesitate to trample the most sacred things of life, even life, itself, in the mud and mire to attain its selfish ends. Idealism can make little or no headway in our world until these pig-ethics are destroyed. For our pig-ethics employs idealism, not as a working principle, nor yet as a way of life, hut as a cloak to mask the ulterior motives of the fraud and the cheat.

Some years ago a large drugless sanitarium, located in Battle Creek, offered stock for sale. The heads let it be known that they expected to pay dividends amounting to returns of twenty per cent, upon the investment. Think of this! A professedly humanitarian institution run on the same basis as a steel mill, or a public utilities corporation! Besides providing a fat living for the actual workers in the institution, they could pay large dividends to absentee owners. Does it not look as if the sick, with one foot in the grave, were going to keep the healthy on easy street.

This shameless exploitation of the sick and dying is carried on by every so-called school of healing on earth. Then, when a patient dies, the undertaker comes, with the same commercial motives, the same pig-ethics, and while the grief-stricken wife or husband, mother or son feels that there is nothing that he or she would not do for the beloved deceased, takes a mean advantage of this emotional state and holds them up on a fashionable burial.

In more recent years the shameless exploiters of human life and health, not content with the profits they were deriving from their abuses of the actually sick, have found ways and means to exploit the non-sick as well. As of old, this new form of exploitation hides behind a smoke-screen of altruism; the exploiters are doing it all for the good of humanity, for the public health, for the protection of our children, etc. Medical science is a form of madness from which few medical men ever recover. Backed by commercialism, this madness runs rough-shod over, the life and health of the people.

Few of us ever stop to consider the power of slogans in their effect upon the mob mind. "To Hell with Autocracy," "Down with the Kaiser," "Berlin or Bust," "Make the World safe for Democracy," "Work or fight," "Bonds or’ Bums," or "Bonds or Bread Lines," "Republicans and Prosperity," "Democrats and Disaster," "Save the Children," "Buy a Tag," "There’s a reason," "A Baby in every bottle," etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam, are only a few of the soul stirring slogans that have helped to make this republic what it now is.

We are misled by these cheap slogans and have come to "think" in slogans and act in slogans. The man or woman who has a sincere and intense feeling towards humanity, a feeling that constitutes a religion in itself, and which is too broad and deep to exist in the narrow confines of any creed and too strong to be devoured by the greeds of the time, must look on this spectacle with hatred and disgust.

Huge sums of money are collected to feed and clothe and care for the suffering and needy in foreign lands. What for? So that big business can sell its goods to these needy ones. It is a game of you pay for my goods and I’ll ship them to the hungry in China. Organized charity is a cold, soulless business; a system of exploitation as much as any of our departments of big business.

Religion, whether called by one name or another, whether labeled theism or atheism, is profitably exploited by those who want to keep their hands soft and white. The exploiters in all fields prattle their idiotic platitudes about brotherhood and service, while going through the mechanical motions of their pet religion (?), where they curiously find sanction for it all, while shutting their eyes and ears to the solemn truth that they have humanity nailed to the cross.

I am not as much interested in the adults on this cross as I am in the children. If the adult population of this world allow themselves to be bullied and beaten, deceived and cheated, maimed and killed by the exploiters, they have no one to blame but themselves. They have but to rise in their collective might and these exploiters will desert their positions like rats leaving a sinking ship. Neither are the exploiters as much interested in the adult, except as the one who pays the bills, as they are in the children. We have just about turned our children over to them, body, mind and soul.

The physicians are moving heaven and earth to increase their, incomes, and they insist that there is a steady falling off in" patronage due to the fact that the public, in ever increasing numbers,, is turning to the other and newer schools. Costs of living are mounting, it costs more time and money to acquire a medical education and competition from without their ranks has made them desperate. They have tried, by every foul means—persecution, prosecution, slander, misrepresentation, lies—to destroy competition, but its growth has been steady despite this effort.

The profession is honeycombed with graft and corruption and thoroughly imbued with the spirit of commercialism. Commercial surgery, compulsory medicine, lying propaganda, fear and every foul means of drumming up trade are employed to increase their incomes. The Journal of the American Medical Association, Nov. 4, 1922, prints and address by Dr. W. S. Rankin. Sec. of the North Carolina State Board of Health in which he says:

"Last year we inoculated 70,000 persons against typhoid fever and 1,000 children between six and twelve years of age against diphtheria. The county Commissioner paid the local practitioners 25 cents for each complete inoculation, and that was $20,000 which went to the profession last year which otherwise would not have been received. The work of the medical profession with the State Board of Health does not stop when the $20,000 is paid. It goes on. In the dispensaries which were conducted in Union County, North Carolina, with 35,000 people, the physicians vaccinated 10,000 people in a campaign of five weeks. That was $2,500 paid to twenty physicians—only $125 each, but think of the effect on the business of the profession in keeping up that work. It goes on."

Does the last statement refer to the business the physician will receive from those who are made sick by vaccination? At least, he emphasizes the doctor’s business and the increased income to him through state medicine,

In a paper entitled Medical Practice and Public Health, read before King’s County (N. Y.) Medical Society, March, 16, 1926 the Hon. Louis I. Harris Dr. P. H., M. D., Commissioner of Health of the City of New York, said: "In school work we have felt rather self-satisfied and smug. During the last eighteen years, the health department has conducted the examination of children, generally without any competition from or by the medical profession. This indicates a lack of understanding by family physicians of the glorious apportunity for service which they are missing. It is no new thing that I mention. You have heard it time and again. When we, in the health department send home a physical examination blank, a very simple and rudimentary one at that, and ask the parent to take the child to a physician to be examined, then, assuming that the parent follows our instructions, the physician fails to capitalize the opportunity." (Italics mine.)

The reader will readily see that the Board of Health is here trying to build business for the physicians, and Harris tells these physicians that what he is saying to them has been told to them time and again. But they don’t seem to be so enthusiastic about it. Evidently not all physicians are as unscrupulous as the political medicos in the Boards of Health.

Mather Pfeiffenberger, M.D., president of the Illinois State Medical Society, in a speech before the annual Conference, Illinois Health Officers, Springfield, III., Dec. 3-4, 1926, said: "Prevention practiced to the uttermost will create more work for the physician and not diminish it, for the full time health officer will be educating his community constantly. There will be more vaccination, more immunizing, more consulting and use of the physician. His services will be increased many fold.

"I am informed that epidemic and endemic infections cause only 12 per cent of all deaths and that this percentage is declining very rapidly. Only 15 per cent of all children would ever get diphtheria, even under epidemic conditions, while 100 per cent are prospects for toxin-antitoxin. The percentage who would ever get smallpox, under present time conditions, is even less; but 100 per cent are prospects for vaccination. Scarlet fever will soon come in for its 100 per cent also, as it may for measles, judging from the reports on that disease. Typhoid fever is disappearing, due to sanitation, but vaccination should be used when the individual travels into unknown territory and countries." Thus another medical leader tells physicians how to increase their incomes by exploiting the children and non-sick adults.

Guy L. Kiefer, M.D., Commissioner of Health of Michigan, says in the Journal of the Michigan State Medical Society, Aug. 1928:

"In this state there are 100,000 people born annually. They are practically all susceptible to diphtheria from the moment they are born. They are highly susceptible from the age of six months until they are immunized. If these infants were all immunized, and for this service the physicians receive from $5.00 to $10.00 per case, the net income would be from $500,000 to $1,000,000. Michigan has 5,000 cases of diphtheria annually. If the physicians received for their services, exclusive of all other costs, an average of $50.00 per case the income from this source would be $250,000. The increase in physicians income from diphtheria would be from one-quarter to three-quarters of a million dollars, if we would immunize all children against this disease soon after they are six months of age, instead of waiting until they are stricken with the disease and then treating them.

"Some maternity hospitals are vaccinating with vaccine virus all babies born in their institutions. Babies under ten days old very seldom have any general reaction and the immunity usually lasts for the whole life-time of the individual. It is estimated that one-third of all the births in this state occur in hospitals. If all hospitals were to establish this rule as part of their regular procedure, it would mean an addition of 30,000 immunized people in the state each year and an additional income of at least $60,000 to the physicians or hospitals.

"When the 100,000 people born every year in Michigan are vaccinated against smallpox at birth, the income to the physicians would approximate $200,000. The 500 cases of smallpox that occur every year, treated at an average of $50,000 per case, bring physicians $25,000. Thus the physicians, by adopting the practice of vaccination at birth, would increase their income by nearly $200,000.

"We have taken diphtheria and smallpox as examples of the economic advantage of immunization, but the same conditions apply to other diseases and to other public health measures.

"With the persistent educational work by the physicians and the Michigan Department of Health, these immunization programs will succeed in reducing the number of these preventable diseases and increasing the earning of the physicians who actively sponsor this modern type of practice." (Italics mine.)

In the Brooklyn Times, March 21, 1929, Health Commissioner Wynne, New York, is reported to have said in an address to the Optometrical Club: "Here is the answer (to the physician’s economic problem). Let them take in 20 children an hour, one hour a day, 3 days a week at a charge of $5 for each anti-diphtheria inoculation. That will bring a revenue worth while to the doctor."

Mr. Osborne, Health Officer of East Orange, N. J., in an address reported in the Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey, September, 1929, points out that the physician would receive several times more by inoculating children than by treating cases of the disease.

In an editorial, Jan. 1930, the American Journal of Public Health, points out in dollars and cents how much money physicians would receive from inoculating babies and adds: "There are of course four times as many preschool children as babies, and ten times as many school children. The opportunity for increasing practice by carrying on immunization among the preschool and school populations in the physician’s clientele offers an almost unlimited field."

Dr. Vander Veer says, in a discussion reported in the Journal of Medical Society of New Jersey, February, 1930: "Dr. Wynne, Health Officer of New York City - gave me a clue to the subject of economics in which he said that we doctors had been going along the same old lines and had not created any new business, so I finally evolved this as a slogan in New York State: We cannot get away from the lay organizations, therefore we will lie down with them and ask them to provide means for carrying on the health programs and we are going to benefit ultimately from the periodic health examinations by an increased income. As a concrete example, take a town of 3,000, if only 200 come to us for examination at $3.00 each that would be $600 that would accrue to be divided among the doctors; if 100 came for examination at $25.00 each there would be $2,500 to be divided.

Vander Veer gives more statistics about the fees they would receive and then says: "That is the thing that strikes home to our doctors in New York State." Thus the reader will see that I am right in saying that physicians are using the various lay organizations, Parent-Teacher Associations, etc., to build business for them. The Red Cross has long been a tool of these men.

In the early part of 1930 one of my readers sent me a news clipping from the Cincinnati Times Star, headed Health Work Aids Doctors. It said "thousands are sent to physicians as result." The whole article is as follows: "Are ‘socialized’ health agencies preventative and curative, bringing lean times and reducing the number of physicians and other private health workers?

"Do public clinics, public hospitals and public health departments affect the income of physicians, surgeons and dentists?

"These questions, presented Saturday to Health Director William H. Peters, brought the declaration that in his judgment the only effect was that practitioners had to modify their activities.

"Dr. Peters pointed out that when Cincinnati purified its water there was an almost entire elimination of thousands of cases of typhoid fever and other water-carried diseases, treatment of which gave an immense revenue to physicians, nurses and others.

"On the other hand Dr. Peters said the medical inspection of schools by publicly employed district physicians aided private practice. Thus the inspectors discover defects in children, which are reported to parents and thousands then take their children to the family physician or a specialist.

"The public drives for the immunization of children against diphtheria brought a great revenue to private practitioners. There were about 35,000 children treated and of this number about fifty-four per cent by private practitioners, or about 19,000. At $5 a treatment the revenue would be $95,000. Annually there are about 7,500 children to be so treated. This work gives a revenue far in excess of what the treatment of the disease yielded, said Dr. Peters.

"So he said, the agitation for annual general physical examination in his opinion, has resulted in thousands of persons resorting to their physicians, surgeons and dentists to be examined.

"Dr. Peters said it was requisite for physicians and other health practitioners to ‘reconcile themselves to the age.’ He said more should go in for preventative medicine and all should recognize how public health activity stimulated persons to mind their physical and mental condition and thus helped the private practitioner.

"Dr. Peters said it was true there were some physicians in this community who complained of the ‘inroads’ that ‘socialized’ medicine was making on their incomes and that there were perhaps some who actually were affected. He declared that there were compensations that in the mass more than canceled such instances."

This accounts for the growing interest on the part of physicians and health boards and serum and vaccine makers and dentists, in so-called health education. They are bent on increasing the business of the physicians and dentists and the sale of more vaccines and serums.

Inspecting the school children increases the work of physicians. It is done the country over. Not merely the school child, but the pre-school child now comes in for this form of exploitation. Here in San Antonio, for instance, The Parent-Teacher Association sponsors medical examinations of the pre-school child. Tonsil operations and other operations, eye-glasses, serums and vaccines and other forms of vandalism and poisoning follow these examinations and the physicians of the city are enriched in purse.

Medical inspection of school children is a means of boosting business for physicians. The inspected children are brow-beaten abused, bullied and "ragged" to have their tonsils removed and toxin anti-toxin inoculated into them, by the incompetents who are placed on the school board. These physicians do nothing useful; but do much to injure the physical and mental health of children, besides greatly annoying parents and teachers. But the practice will not end until parents kill it.

A few years ago, the Bronx County Medical Society, through one of its Bulletins, expressed its resentment against the extent to which the toxin-antitoxin campaign had been pushed in New York City. Health Commissioner Wynne, in the Weekly Bulletin of New York City Department of Health, of July 19, replied that "The plan followed by the Dept. of Health should evoke nothing but commendation. It provides a simple, inxepensive, effective and entirely ethical method whereby the general practitioner can secure additional practice." Such is the altruism of these great public spirited physicians on the Boards of Hell (th).

Wm. A. Rohlf, M.D., President-elect of the Iowa State Medical Society, said in his official address at a meeting of that body a few years ago: "Allow me to quote from a letter received from Dr. Steel-smith: ‘For the five year period preceding the State Department’s Education toward diphtheria immunization, namely, the five years preceding 1923, there occurred in Iowa more than three thousand cases of diphtheria each year. Many of these cases were not seen by any medical practitioner, but the average revenue as computed by statisticians signifies that the physicians of the state of Iowa received in cash approximately $20 per case for the treatment and cure of diphtheria for each of the five years preceding that state-wide anti-diphtheria program. This would result in physicians of the state receiving approximately $60,000 for such work each year incidental to diphtheria.

"‘Now in comparison to that, allow me to suggest that there are approximately 44,000 children born each year in Iowa. For the sake of figures, we will say that the average price for immunization would be $3 per child. If the physicians would interest themselves in preventative medicine and see to it that every child is treated before he is a year of age they would see clearly that from such practice the physicians of the state of Iowa would receive $132,000 a year, or twice as much as you and I received years ago for treatment of cases."

Rohlf adds: "There is still much to do in the way of bringing about ideal conditions through vaccination and immunization, The role of local infection has opened up other avenues for our activities.

We should be personally interested, and, as physicians, assist in the examination and’ treatment of school children."

These men plan ways of doubling their incomes and come to the public with the plea that they are sincerely interested in the health and welfare of our children and that they put over their income-increasing programs for the health of our babies and for the welfare of the school children. They are as cold-blooded as any class of criminals on the whole earth. Indeed, I know of no other class of criminals who live by crippling, maiming and killing babies and children.

It is asserted that there are 1,454 formally organized state and local tuberculosis associations in the United States. The organizations affiliated with the National Tuberculosis Association spent in 1928 at least $6,196,376.98, the major portion of which was secured through the sale of Christmas seals. All of this begging by Tuberculosis Associations is to create jobs for physicians. Their work is admitted to have no influence on tuberculosis.

A Red Cross officer said to the victims of the Mississippi Flood, as reported in the Savannah (Ga.) News, June, 14, 1927: "From now on your meal tickets are canceled until you can show your vaccination scar." A similar order was given by this same disreputable organization in a later flood in New England.

People give freely of their money and goods to help the victims of calamities, and the medically controlled Red Cross uses that money to buy serums and vaccines, and pay incompetent physicians and uses the plight of the victims as a club, to make them submit to medication they do not need and do not want. The Red Cross can never have a penny of the author’s money and I shall use all of my influence to prevent others from donating to its system of graft.

The so-called "mental hygiene" movement, which seeks to become a regular part of our public schools, is a commercial move, composed of the usual surgical and serum methods. The movement has among its heads several men who have been convicted of crimes in their care of the insane and men who are notorious for their extreme cruelties to animals in vivisection work. This is an extremely dangerous move and should not be permitted to touch the children of this country, who are surely suffering enough, at the hands of the medical moloch.

Of the same unholy and commercial character as the tuberculosis society and the Red Cross are the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, the Society for the Prevention and Control of Cancer, the Damon Runyon Cancer Fund, the Arthritis Society, the Heart Association, the society to aid Crippled Children and similar panhandling organizations that regularly rattle the cup on the streets and in the press of the country. These various organizations collect many millions of dollars yearly from a generous and well meaning, but uninformed people, spend the major portion of the money in fat salaries and overhead or administration costs, spending much of it to pay for cruel and futile experiments on animals (research) and precious little of it for the purposes for which it is given. Like all organized charity, these things are soulless rackets.


Herbert Shelton DC
Smallpox  Natural Healers


Smallpox by Herbert Shelton

Smallpox death rate by Dr Shelton DC

[Ch 17 Fruitarianism and Vegetarianism] The Hygienic System, Vol. II, Orthotrophy by Herbert M. Shelton,

SYPHILIS: Is it a Mischievous Myth or a Malignant Monster By Herbert M. Shelton

Vaccines and Serum Evils by Herbert Shelton (c1940's)

Shelton, Herbert. Historical chronology. A brief and highly positive bio and historical bibliography of Shelton by an admirer and staunch follower, Virginia Bidwell.

Shelton, Herbert M. The Hygienic Care of Children. San Antonio, Texas: Dr, Shelton's Health School, 1931.
    Not reprinted by the American Natural Hygiene Society! Shelton at his most aggressive, a vigorous defence of innocent children. The book was very badly printed and lacked the copy-editor's polishing given Shelton's other manuscripts. Thus it contained many, many errors, mispellings and even mis-used words. Many of these have been corrected. Many others were missed. Don't miss the very last chapter wherein Shelton ruthlessly attacks the alleopathic medicos for their greed and willful killing of the young; don't miss his detailed condemnation of vaccination. PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Shelton, Herbert M. The Hygienic System, Vol. II, Orthotrophy. San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Shelton's Health School, Sixth Edition, 1975. First published 1935.
   The question of what constitutes a proper and healthy diet has long been the matter of the greatest controversy among holistic healers. It is still a matter of great confusion among the public. Here is Shelton's thorough examination of eating and foodstuffs. Includes the complete data on food combining, feeding of infant and children, the digestive system, etc. PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Shelton, Herbet M. The Hygienic System, Vol. III, Fasting and Sun Bathing. San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Shelton's Health School, Third Revised Edition, 1950. First Published 1934.
   In his exhaustive study of therepeutic fasting, Shelton claimed: " In more than thirty years of conducting fasts, I have conducted over twenty-five thousand fasts, ranging in duration from three days to more than two months. I have conducted about six fasts that have gone sixty or more days, the longest being sixty-eight days. I have had literally hundreds of fasts that have lasted from forty to fifty and more days." Despite Shelton's possible overstatement of "twenty-five thousand," likely no one else has ever equalled his experience with fasting for the purpose of healing disease. PUBLIC DOMAIN.

Shelton, Herbert M. Natural Hygiene: Man's Pristine Way Of Life. San Antonio, Texas: Dr. Shelton's Health School, 1968.
    This rather long polemic painstakingly, passionately and rather aggressively examines certain key concepts of Shelton's version of Natural Hygiene: no one who reads this book carefully will ever think of the words cure and medicine as being compatible with Hygiene or healing or health. There is also an excellent history of the development of the Hygienic movement. PUBLIC DOMAIN.

 [Vaccination]  [Herbert Shelton]

Human Abuse  Home  Allopathic Rackets

“If this is preventive medicine, I’ll take my chances with disease.” ~  Mendelsohn M.D  
I highly recommend this vaccine website for its educational value. ~ Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D.

[WHALE home page for vaccination documents (books, articles, media stories, quotes, citations, videos, memes, ingredients, contaminants, package inserts, VAERS, also critics & mind control), exposing vaccination, collected over 20 years.  For quick expose: (FB Intro: Vax MMR Smallpox DPT) THE VACCINATION RACKET (Summary), & VACCINATION IS CHILD ABUSE (Memes), also Why Vaccination Continues, and you will need Anti-vaccine support.  Vaccination is, essentially, a sterilising, death & disease producing child abusing vivisection racket, disguised as 'disease prevention', (smallpox vaccine being a textbook example of germ warfare), that maintains control through mind control, mainly Medical lies & the Viral Fear Racket.  Proving Diabolical Psychopaths (Mafia) rule.  And it's not difficult to prove, if you open your eyes, but who wants to wake up out of Stockholm syndrome and see it?]

Anti-vaccine support
(also below)
Audio Video
Testimonies Interviews
Blogs Letters
Quotes (also below)
Banners Smallpox
Books Books: smallpox
Blood brain barrier
Unvaccinated children healthier
Pregnancy (vaccination during)
Premature Babies (Vaccinating)
The Diseases (also below)
 Meningitis Mumps Pertussis
Japan India
Other countries

[Online] Vaccine Dangers CLASSES

Vaccine Critics  (also below)
Groups   (also below)
Sites Discussion Forums
Nurses on vaccines

The Vaccines (also below)
Animal Travel vaccines
DPT (also below)
Flu (also below)
MMR  (also below) Measles
Hepatitis (also below)
 (also below) (A-Z)
Smallpox (also below A-Z, critics)
Vaccine failure

Contaminants (also below)
Ingredients (also below)
Mercury (also below)
Package Inserts (also below)

Vaccine disease (also below)
Death  (also below)
Vaccine autism (also below) Banners
Citations (see below)
Damage (vaccine)
Vaccine autism proven
Victim testimonies
Treatment of vaccine victims
VAERS Search Banners
Media stories (vaccine damage)
Vaccine Court, VICP

Committee of Government Reform
Vaccine Safety Datalink
Nurses (vaccine damaged)
Nurses on vaccines


Medical Politics
Medical Mind Control (also below)
Medical study ploys (also below)
Lies (Medical) (also below)
The Industry (also below)
Experts (also below)
Covert vaccine agendas
Silent Weapons
Disease Protection Racket
Medical Men and vaccination
Viral Fear Racket
Profits before Safety (quotes)
Money incentive, bribery
Conflict of interest
God as Modern Medicine
Compulsory vaccination
Jab mania
Vaccine Mandates
Vaccinating without consent
Doctors and their own medicine
Informed Consent
Nutritional Medicine  (see below)
Vitamin C cure (1949) (see below)
Nutritional doctors (see below)

Child Health  (also below)
Disease Theory (also below)
Vaccination vs Immunization
Antibody Theory
Alternative Viewpoint
Changing age of disease onset
Disease risk vs. vaccine risk
Herd Immunity
Immune System re vaccination
Homeopathic doctors
Natural Healers

The Vaccines (own page here):

Withdrawn [Withdrawn vaccines]


Parent Vaccine Leaflets
Failures (vaccine)
Adverse effects statistics
Vaccine viruses

Withdrawn vaccines
Hot lots
Disasters (vaccine)
   The Cutter  incident, 1955
Incidence of reactions
Mistakes (vaccine)
Storage (vaccine)
Hot lots

Exemption, USA
Protection time span
Testing (vaccines)
Vaccine reaction time lag

By type:
Bird flu vaccine

Bubonic Plague
Chicken Pox
DPT  (see below)
Encephalitis (Japanese)
   (also below)
Hepatitis B  (also below)
Hepatitis A
   Gardasil  (see below)
Lyme disease
"Lymph" (smallpox)
MMR/MR  (also below)
MMR Urabe
Polio   (also below) (A-Z)
Shingles vaccine
Swine flu vaccine 1976
Swine flu vaccine 2009
Smallpox  (also below A-Z, critics)
Travel vaccines

West Nile
Yellow Fever

By strain:
Rubini mumps vaccine
Edmonston measles vaccines
High dose EZ measles *1991*
Urabe mumps*1992*

By brand name/type:
Agrippal (Flu)
Bexsero vaccine (meningitis B)
CSL influenza vaccine
Flumist (flu)
Gardasil (see below)
Immravax (MMR)*1992*

Lymerix (lyme disease) *2002*
Meningitec (meningitis C)
MeNZB vaccine (meningococcal)
Menjugate meningitis C  (Chiron
Orimune (OPV)

Pentacel (DPT, Polio, Hib)
Pavivac/Medi-Mumps (mumps)

Pluserix  (MMR)*1992*
Pneumovax (pneumococcal)
Prevnar (pneumococcal)
Quadracel (DPT, Polio)
RotaShield (rotavirus)*1999*
Rotarix (GlaxoSmithKline)
Salk (IPV) vaccines
Sabin OPV vaccines
Trivirix (MMR)
uberculin (TB)


Package inserts:
By type of vaccine


Vaccines in use UK 2002:
Vaccines UK (BNF 42 2002)
Vaccine terminology:
Toxoids, Bacterial & viral vaccines
Terms used

DPT vaccine racket (own page here)

Quotes (DPT)
Vaccine failure
Citations--vaccine failure
Package inserts
Pentavalent vaccines

[1982] DPT : vaccine roulette (TV Documentary)
[1981] British National Childhood Encephalopathy Study


A Stolen Life by Marge Grant
A Shot in the Dark by Coulter & Fisher

Vaccine damage [Vaccine damage]
Autism & vaccination
Victim testimonies
SIDS/cot death
Deaths (media)
Media victim stories
Media vaccine victim stories
Thimerosal litigation

Diphtheria [Diphtheria]
Quotes (Diphtheria)
Diphtheria by Hilary Butler
Diphtheria by John Tilden MD
Treatment of epidemics with Homeopathy by Julian Winston
Diphtheria vaccines
DPT/DT/DTPH/aP vaccines
Diphtheria vaccine deaths 1919-1948

Tetanus [Tetanus]
Citations (adverse reactions

Adverse reactions
Pentavalent vaccines

Whooping cough [Whooping Cough]
Quotes (Whooping Cough
Whooping Cough petrochemical causation
Vaccine induced whooping cough
Vitamin C and Whooping Cough

Deaths decline:
Diphtheria deaths graph (USA)

Flu and the Flu vaccine racket (own page here)

Media articles re flu vaccines
Vaccination during pregnancy
Dr. Tom Jefferson,

Flu vaccine flacks:
Dr George Kassianos 
John Oxford 
Jenny Hope

Annual CDC lie
36,000 death lie

Infections & poisons
Toxic air   
Vitamin D deficiency   
Infection & nutrition
Cell phone towers (DOR)
    Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Killing Fields --ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG

Annual fearmongering
The Media Winter 2010 flu vaccine drive

Swine flu vaccine 2009
  Pandemrix (GlaxoSmithKline)

Swine flu vaccine 1976
Spanish Flu
Bird Flu vaccine

Package inserts
[2009 Oct] Mercury in 4 AH1N1 U.S. injectable vaccines: Fluarix, FLULAVAL, FLUVIRIN, Fluzone

CSL influenza vaccine
Italian Ministry of Health blocks the use and sale of Novartis flu vaccines

Adverse reactions
[2011 June] Parents Voice: Children’s Adverse Outcomes Following Vaccination 
[2010 Sept] Flu Vaccine Caused 3587 US Miscarriages & Stillbirths
[VAERS] Found 25 events with Vaccine as FLU and Symptom is Abortion
Media vaccine reaction stories
Flu vaccine and increased alzheimer's risk

Gardasil [Own page]

Quote banners, cartoons

Articles (Media and adverse reactions)

Cervarix (Glaxo HPV vaccine)
VAERS Genital warts

Video (injuries)

Data sheet
Gardasil deaths
  NZ Gardasil deaths

Ingredients [See: Data sheet.]
Sodium borate
Tween 80

Justin Healy
Cynthia A. Janak
Dr. Diane Harper
Dr. Harald zur Hausen

[2010 May] Gardasil: Women Hurt by Medicine

Gardasil flacks
Hammond, Dr Phil

MMR vaccines (own page here):

Media articles


Package inserts/ingredients
Vaccine contamination
Vaccine failures

Merck MMR mumps component fraud

MMR timeline

Late onset/Acquired autism

Vaccine autism link studies
Urabe MMR

Conflict of interest
Homeopathy & Measles
Naturopathy & Measles
Nutritional medicine & measles

The diseases

The Vaccines
Rubella vaccine

[MMR] Priorix
[MMR+Varicella] ProQuad
M-M-R II---Merck Sharp & Dohme
Withdrawn vaccines:
[MMR] Pluserix & Immravax (Urabe)
Edmonston measles vaccines
Edmonston Zagreb (EZ) measles vaccine

[2010 jan] Silenced Witnesses Volume II: The Parents' Story

[2009] Silenced Witnesses 1: The Parents' Story

MMR studies
Government/industry studies
The Cochrane Collaboration

Vaccine damage
Rubella vaccine damage support group

Media vaccine victim stories
Court judgements
Victim testimonies
Autism & vaccines

Single vaccines
MMR advocates


MMR legal funding

Hannah Poling

Vaccine flacks (studies) [Experts]
Madsen, Kreesten
Thorsen, Poul
Eric Fombonne
Brent Taylor
Cochrane Collaboration
Institute of Medicine (IOM)

Vaccine flacks (gov')
Salisbury, David
Elizabeth Miller
Helen Bedford

Vaccines timeline (UK)
Law firms

Heretic persecution
John Walker-Smith
Wakefield GMC Hearing 2007
Smearing of Dr Wakefield

Dr Jane Donegan, "Witch Hunt"
The victimisation of Lisa Blakemore-Brown.

John Walker-Smith
Question a doctor and lose your child

Industry quotes re: the "safe" MMR
Wakefield/MMR Greek Chorus

MMR legal funding

MMR in Japan

The MMR 10

Vaccine-autism denial ploys
Autism and genetics
Change in diagnosis

Regressive autism

Hepatitis vaccines (own page here)

Articles (vaccine)
Quotes (vaccine)

Package inserts
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis tests
Pentavalent vaccines

Antibiotic induced hepatitis
Vitamin C cure for viral hepatitis
Points on Hepatitis B vaccination

Vaccine damage
Citations (vaccine damage)
Testimonials (victims)
[France] Art Exhibit Project – By Hepatitis B Vaccine Victims
[2011 June] Parents Voice: Children’s Adverse Outcomes Following Vaccination 

Vaccine damage
Vaccine damage support group
Hepatitis B vaccine & AIDS
Adverse reactions linked to diseases
Media stories (vaccine victims)
Hepatitis B Victim Support Group (UK)
Heinrich Kremer
Dr Marc Girard M.D.
AIDS origins (USA) 

Polio & polio vaccine racket (own page here):

Articles (Vitamin C)
Media stories (vaccines)
Provocation polio
Iron lungs
Images of polio
March of Dimes

Treatments, doctors
Cathcart, M.D.
Klenner MD
Treatment & prevention
Polio poster girl cured
Chiropractic & polio case
Benjamin P. Sandler, M.D.
Vitamin C cure

Levy, MD, JD, Thomas E.
Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D..Stephen C.

Vaccine genocide
Covert genocide via OPV  vaccination
Kihura Nkuba
Hooper, Ed

Provocation polio (drugs)

Quote banners
Hiding polio (Acute flaccid paralysis)

Nutrition & infection

Poison DDT researchers
Jim West
Ralph R. Scobey, M.D.
Morton S. Biskind, M.D.

Dr. Herbert Ratner, MD
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
Stephen C. Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D.

Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts
Virus Mania
DIET PREVENTS POLIO Benjamin P. Sandler, M.D.

Sabin OPV vaccines
Salk IPV vaccines
Citations (adverse reactions)

Media stories (vaccines)
Provocation polio
Vaccine damage

Vaccine contamination
    SV40 quotes
  CJD, BSE risk
The Cutter  incident, 1955
Citations for vaccine associated polio (VAPP)
Vaccine contamination (AIDS, cancer)

Polio & polio vaccine racket (A-Z)

Acute flaccid paralysis (Hiding Polio)
AIDS and Polio vaccines
Articles (Vitamin C)
Biskind, M.D, .Morton S.
Causes (quotes)
Cathcart, M.D.
Chiropractic & polio case
Chiropractic cure
Citations (adverse reactions)

CJD, BSE risk (vaccine contaminants)
Contagious (not)
Contamination (vaccine)
Cutter  incident, 1955
Citations for vaccine associated polio (VAPP)
Fear of the Invisible (Book)
Genocide via OPV  vaccination
Hiding polio (Acute flaccid paralysis) quotes
Hooper, Ed
Images of polio
Iron lungs
Klenner MD

Kumm, Dr (DDT man)
March of Dimes
Marini, MS., D.C., Ph.D..Stephen C.
Media stories (vaccines)
Nkuba, Kihura
Nutrition & infection (quotes)
Provocation polio
Quotes (Polio)
Quote banners
Quotes (Vaccination)
Ratner, MD, Dr. Herbert
Roosevelt (FDR)
Sabin OPV vaccines
Salk IPV vaccines
Sandler, M.D. Benjamin P.
Scobey, M.D, Ralph R.
SV40 (vaccine contaminant)
SV40 quotes
Treatment & prevention
Virus Mania (Book)
Vitamin C cure
West, Jim

Smallpox vaccination (own page here):

The Smallpox Hoax (analysis in depth)
Smallpox Banners (brief analysis)
Great Smallpox Lie

Critics (vaccine)

Apple cider vinegar
Arm to arm vaccination quotes
Case mortality/Dangers of Smallpox quotes
Damage (vaccine)
Failure (vaccine) statistics
  Failure (vaccine) quotes
General (vaccination) quotes
General (vaccine damage) quotes

General mortality quotes
Glycerine quotes
Horse grease quotes
Hospitals (smallpox) quotes
Infectiousness of smallpox (hype)
Jenner (vaccinator)
  Jenner (vaccinator) quotes
  Jenner banners
  Spurious cowpox
Lancet Journal
Leicester quotes
  Leicester Method" by J.T. Biggs quotes
Lies (smallpox vaccination)
Lies and statistics quotes
  Lymph quotes
Media stories
Pock-marked faces
  Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes
  Leicester Method" by J.T. Biggs quotes
Smallpox on decline before vaccination
Smallpox scare (c. 2002)


Vaccine damage

Medical ploys [Medical Mind Control]
Anti-Vaccination (ad hominem)
Dangers of smallpox/Case mortality quotes (hype)
Hiding smallpox
Hiding smallpox vaccine deaths
Infectiousness of smallpox (hype)
Lies (vaccinators)
Preserve vaccination from reproach
'Spurious' cowpox quotes
'Unvaccinated' lie

Quote Banners
Smallpox vaccination
Bayly, Beddow
Biggs, JT
Creighton Charles MD
Hadwen, MD
Hay, Dr William
Kalokerinos, Archie
Tilden MD banners
Wallace, Alfred

Vaccine damage [Vaccine damage]
Citations   1966-1974    1975-1979   1980-1999
  Leprosy (vaccine) quotes
Smallpox spread by vaccine (vaccine damage) quotes
Vaccine "lymph" and disease spread

Deaths (vaccine damage)
  Death (vaccine damage) quotes
General (vaccine damage) quotes

Erysipelas (vaccine damage)
  Erysipelas (vaccine) quotes


Lockjaw/tetanus (vaccine damage)
  Lymph quotes
Spread of Smallpox via vaccination quotes
Syphilis (vaccine damage)
  Syphilis (vaccine damage) quotes
Tuberculosis (vaccine damage)
  Tuberculosis/TB/Consumption (vaccine damage) quotes
  TB quotes
Vaccine damage (general) quotes

Smallpox conditions, prevention quotes:
Bedbugs (inc quotes)
Diet/nutrition quotes
Overcrowding (inc quotes)
Water (inc quotes)

Biggs, JT banners
  Leicester quotes
  Leicester Method by J.T. Biggs quotes

Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes

Vaccination critics (quotes & banners) [Vaccine critics:]
Smallpox vaccination banners
Bayly, Beddow quotes
Bayly, Beddow (banners)
Biggs JT (quotes)
Biggs, JT banners
Campbell, Charles MD (quotes)
Collins, W. J. M.D. (quotes)
Creighton, Charles M.A., M.D quotes
Creighton Charles MD banners
Hadwen MD (quotes)
Hadwen, MD (banners)
Hay, Dr William (banners)
Higgins, Chas (quotes)
Kalokerinos quotes
Kalokerinos, Archie  (banners)
Shaw, Bernard (banners)
Shaw, Bernard (quotes)
Tebb, William banners
Wallace, Alfred quotes

Wallace, Alfred banners
Creighton, Charles M.A., M.D quotes
The National Anti-Vaccination League
Creighton Charles MD banners
Lupton quotes
Tebb, William  (quotes)

White, William (quotes)
Shaw, Bernard (banners)
Shaw, Bernard (quotes)
Pearce, Dr. Charles T. M.D (quotes)
NAVL quotes

Osler, William

Causes & prevention:
Bedbugs (inc quotes)
Diet/nutrition quotes

Dirty water

Allopathy quotes

Apple cider vinegar
Naturopathy quotes
Homeopathy quotes

Sydenham, Sir Thomas quotes

Jenner (vaccinator)
Jenner (vaccinator) quotes
Playfair, Sir Lyon (vaccinator)
Rosenau, Dr. Milton J (vaccinator)
Copeman, Dr. S. Monckton (vaccinator)

a) Smallpox vaccination A-Z

Allopathy quotes
Anti-Vaccination (ad hominem)
Apple cider vinegar
Arm to arm vaccination quotes
Austin, MRCS, LRCP, Major R. F. E (vaccine critic)
ALLINSON (1883),.DR. T. B (vaccine critic)
Banner quotes
Bayly, Beddow (vaccine critic UK)
  Bayly, Beddow quotes
Bayly, Beddow (banners)
Bedbugs (inc quotes)
Biggs (vaccine critic UK)
  Biggs quotes
Biggs, JT banners
Birch, John (vaccine critic UK)
Buchwald, M.D (vaccine critic GER)
  Buchwald quotes
Campbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA)
  Campbell, Charles MD (quotes)
Case mortality/Dangers of Smallpox quotes
Citations (vaccine damage)1966-1974 1975-1979 1980-1999
Collins MD (1883), Dr (vaccine critic UK)
  Collins, W. J. M.D. (quotes)
Copeman, Dr. S. Monckton (vaccinator)
Creighton,Dr (vaccine critic UK)
  Creighton, Charles M.A., M.D quotes
  Creighton Charles MD banners
Critics (vaccine)
Crookshank, Prof (vaccine critic UK)
Dangers of smallpox
Deane, Dr. Tennison (vaccine critic USA)
Deaths (vaccine damage)
  Death (vaccine damage) quotes
Death rate/Case mortality/Dangers of Smallpox quotes
Dick, Prof (vaccine critic UK)
Disease spread by Vaccine 'Lymph'
Dole, Lionel (vaccine critic UK)
Dettman, Dr Glen (vaccine critic AUS)
Diet/nutrition quotes
Dudgeon, Henry Dalby (vaccine critic)
Encephalomyelitis (vaccine damage)
Erysipelas (vaccine damage)

  Erysipelas (vaccine) quotes
Failure (vaccine) quotes
Failure (vaccine) statistics
General (smallpox vaccination) quotes
General vaccine damage quotes
General mortality quotes
General (vaccine damage) quotes
Glycerine quotes
Hadwen MD (vaccine critic UK)
  Hadwen MD quotes
  Hadwen, MD (banners)
Hale, Annie Riley (vaccine critic USA)
Hay, 1937, Dr. William Howard (vaccine critic USA)
  Hay, Dr William (banners)
Hiding smallpox
Hiding smallpox vaccine deaths

Higgins, Chas (vaccine critic USA)
  Higgins, Chas (quotes)

Hodge, John W (vaccine critic USA)
Hoggan M.B.,  George (vaccine critic UK)
Hoggan, MD (1883), Elizabeth (vaccine critic UK)
Horse grease quotes

Hospitals (smallpox) quotes
Hiding smallpox quotes
Hiding smallpox deaths quotes
Homeopathy quotes
Hume-Rothery, Mary C (vaccine critic UK)
Hutton, Arthur (vaccine critic UK)
Infectiousness of smallpox quotes
Jenner (vaccinator)
  Jenner (vaccinator) quotes
   Jenner banners
  Spurious cowpox
Kalokerinos, M.D (vaccine critic AUS)
  Kalokerinos quotes
  Kalokerinos, Archie  (banners)
Keller, Dr Leander Joseph (vaccine critic UK)
Knaggs., H Valentine (vaccine critic UK)
Lancet Journal
Leicester Anti-Vaccination League
  Leicester quotes
  Leicester Method by J.T. Biggs quotes

  Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes
Leprosy (vaccine damage)
  Leprosy (vaccine) quotes
Lies (vaccinators)

Loat, Lily (vaccine critic UK)
Lockjaw/tetanus (vaccine damage)
Lupton, Arnold, M.P (vaccine critic UK)
  Lupton quotes
Lymph quotes
Mendelsohn, MD (vaccine heretic USA)

   Mendelsohn MD quotes
Marchini, M.D., Daniel (vaccine critic FRANCE)
McBean, Eleanor (vaccine critic USA)
  McBean, Eleanor quotes
Media stories
Monkeypox (Hiding smallpox)
Naturopathy quotes (smallpox)
National Anti-Vaccination League (NAVL)
   NAVL quotes
Newman (1883), Professor F. W (vaccine critic)
Nightingale, Florence
Nightingale, Michael (vaccine critic UK)
Nutrition/diet quotes
Obomsawin PhD, Raymond (vaccine critic CAN)
   Obomsawin quotes
Osler, William
Overcrowding (inc quotes)

Pearce, M.D., Dr. Charles T (vaccine critic UK)
  Pearce, Dr. Charles T. M.D (quotes)
Peebles MD, J. M.
Pickering, Mr. John (vaccine critic UK)
Pitcairn (1911), John (vaccine critic USA)
Playfair, Sir Lyon (vaccinator)
Pock-marked faces quotes
Preserve vaccination from reproach
Rosenau, Dr. Milton J (vaccinator)
Rodermund, Dr (vaccine critic USA)
Ruata, Carlo, M.D (vaccine critic ITALY)
  Sanitation vs. Vaccination quotes
  Leicester quotes
  Leicester Method" by J.T. Biggs quotes
Schieferdecker M.D, Chr. Charles (vaccine critic GER)
Sidhwa ND, Keki (vaccine critic UK)
Sinclair, N.D., Ian (vaccine critic AUS)
Shaw, George Bernard (vaccine critic UK)
  Shaw, Bernard (banners)
  Shaw, Bernard (quotes)
Shelton DC, Herbert (vaccine critic USA)
Smallpox decline before vaccination quotes
Smallpox scare (c. 2002)
Smallpox spread by vaccine quotes (vaccine damage)
Smallpox vaccination banners
Spread of Smallpox by vaccine quotes
'Spurious' cowpox quotes
Sydenham, Sir Thomas quotes
Syphilis (vaccine damage)
  Syphilis (vaccine damage) quotes

Spurious cowpox quotes
Taylor, P.A MP (vaccine critic UK)
Tebb, Dr Scott (vaccine critic UK)
Tebb, William (vaccine critic UK)
  Tebb, William  (quotes)
Tebb, William banners

Tuberculosis/TB/Consumption (vaccine damage)
  Tuberculosis/TB/Consumption (vaccine damage) quotes
TB quotes
Tilden MD (1851-1940), John (vaccine critic USA)
  Tilden MD quotes
  Tilden MD banners
Trall MD (vaccine critic USA)
'Unvaccinated' lie quotes
Vetrano, Dr. Vivian Virginia (vaccine critic USA)
Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898, Alfred R (vaccine critic)
  Wallace, Alfred quotes

Wallace, Alfred banners
Water (inc quotes)
White, William (vaccine critic UK)
  White, William (quotes)

Wilkinson (1883), Dr Garth (vaccine critic UK)Vaccination Liberation (vaccine critic USA)
Vaccinia (vaccine damage)
Variolation quotes
Vaccine damage
Vaccine damage (general) quotes
Vaccine "Lymph"
Vaccine Lymph quotes
Vaccine failure quotes
Vaccine failure (statistics)Vaccine failure statistics

b) Smallpox vaccine critics (also has own page):

Medical Testimonies

Anti-Vaccination League of America
Leicester Anti-Vaccination League
National Anti-Vaccination League (NAVL)
   NAVL quotes

Quote Banners
Smallpox vaccination
Bayly, Beddow
Biggs, JT banners
Creighton Charles MD
Shaw, Bernard    
Hadwen, Dr Walter 
Kalokerinos, Archie
Tilden MD
Wallace, Alfred

Austin, MRCS, LRCP, Major R. F. E (vaccine critic UK)
ALLINSON (1883),.DR. T. B (vaccine critic UK)
Bayly, Beddow (vaccine critic UK)
  Bayly, Beddow quotes
  Bayly, Beddow (banners)
Beale, Morris (vaccine critic USA)
Biggs (vaccine critic UK)
Biggs, JT banners
  Biggs quotes
Birch, John (vaccine critic UK)
Buchwald, M.D (vaccine critic GER)
Buchwald MD quotes
Campbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA)
  Campbell, Charles MD (quotes)
Collins MD (1883), Dr (vaccine critic UK)
  Collins MD quotes
Creighton,Dr (vaccine critic UK)
  Creighton, Charles M.A., M.D quotes
  Creighton Charles MD banners
Crookshank, Prof (vaccine critic UK)
Deane, Dr. Tennison (vaccine critic USA)
Dick, Prof (vaccine critic UK)
Dole, Lionel (vaccine critic UK)
Dettman, Dr Glen (vaccine critic AUS)
Dudgeon, Henry Dalby (vaccine critic)
Hale, Annie Riley (vaccine critic USA)
Hoggan M.B.,  George (vaccine critic UK)
Hoggan, MD (1883), Elizabeth (vaccine critic UK)

Hadwen MD (vaccine critic UK)
  Hadwen MD quotes
  Hadwen, MD (banners)
Hay, 1937, Dr. William Howard (vaccine critic USA)
  Hay, Dr William (banners)
Higgins, Chas (vaccine critic USA)
  Higgins quotes
Hodge, John W (vaccine critic USA)
Hume-Rothery, Mary C (vaccine critic UK)
Hutton, Arthur (vaccine critic UK)
Kalokerinos, M.D (vaccine critic AUS)
  Kalokerinos quotes
  Kalokerinos, Archie  (banners)
Knaggs., H Valentine (vaccine critic UK)
Keller, Dr Leander Joseph (vaccine critic UK)
Loat, Lily (vaccine critic UK)
  Loat, Lily quotes
Lupton, Arnold, M.P (vaccine critic UK)
  Lupton quotes

Marchini, M.D., Daniel (vaccine critic UK)
McBean, Eleanor (vaccine critic USA)
  McBean, Eleanor quotes
Mendelsohn, MD (vaccine heretic USA)
   Mendelsohn MD quotes
Newman (1883), Professor F. W (vaccine critic)
Nightingale, Florence
Nightingale, Michael (vaccine critic UK)
Obomsawin PhD, Raymond (vaccine critic CAN)
   Obomsawin quotes
Pitcairn (1911), John (vaccine critic USA)
Pearce, M.D., Dr. Charles T (vaccine critic UK)
  Pearce quotes
Peebles MD, J. M.
Pickering, Mr. Johh (vaccine critic UK)
Rodermund, Dr (vaccine critic USA)
Ruata, Carlo, M.D (vaccine critic ITALY)
Schieferdecker M.D, Chr. Charles (vaccine critic GER)

Sidhwa ND, Keki (vaccine critic UK)
Sinclair, N.D., Ian (vaccine critic AUS)
Shaw, George Bernard (vaccine critic UK)
  Shaw, Bernard (banners)
  Shaw, Bernard (quotes)
Shelton DC, Herbert (vaccine critic USA)
  Shelton quotes

Taylor, P.A MP (vaccine critic UK)
Tebb, Dr Scott (vaccine critic UK)

Tebb, William (vaccine critic UK)
  Tebb, William quotes
Tilden MD (1851-1940), John (vaccine critic USA)
  Tilden MD quotes
  Tilden MD banners
Trall MD (vaccine critic USA)
Vetrano, Dr. Vivian Virginia (vaccine critic USA)
Vaccination Liberation (vaccine critic USA)
Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898, Alfred R (vaccine critic)
  Wallace, Alfred quotes

Wallace, Alfred banners
White, William (vaccine critic UK)
  White, William (quotes)

Wilkinson (1883), Dr Garth (vaccine critic UK)

Beale, Morris
Campbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA)
  Campbell, Charles MD (quotes)
Deane, Dr. Tenison
Hale, Annie Riley
Hay, 1937, Dr. William Howard
  Hay, Dr William (banners)
Higgins, Chas
Hodge, John W.
Mendelsohn, M.D
Peebles MD, J. M.
Pitcairn (1911), John
Rodermund, Dr
Shelton DC, Herbert
Tilden MD (1851-1940), John (vaccine critic)
  Tilden MD quotes
  Tilden MD banners
Vaccination Liberation
Vetrano, Dr. Vivian Virginia

Jenner (vaccinator)
    Jenner (vaccinator) quotes
    Jenner banners
Playfair, Sir Lyon (vaccinator)
Rosenau, Dr. Milton J (vaccinator)
Copeman, Dr. S. Monckton (vaccinator)

Vaccine critics (also has own page here):

Smallpox vaccine critics (from 19 cent)

Nurses on vaccination

Controlled opposition

Aitken, Dr Kenneth
Alber, Erwin (VINE)
Awadu, Keidi Obi
Ayoub,  David
Bachmair, Andreas
Baratosy, M.B, Peter
Bark, MD, Dr. Toni
Al-Bayati, Mohammed
Bayly, Beddow (vaccine critic UK)
  Bayly, Beddow quotes
  Bayly, Beddow (banners)
Bealle, Morris

Beattie, Greg *
Belkin, Michael
Bernard, Sallie
Berthoud, Françoise  MD
Binstock, Teresa
Biggs (smallpox vax UK)
Biggs, JT banners
Bigtree, Del
Blanco, Kathy
Blakemore-Brown, Lisa C
Blaylock, M.D, Russell .
Blaxill, Mark
Bolen, Tim
Borraccia, Paul
Bradstreet, Dr. Jeff
Brogan, MD, Kelly
Brouwer, M.D., Louis de
Buchwald, M.D (vaccine critic GER) *
Buchwald MD quotes.
  Buchwald M.D., Dr. Gerhard banners
Burton, Dan
Butler, Hilary
Buttram, MD, Harold
Buttar, Dr. Rashid DO
Bystrianyk, Roman
Carlshamre, Maria
Campbell MD, Dr (vaccine critic USA)
  Campbell, Charles MD (quotes)
Campbell, Joan
Cantwell, M.D.
Carley, MD, Dr. Rebecca
Cantekin Ph.D., Dr. Erdem
Cassel, Ingri
Catalano, Bob
Cave, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.,
Chatterjee, Jagannath
Claridge, Sue
Coleman, Dr Vernon
Collins MD (1883), Dr (smallpox vax UK)
  Collins MD quotes
Creighton,Dr (smallpox vax UK)
  Creighton, Charles M.A., M.D quotes
  Creighton Charles MD banners
Coulter, Harris*
Converse, MPH, Judy
Cournoyer, Cynthia
Cost, Curtis
Craig, Jennifer PhD
Crookshank, Prof (smallpox vax UK)
Dannemann, Eileen
Dachel, Anne
Day, Lorraine Dr
Deal, Ph.D.Dr. Grady A.  D.C.
Deth, Dr. Richard
Duffy DC, Dr Dan
DeSimone, Susan
DeLatte, Yves
Dettman Ph.D, Glen .
Diodati, Catherine *
Dodds, Jean DVM
Dole, Lionel
Donegan, MB, Dr Jayne
Donohoe MB, Dr Mark
Dorman MD, Thomas
Dorey, Meryl W. *
Douglass, MD, William
Doubleday, Jock
Duffy DC
Dunbar, Dr Bonnie

Edwards, Allison
Eisenstein, Dr. Mayer
Elice, Michael M.D.
Elkordy, Sallie: 
Ellison, Bryan
Elmiger MDDr Jean
England, Christina
Fanu, Dr James Le
Ferguson, D.C., David
Fisher, Barbara Loe
Fletcher, Peter Dr
Fox, Rosemary
Fraser, Heather
Fudenburg, Dr
Gale, Richard
Gallup, Raymond
Gaublomme, MD, Kris
Girard M.D., Dr Marc
Golding, Alan
Goldstein, D.V.M, Martin
Goldman, Ph.D, Gary S.
Gordon MD, FAAP, IBCLC, Dr Jay
Gostaldo DC, Todd
Gottstein, Sandy
Grant, Marge
Gunn BSc, Trevor
Gupta, Chris
Greenberg, Bernard
Greier, MR and Greier, DA
Handley, J.B.
Haley PhD, Boyd
Halvorsen, Dr Richard MB
Hadwen MD (smallpox vax UK)
  Hadwen MD quotes
  Hadwen, MD (banners)
Hancock, Bronwyn
Harkins, Don
Hay, 1937, Dr. William Howard (vaccine critic USA)
  Hay, Dr William (banners)
Haley Ph.D.,Boyd
   Haley quotes
   Quote banners
Head MCH Rs. Hon, Christina J
Healy, Justin
Heptonstall, John P
Hickman, Maureen *
Higgins, Chas (smallpox vax USA)
  Higgins quotes
Hodge, John W (smallpox vax USA)
Hume-Rothery, Mary C (smallpox vax UK)
Hutton, Arthur (smallpox vax UK)
Hoffman, Rita 
Holdsworth, Patrick
Hooker, Brian
Hooper, Ed
Horowitz DM.D.,M.A, Leonard .
Horwin, Michael & Raphaele
Howenstine, MD, Dr. James
Hume, Ethel Douglas
Humphries, MD (USA), Suzanne
Hyde MD, Dr. Byron
Incao, M.D., Philip
Innis, Michael D
James, Walene
Janak, Cynthia A.
Jefferson, Dr. Tom
Jillani, Lisa and A.A.
Jones, Allison
Kalokerinos, M.D (vaccine critic AUS)
  Kalokerinos quotes
  Kalokerinos, Archie  (banners)
Katme, Dr. A. Majid
Keller, Dr Leander Joseph (smallpox vax UK)
Kennedy, Ronald
Kennedy Jr., Robert F.
Keske, Tom
Kessick, Rosemary
King, PhD, Paul G.
Kinsbourne MD, Marcel
Kirby, David
Knaggs., H Valentine (smallpox vax UK)
Kops, Stanley P.
Koren DC, Tedd
Kreider, Susan
Kupsinel MD, Dr. Roy
Krasner, Gary
Lanctot, M.D, Guylain .
Lanka, Dr Stefan
Larsen, LM, Kelly
Latto, MB, ChB, Gordon
Levy, M.D.,F.A.C.C, Thomas
Lindlahr, M.D, Henry  
Lisa, P. Joseph
Loat, Lily (UK)
  Loat, Lily quotes
Lunoe, Sandy
Lupton, Arnold, M.P (smallpox vax UK)
  Lupton quotes

Mansfield, Dr Peter
Martin, M.D., Ph.D, W. John
Marini, MS., D.C., Stephen C. 
Marchini, M.D., Daniel
Marston, Sue
Matsumoto, Gary
McCarthy, Jenny
McBean, Eleanor (USA)
  McBean, Eleanor quotes
McTaggart, Lynne *
Mendelsohn, MD (USA)
   Mendelsohn MD quotes
Mercola D.O., Dr
Megsen, Dr
Méndez, MD, Juan Manuel Martínez 
Newman (1883), Professor F. W (smallpox vax UK)
Moskowitz, M.D., Richard
McCandless, M.D, Jaquelyn
Mihalovic, Dave ND
Miller, Clifford G.
Miller, Neil
Mintz, Sandy
Morrell, Peter
Morris, Dr Anthony J.

Moulden, Andrew
Muhammad, Kevin A.
Mullins, Eustace
Murphy, Jamie
Nass, Meryl M.D, Dr. .
Nakken, R.N., MA, Sheri
Nicholson, Dr Richard
Null, Ph.D., Gary
Neustaedter, OMD, L.Ac, Randall .*
Nicolson Ph.D., Dr
Nightingale, Michael
Nkuba, Kihura
Obukhanych, Dr Tetyana
Odent MD, Dr Michel
O'Driscoll, Catherine
Obomsawin PhD, Raymond (CAN)
   Obomsawin quotes

Orient MD, Jane
O'Shea, DC, Tim
Olmsted, Dan
Ott, PhD, ND, A. True
O’Leary, Professor John
Overell, Bette *
Palevsky, Lawrence
Phillips, Alan
Pitcairn, D.V.M., Richard H.
Pitcairn (1911), John (smallpox vax USA)
Pearce, M.D., Dr. Charles T (smallpox vax UK)  
  Pearce quotes
Petek-Dimmer, Anita
Pickering, Mr. Johh (smallpox vax UK)
Pragnell, Charles
Pringle, Evelyn
Quanten MD, Dr Patrick
Rappoport, Jon
Ratner, MD, Dr. Herbert
Rattigan ND, Pat *
Reagan, Lisa
Redwood, R.N., Lyn
Rees, Alan
Regush, Nicholas
Renee, April
Dr Robert Reisinger
Richardson, Dawn
Rimland Ph.D., Dr 
Roberts, Janine
Rodermund, Dr (smallpox USA)
Rollens, Rick 
Ruata, Carlo, M.D (smallpox vax ITALY)
Ruesch, Hans 
Ruede, Laura 
Saul, Dr 
Schlafly, Roger 
Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.
  External articles
  Quote banners

Schieferdecker M.D, Chr. Charles (smallpox vax GER)
Schumacher, Karin 
Scott, M.A. M.Sc, Prof 
Sears, Robert W. MD
Seneff, Stephanie
Severo, Julio
Shaw, Chris
Shaw, George Bernard (smallpox vax UK)
  Shaw, Bernard (banners)
  Shaw, Bernard (quotes)
Shattock, Paul 
Shelton DC, Herbert (USA)
  Shelton quotes
Shepherd, Charles
Shulze,Dr Richard

Sidhwa ND, Keki (UK)
Sinclair, N.D., Ian
Sircus Ac, OMD, Mark
Smits, Dr. Tinus 
Simon, Sylvie
Singh, Vijendra K. 
Smith, M.D., Lendon H.
Smith, Thomas
Snead, M.D., Eva *
Snead quotes
Steenis, Dr Dick van
Stevenson, Heidi
Stewart, Prof Gordon 
Stone, John
Strecker, M.D., Robert 
Stoller MD
Taylor, Magda 
Tebb, Dr Scott (smallpox vax UK)
Tebb, William (smallpox vax UK)
  Tebb, William quotes
Tenpenny, Sherri DO
Tetrault, M. D. Gregory 
Thomas, Isabella
Thomas, Dr Paul
Thrower, David 
Tilden MD (1851-1940), John (USA)
  Tilden MD quotes
  Tilden MD banners
Tocco, Mary
Tolzin, Hans (Germany)
Tomljenovic, Lucija
Tommey, Polly
Topp, Beth 
Trall MD (USA)
Ullman, Dana
Vetrano, Dr. Vivian Virginia (USA)
Wagnitz, Michael F.
Waisbren, Burton, M.D.
Walker MA, Martin
Wallace, LL.D. (1889/1898, Alfred R (smallpox vax)
  Wallace, Alfred quotes

Wallace, Alfred banners
Wilcox, Brett
Wilkinson (1883), Dr Garth (vaccine critic UK)
Wakefield, Dr. Andy 
Wain BEM, Wm. H
Watson, Anna
Welsh, Bill
West, Edda 
West, Jim 
West Ph.D., John
White, William (smallpox vax UK) *
  White, William (quotes)

Wilson, Graham MD
Winkler, Dawn
Yazbak MD, F. Edward 
Yuryev, Dmitriy K.
Yurko, Alan 

Groups (most antivaccine). Own page here:

No longer active
The National Anti-Vaccination League
International Anti-Vaccination League

Controlled opposition

Facebook [Facebook sites (whale approved)]
Peer-Reviewed Vaccine Information
A Shot of Truth
Proud Parents Of Unvaccinated Children
Say NO to the Vaccine
TheRefusers  Belkin, Michael
Vaccination Information Network (VINE)

Axel Makaroff
Australia & New Zealand

Australian Vaccination Network (AVN)*
Immunisation Awareness Society (IAS)
VISA Vaccine Information
Vaccination Information Service

Eagle Foundation  
Vaccine Risk Awareness Network (VRAN)
UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID)
The Informed Parent
Vaccine Awareness Network (VAN) *
 The Arnica Network
Vaccine Victim Support Group
Hepatitis B Victim Support Group
Ass. of Parents of Vaccine Damaged Children
Campaign for Justice for all Vaccine Damaged Children
Canine Health Concern*
Vaccine Information 
What Doctors Don't Tell You   *
Parents For Vaccine Education UK


Irish Vaccine Informed Parents group

International Medical Council on Vaccination
The World Association for Vaccine Education (WAVE)
VIC (Vaccine Injured Children)
Health Advocacy in the Public Interest
National Vaccine Information Centre(NVIC)
Vaccine Information & Awareness(VIA)
Coalition For Informed Choice
Vaccination Liberation (North Idaho)
People Advocating Vaccine Education (PAVE)
The Connecticut Vaccine Information Alliance
NJ Alliance for Informed Choice in Vaccination (NJ-AICV)
Long Island Vaccination Information Networking Group
Global Vaccine Awareness League (GVAL)  
Concerned Parents For Vaccine Safety
New Yorkers for Vaccination Information & Choice
Informed Parents Vaccination Homepage

Arizona Vaccine Information Network
Michigan Opposing Mandatory Vaccines  
Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE--Texas)    
V.I.A.M (Vaccine Infromation and Action in Maryland) or
New Hampshire
Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition  
Eagle Forum of Illinois 
Wisconsin Citizens For Free Choice In Immunization


France, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Denmark,Japan,Spain

Dr Kris Gaublomme:
Else Jenson www.vaccinationforum.du/link.htm
Sylvie Simon
Dutch site
Homeopathy and Vaccination site by Dr. Tinus Smits  
Italian site 
International Vaccination Newsletter
Federazione del COMILVA

Germany, Switzerland
Aegis Bayern
Aegis Schweiz
Impfkritik (Hans Tolzin) (printed antivaccinaton-magazine since 2005) (new Website from Angelika Kögel-Schauz and Sonja Houzer) (old Website from Angelika Kögel-Schauz Organisation of Parents from vaccinationhandicaped Children
1796 - Homeopathy and Vaccinations
Ukrainian anti-vaccine public organization: and


People for Economical and Effective Medicare

Dr Veronica Carstens:

Vaccines and the Akha People of Thailand. Tetanus Toxoid and spontaneous abortions

Independent groups researching mercury, and vaccines
Generation Rescue
No Mercury
Health Advocacy in the Public Interest
Safe Minds
Autism Research Institute (Dr Rimland)
ALT Inc (Boyd Haley Ph.D.)
Geier, MR and Geier, DA
Autism One
The Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD)
Allergy Induced Autism/AiA
FAIR Autism Media
One Click
Cry Shame


Vaccine created disease (own page here)

Changing age of disease onset
Vaccines used to induce disease in animals
Therapies for vaccine damage (eg autism)

Nancy Babcock's album (vaccine deaths and injuries)

Autoimmune diseases
Blood disorders
Bowel disease
Nervous system
Skin disorders

Quote banners
Vaccine autism 
Vaccine deaths
Vaccine disease

Allergy (peanut)
ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)
Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis.
Antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
Appetite, anorexia
Aplastic anemia
  Hiding vaccine autism
   Autism by Any Other Name
    Behavioural, not medical
    Change in diagnosis

    Genetics ploy
    Regressive autism doesn't exist

    Fraudulent studies
Autoimmune diseases
Bell's Palsy
Birth defects
Bowel disease
Brain Swelling
Brain damage (severe)
Blood Reactions
Bullous pemphigoid
BSE risk

Cerebral Palsy
Coeliac Disease
CIC (Klinkers)
CJD risk
Chronic inflammatory
Demylenating Polyneuropathy (CIDP).
Crohn's Disease
Development disability
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
Down's syndrome
Dravet Syndrome
Ear infections (Otitis Media)
Encephalitis, Anti-NMDA Receptor
Erythema multiforme
Eye damage
Fanconi's anemia
Feline sarcomas
Foetal damage
Foot and mouth disease
Gait disturbances
Graves' disease
Guillain-Barre syndrome
Gulf War Syndrome
Hair loss
Heller's syndrome
Hemolytic anemia
Henoch-Schoenlein Purpura
Hughes syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS)
Hyperkinetic syndrome
Inflammatory bowel disease
Immune Suppression
Kawasaki Syndrome
Kidney disorders
Leukemia & lymphoma
Lennox-gastaut syndrome
Lichen planus
Liver disorders
Lou Gehrig's disease
Lung, breathing
Lyell's syndrome
Lyme disease
Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF)
Mitichondrial Disorder
Myasthenia gravis
Nervous system
Optic Neuritis

Otitis Media
Peanut Allergy
Sarcomas (feline)
Serum Sickness
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Skin disorders
Spanish Flu
Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Sudden death
Thrombocytopenia purpura
Tourette's Syndrome
Transverse myelitis
Violent Behaviour
Whooping cough

Vaccine deaths/genocide (own page here):

Vaccine death banners
Vaccine genocide articles
Media stories
Dirty needles
The Missing Vial

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program USA
Withdrawn vaccines
Hot lots
Vaccine Disasters


Vaccine death banners
Crib death
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Gulf War Syndrome
Genocide & vaccination
Smallpox vaccination  (from 1800's)

Africa: drugs, malnutrion, clean water, sanitation

Vaccine associated deaths
Gulf War Syndrome
Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Cot death

Vaccine deaths
Hiding smallpox vaccine deaths
Smallpox vaccine

Diptheria vaccine 1919-1948
MMR vaccine
VAERS deaths
Gardasil deaths

Swine flu vaccine deaths
Flu vaccine

Coroners hiding vaccine deaths

Hepatitis B vaccine & AIDS (USA)

OPV vaccine in Africa
Kihura Nkuba (Uganda)
Edward Hooper
Genocide via Oral Polio Vaccine

Anthrax vaccine
Gulf War Syndrome

Quackwatch vaccine information (vaccine deaths)

Awadu, Keidi Obi
Brink, Anthony
Dr Alan Cantwell, M.D.
Robert Strecker, M.D.
Leonard Horowitz DM.D.,M.A.
Edward Hooper
Tom Keske
Dr Nicolson Ph.D.
Prof Scott, M.A. M.Sc
Terry Wycuff
Boyd Ed Graves, J.D
Kihura Nkuba
Kalokerinos M.D., Archie

Vaccine autism (own page here, also see Vaccine autism proven)

Vaccine autism proven
Media articles
Parent quotes
Vaccine autism quotes
Victim testimonies
Media vaccine victim  stories
DPT vaccines
MMR vaccines
Mercury in vaccines
Cover-up ploys

Government studies

Autism rare before mass vaccination
Autism increase
Leo Kanner

Studies on vaccine link
Committee of Government Reform

Therapies for vaccine damage (eg autism)


Vaccine Contaminants (own page here):

Blood supply

Nano particles

Hepatitis B vaccine & AIDS
Polio vaccines (SV40 & aids)
  CJD, BSE risk
Bird viruses
Simian cytomegalovirus


Vaccine ingredients (own page here):


Quote banners

Synergistic toxicity

Vaccine ingredients 1
Vaccine ingredients 2

Nano particles

Peanut oil


Human DNA

  Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL, ASO4)
Freund's (FCA)
Sodium borate

Tween 80/
Polysorbate 80

2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE)
Polymyxin B


Sodium deoxycholate

Tween 80
Triton X-100

Canine kidney cells
Aborted fetal DNA

Monkey kidney cells

Allergy reactions

Vaccines used to induce disease in animals

2-phenoxyethanol (2-PE)
Aborted fetal DNA
  Benzyl alcohol
Allergy reactions
Aluminium articles
Benzyl alcohol
Canine kidney cells
Freund's (FCA)

Human fetal cells
Monkey kidney cells
onophosphoryl lipid A (MPL, ASO4)
Nano particles

Peanut oil
Polymyxin B
Polysorbate 80
Sodium borate
Sodium deoxycholate
Synergistic toxicity
Thimerosal articles
Thimerosal quotes
Triton X-100
Tween 80
Vaccines used to induce disease in animals
Vaccine ingredients 1
Vaccine ingredients 2

Thimerosal (mercury vaccine ingredient) own page here:

Thimerosal use in Third World
[pdf 1999] Eli Lilly Thimerosal data sheet

Citations re
Toxicity of Thimerosal
Quote banners
Synergistic toxicity quotes
Boyd Haley Ph.D. quotes
Blood brain barrier
Drugs depleting nutrients quotes
Vaccine mercury poisoning

Mercury  & Alzheimer's
Dental amalgam & disease

Autism increase

Hannah Poling


Hep B package insert
Flu vaccine and alzheimer's


Ethyl vs. Methyl

Thimerosal Content (U.S.)
 Nov 2002

2005 PDF

Mercury levels
'Trace' mercury

Mercury medicines
Pink disease
Mercury medicines

Mercury inducing disease in animal experiments

Simpsonwood meeting June 2000

[1999] Eli Lilly Material Data Safety Sheet for Thimerosal

Law change to avoid liability
Citations, studies re thimerosal & mercury

Independent groups researching mercury, and vaccines
Generation Rescue
No Mercury
Health Advocacy in the Public Interest
Safe Minds
Autism Research Institute (Dr Rimland)
ALT Inc (Boyd Haley Ph.D.)
Geier, MR and Geier, DA
Autism One
The Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (CoMeD)
Allergy Induced Autism/AiA
FAIR Autism Media
One Click
Cry Shame

Autism file (Polly Tommey)

Bill Welsh (Autism Treatment Trust)

David Ayoub
Greier, MR and Greier, DA
Boyd Haley Ph.D.
Rimland Ph.D., Dr 
Teresa Binstock
Bernard, Sallie
Lyn Redwood
David Kirby
Dr. Richard Deth

Mark Blaxill
J.B. Handley

Dr. Rashid Buttar

Lisa C Blakemore-Brown blog

Leo Kanner

Vaccine articles (own page here)

Many more can be
found on individual pages.

Immune system
Disease theory
Vaccine deaths

Therapies (vaccine damage)
Politics/conflict of interest
Unhealthy charities
Money incentive
Junk science

Hidden agendas

Refusal to Vaccinate form



Ceravix (HPV)
Flu vaccine
Gardasil (HPV)
Hepatitis B
MMR studies (gov)
Swine flu

Diseases, syndromes:
Gulf War syndrome
SIDS/Crib death
Shaken baby syndrome

Teresa Binstock
Viera Scheibner Ph.D.
Alfred R. Wallace
Osteopathic Medicine

Sherri Tenpenny DO
Medical Historian:
Harris Coulter
Hilary Butler
Christina England

Vaccine critics:
Medical doctors
Naturopathy, Natural Hygiene

Medical doctors:
Beddow Bayly
Dr. Buchwald MD
Harold Buttram, MD
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Dr Alan Cantwell MD
Dr Jayne Donegan, MB
Kris Gaublomme, MD
Dr Hadwen MD
Archie Kalokerinos M.D.
W. John Martin, M.D
R Mendelsohn MD
Eva Snead MD
Lendon H.Smith, M.D.
Dr. Andy Wakefield
F. Edward Yazbak MD

Vaccination quotes (own page here)

Quote banners

Doctors on vaccination


Antibody Theory
Blood brain barrier
Changing age of disease onset
Drugs in pregnancy
Drugs depleting nutrients
Herd Immunity
Main reason for high vaccination drive
Vaccine Profits vs Safety
Klenner MD
Reisinger, Dr Robert
Sandler MD
Safety studies
Smallpox & vaccination
Unvaccinated children healthier
Child immune system and development re vaccination
Synergistic toxicity
Vaccine failure
Vaccine reaction time lag

Vaccine Disease Racket
Vaccine critics:
Beddow Bayly
Blaylock MD
Teresa Binstock
Buttram, Harold MD
Buchwald MD
Hadwen M.D, Walter R.
Butler, Hilary
Cantwell MD
Coulter, Harris L. , Ph.D.
Collins, M.D. (1883)
Coleman, Dr Vernon  MB
Donegan, Jayne  MB
Douglass, William MD
Duffy, Dr. Dan  Sr. DC
Elmigar, Dr Jean
Gunn BSc, Trevor
Haley, Boyd
Horowitz, Leonard
Incao, M.D., Philip
Kalokerinos MD
Loat, Lily

Loe Fisher, Barbara
Yazbak MD
Koren DC, Ted

Martin MD
McBean Ph.D, Eleanor
Mendelsohn MD
Nkuba, Kihura
Obomsawin Ph.D., Raymond
Rappoport, Jon
Rimland Ph
Ruesch, Hans

Scheibner PhD, Viera
Snead, Eva MD
Scott MA, MSc., Donald W.
Shaw, George Bernard
Thrower, David
Wallace, Alfred
West, Jim
The vaccines:
BCG vaccine & TB
Gardasil (HPV)
Hepatitis B
EZ measles
Package  inserts
Thimerosal (vaccine ingredient)
Urabe MMR

Nutritional med/doctors
Apple cider vinegar
Dr Kalokerinos MD
Dr Klenner MD
Dr Rimland Ph
Dr Sandler MD

Medical doctors on smallpox vaccination:
Campbell MD

Collins, M.D.
Hadwen MD
Creighton M.A., M.D.
Pearce, M.D

Smallpox vax critics (non-medical)
Loat, Lily
McBean Ph.D, Eleanor
White, William

Medical doctors
Beddow Bayly
Blaylock MD
Harold Buttram MD
Dr. Buchwald MD
Dr Alan Cantwell MD
Coleman MB, Vernon
William Douglass MD
Dr Jayne Donegan MB
Dr Jean Elmigar
Philip Incao, M.D.
Lanctot, M.D., Guylaine
Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD
Dr Kalokerinos MD
Levy, M.D.,F.A.C.C, Thomas
Nass, Meryl M.D, Dr. .
Eva Snead MD
Yazbak MD
Homeopathic medical doctors

Dr Jean Elmigar
Harris L. Coulter, Ph.D.
Trevor Gunn BSc
Doctors (non-medical)
Dr. Dan Duffy Sr. DC
Trevor Gunn BSc
Ted Koren DC
O'Shea, DC, Tim
Herbert Shelton DC
Diseases, death:
VICP payments
Autism & vaccination--parents
Crib death
Disease theory
Immune suppression
Vaccine disease decline
Disease increase
Ear problems
Gulf War Syndrome


Shaken Baby syndrome
Smallpox & vaccination
Spanish Flu
TB & BCG vaccine
Vaccine Disease

Chiropractors on vaccination
Diagnosis ploy
Doctor control
Drugs in pregnancy
Genocide via vaccination
"Highly infectious"
Herd Immunity
Junk science
Journal article & peer review
Lies & statistics
Doctors on vaccination
Medical Monopoly
Modern Medicine
Money incentive
Statistics re vaccinated or unvaccinated
Unhealthy charities
Vaccine Conflict of Interest
Vaccine law
Vaccine politics
Medical Monopoly
Vaccine production
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Overlooked disease cause:
Infections & poisons
Infection & nutrition

Earth Energy disease
Drugs depleting nutrients

TETRA & GSM (cell phone)

Synergistic toxicity

Vaccine companies:
Glaxo SmithKline

Medical mind control (own page here)

* Recognised propaganda ploys

Articles re medical lying
Articles re lying

Medical Hoaxes
Medical beliefs

Medical Information Control

Main control ploys
Fear of Disease
Fear of Quacks
  'Vaccines are Safe' lie

A-Z ploys:
Ad Hominem*
     Appeal to incredulity
     'Pseudoscience' & 'anti-science'

     Quacks & quackery
     Peter Bowditch
     Putz the pharma shill
Allopathic (vaccine) beliefs
Analogy madness

Antibody Theory
Anti-Vitamin studies

Avoid  liability
Adverse reactions

Behavioural, not medical
Benefits Outweigh Risks
Books (propaganda)
Book banning
Blame the parents

Chief Allopath (Medical Officer)
Clinical Trials
Coincidence lie

'Conspiracy' word game

Constructive Dismissal
'Cure' word forbidden
Disease Theory
Disease decline
Doctor intimidation

Double Think
Ego denial
Euphemism (name calling)*
Epidemic Fearmongering
Evidence/Science based medicine
Fear mongering *
Epidemic Fearmongering
  Infectious scares
  Fake vaccine 'scarcity'
False Connections*
Foreign studies
Greek Chorus
Health Fraud movement

Healthy trial babies only
Herd Immunity
Hiding polio
Hiding smallpox
Hiding smallpox deaths
Hiding vaccine reactions (coincidence)
Hiding adverse reactions (don't report)
High vaccination drive
Hype Disease risk
Infectious scares
Insurance scam
Just a Coincidence
Junk Science
  Avoid liability
Living longer myth
Logical Fallacies

    Ad hominem
    Appeal to incredulity
    Appeal to the majority
Long term studies (none)
Looking where it ain't
Medical journal control
Medical study ploys
Medical Myths
Medical records
Medical doctor uptake on vaccines
Missing Vial
Monkey business
Mouse toxicity test
Name Calling (Word Game)
Natural immunisation

Newsgroup pharma shills
Putz the pharma shill
Peter Bowditch

No cure, no known cause
Offit's 100,000 vaccines at once
'One plane ride away'
Pandemic definition

Parent Harassment
Parent Vaccine Leaflets
Peer review
Pharma gang
Placebo washout
Post mortem (deny)
Preserve vaccination from reproach
RDA Limits
Revolving door
'Safe' definition
Safety studies
Science based medicine

Self testing (vaccines)
Slides/Red Herring
Suppress alternatives
Suppress the word Cure
Suppress studies/research
Trust me

Word Game
   Glittering Generality*
   Name Calling *
   Evidence based medicine
   Vaccine preventable disease
    Suppress the word Cure
Show us the Evidence

Underlying conditions
'Unvaccinated' lie
Vaccine "science"
Vaccine commissars
Vaccine Buzz phrases
Vaccine testing
Word Game


Great Heists
Smallpox Heist 2002
Bird Flu Heist

Medical study ploys [Medical study ploys]
Antibody Theory
Anti-Vitamin studies
Clinical Trials

Evidence/Science based medicine
Foreign studies
Healthy trial babies only
Hist test
Looking were it ain't
Never unvaccinated controls
Kendrick mouse test
Mouse toxicity test
Peer review
Placebo washout
Safety studies
Study data kept secret
Suppress studies/research

CD4 cell counting

Monkey business

DPT Mouse tests
Mouse toxicity test 
Kendrick mouse test 
Hist test

Tests [See: Medical tests]
CD4 test

PSA test
HIV tests
Herpes Tests
TB tests

Fear ploys [Fear mongering]
Epidemic Fearmongering
Infectious scares

Fake vaccine 'scarcity'
Foreign viruses
Hype disease risk
Missing Vial
One plane ride away'

Vaccine autism denial ploys
Autism and genetics
change in diagnosis

Autism increase

Rare before DPT vaccination

All in your head

Ethylmercury vs. Methylmercury

Regressive autism
Hannah Poling

Shills [Shills]
AMA Quotes
Company men
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)
Independent ploy
Institute of Medicine
Vaccine Committees
Putz the pharma shill

Pharma flaming
Vaccine Conflict of Interest Quotes
Governments--how they function
Other Assorted ploys
Medical control quotes
Medical Monopoly quotes

Paul Offit's 100,000 vaccines at once

Medical study ploys (own page here)

Junk science quotes
Junk science articles
Junk government studies re MMR vaccine
Conflict of interest
Merck MMR mumps component fraud

Pharma shills (deep cover)
The Cochrane Collaboration 
Institute of Medicine (IOM)

Antibody Theory
Anti-Vitamin studies

Clinical Trials
Evidence/Science based medicine
Foreign studies
Healthy trial babies only
Hist test
Never unvaccinated controls
Inadequate safety studies
Kendrick mouse test
Long term studies (none)
Looking were it ain't

Mouse toxicity test
No criticism or right of reply
Peer review
Placebo washout
Study data kept secret
Suppress studies/research

CD4 cell counting
Third world guinea pigs

Monkey business

DPT Mouse tests
Mouse toxicity test 
Kendrick mouse test 
Hist test

Vaccine autism denial ploys [Vaccine autism]
Autism genetic

Autism increase "due to change in diagnosis"

Medical lies (own page here)


Quote banners (medical)

Quote banners (non-medical)
Lying quotes (non-medical)
Medical lies & statistics (general) 
African disease statistics quotes
Smallpox vaccination lies

Smallpox statistics
'Unvaccinated' lie
The Franco-German War (1870-71) Smallpox death Statistics.
The Grand 3,000 per Million Statistic.

Lie mongers
American Cancer Society
Chief Allopath (Medical Officer)
Chief Dental Officer

Wikipedia Medical Lies

Great Lies
Animal Research Saves Lives
Infectious scares
Smallpox Lie

'Vaccines are Safe'
 'Vaccines are effective'

Cancer lie #1

Cancer lie #2
Cancer lie #3

Smallpox [See: Smallpox vaccination lies]
Smallpox statistic quotes

Dangers of smallpox
Infectiousness of smallpox
Spurious cowpox
The Franco-German War (1870-71) fraud
The Grand 3,000 per Million Statistic.
Dr. Ogle's statistical fraud regarding Leicester
Mr. Hutchinson lying over vaccine syphilis
Emily Maud Child of Leeds.

 Nasty lies
Blame the parents

 Fancy lies
Authority lie
Diagnosis lie
Epidemic Fearmongering lie
The 'Independent' lie
Lying with the Truth
Lying with silence
Lying by omission
The lies of Allopathy
Autism increase due to change in diagnosis

Rationalization (lying to yourself)
Repetition of Lies
Lying through ignorance 

Animal Research Saves Lives Lie
Authority lie
African disease statistics quotes
Alzheimer's 'mystery'
Benefits Outweigh the Risks
Blame the parents
Cancer lie #1
Cancer lie #2
Cancer lie #3
Cot death 'mystery'
Dangers of smallpox
Diagnosis lie

DPT vaccine lies
Epidemic Fearmongering lie
Flu death lie
If it works lie
Healthy trial babies only
Herd Immunity
Hep B Vax Safety
Hiding polio
Hiding smallpox
Hiding smallpox deaths
Hiding vaccine reactions (coincidence)
Hiding adverse reactions (don't report)
Hype Disease risk
Infectious scare lies
'Independent' lie
Just a coincidence lie
Lying through ignorance

Lying with the Truth
Lying with silence
Lying by omission

Measles risk lie
Measles 'more to be dreaded than smallpox'
MMR  Top 10 truths and top 10 myths
No known cure, no known cause lie
Offit measles deaths lie

One plane ride away'
The lies of Allopathy
Autism increase due to change in diagnosis
Rationalization (lying to yourself)
Repetition of Lies
Lies on vaccine leaflets
Lying through ignorance
Vaccine leaflet lies
'Vaccines are Safe' lie
'Vaccines are effective' lie
'Only way lie
Smallpox Lie

Infectiousness of smallpox
Vaccines are adequately tested
Vaccination has saved millions of lives
Vaccine mercury poisoning
'Pseudoscience' & 'anti-science' lie
Vivisectors Lies
Wakefield 'discredited' lies
purious cowpox 

Vaccine package inserts (own page here):

Lies on vaccine leaflets

[pdf] Gardasil
TUBERSOL Tuberculin Test, Connaught
TheraCys® BCG Live (Intravesical)
Varivax  Merck
Connaught (DPT) 
Pasteur Mérieux (1995) (DTP)
CSL Limited (DPT)
Connaught (DT) 
Connaught (Td
Evans Medical 1994 (DT)
Tripedia® (Preservative-free)Diphtheria and Tetanus Toxoids and Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed (Preservative-free)
[pdf 2009] Tripedia DTap vaccine
Td (adult) Tetanus and Diphtheria Toxoids Adsorbed For Adult Use
Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed Tetanus Toxoid Adsorbed USP
TetanusToxoid USP Tetanus Toxoid USP For Booster Use Only
Trivax Hib (1996)
ACT-HIB ®DTP dc (Aventis Pasteur) 
Infanrix---SmithKline Beecham AUS

[pdf 2005] Tripedia

Flu vaccines
Haemophilus B (HIB)
ActHIB® Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd
HIB with DPT
ACT-HIB ®DTP Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd
Infanrix ®-Hib (Glaxo SmithKline
Hepatitis A
Avaxim ® (Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd)
Havrix (Hep A) Glaxo SmithKline
Havrix Monodose
® (Glaxo SmithKline)

Vaqta ® Adult (Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd)
Vaqta ® Paediatric and Adolescent (Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd
With hepatitis b:
TwinrixAdult (Glaxo SmithKline)
Hepatitis B
Engerix B Glaxo SmithKline
H-B-Vax II---Merck Sharp & Dohme (Aust.) Pty Ltd  Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd
[pdf] Gardasil

Ceravix contents
Meningococcal meningitis
Mencevax ACWY----SmithKline Beecham
Meningitec ® (Wyeth
Menjugate ® (Chiron
NeisVac-C ® (Baxter
AC Vax ® (Glaxo SmithKline
Menomune®-A/C/Y/W-135 Meningococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Groups A,C,Y and W-135 Combined
Mengivac (A+C) ® (Aventis Pasteur MSD)
ACWY Vax ® (Glaxo SmithKline
DPT, Polio, Haemophilus b
(Eolarix, 1994)
M-M-R II---Merck Sharp & Dohme (Aust.) Pty Ltd(Distrib. CSL)
Connaugh Edmondston
DIPLOVAX HDC 4.0 Edmonston-Zagreb strain

Pnu-Imune ® (Wyeth)  
Pneumovax II Aventis Pasteur MSD Ltd
Prevnar     Wyeth
Connaught (OPV) 
Connaught (IPV) 
Ipol (Injection) Rx AUS
Orimune (OPV)
Rabies Vaccine Inactivated (Diploid Cell Origin), Dried
Dryvax-- Wyeth
Swine flu
[pdf] Pandemix
[pdf] GSK employee disclaimer form
Yellow Fever

See:  Package Inserts and Manufacturers for some US Licensed Vaccines and Immunoglobulins

The diseases (own page here):

Positive effect of childhood diseases

Spiritual Diseases

Vaccine diseases

Bird Flu
Whooping Cough

Dental source
Vaccines (articles)
Drugs (articles)
Citations re vaccines
Citations re other drugs

Allergy (peanut)
Allergies & drugs
Aplastic Anaemia
Back & Neck Pain
Bad breath
Barlow's disease
Bird Flu

Birth defects
Brittle Bone disease
Blood Pressure
Borderline Personality Disorder

Bowel disease
Bright's disease
Cerebral palsy
Colds and Flu
Cot death, crib-death, SIDS
Cystic fibrosis
Dental Caries
Down's syndrome
  Drug induced diabetes
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
Ear infections
e coli
Emotional trauma
False Memory Syndrome
Fetal Anticonvulsant Syndrome (FACS)
Four Corners lung disease
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Gulf War Syndrome
Gum Disease
Graves Disease
Head, Back & Neck Pain
Heart disease
   Cayenne Pepper
   Chelation therapy
Hepatitis C
High blood pressure

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Legionaires Disease
Lice (head)
Lou Gehrig's disease
Lyme Disease
Macular degeneration
Mad cow
Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF)
Mental Illness
Meniere's syndrome
Moles and Warts
Motor neuron disease
Morgellons Disease
Multiple Personality Disorder
Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)
Muscular dystrophy
Necrotising fasciitis
Old Age
Otitis Media
Paranoid schizophrenia.
Pernicious Anemia
Physical Trauma
Pink disease
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia Puerperal Fever
Positive effect of childhood diseases
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post Tubal Syndrome (PTS)
Post polio syndrome
Psychosomatic disease
Puerperal Fever
Radiation poisoning
Respitory syncytial virus (RSV)SADS
Scarlet fever
Sexual Problems, Impotence
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Slim disease
SMON (Subacute Myelo-Optico-
Spanish Flu
Spina Bifida
Spiritual Diseases
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)
Sudden Cardiac Death
Military suicides
  Suicide and pharma drugs
  Suicide music

  Farmer suicides 
  FMD suicides 
Stomach ulcer
Swine Flu 1976
Swine flu 2009
Tardive dyskinesia
Toxic Oil Syndrome
Tardive dyskinesia,
Tourette Syndrome
Trauma (physical)
Trauma (emotional)
Ulcerative colitis
Ulcer (Stomach)

West Nile Virus
Whooping Cough

Kennel Cough
Foot and mouth (FMD)
Canine parvovirus
Canine Distemper
Schmallenberg virus
Swine Flu

Man made
Drug-Induced Diseases    The Virus hunters)

Bird Flu
Cot death, crib-death, SIDS
Legionaires Disease
SMON (Subacute Myelo-Optico-Neuropathy)
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Spanish Flu
Toxic Oil Syndrome

Nutrient deficiency

Pineal Gland

Medical citations (vaccine damage mostly) own page here

Other Drugs
Journal articles & peer review
Vaccine contamination
Positive effect of measles citations
PARSIFAL study group & anthroposophic lifestyle citations

Infant mortality rates regressed against number of vaccine doses routinely given

Vaccine ingredients:

Vaccine reactions
Autoimmune diseases
Bowel disease
Blood disorders
Nervous system
Skin disorders
Linked to vaccines
Chicken Pox/varicella
DT & Polio
Hepatitis B

EZ measles
Smallpox 1966-1974    1975-1979   1980-1999
Yellow Fever
Vaccine reactions (Unfiled)
Linked to organs, diseases

Linked to diseases
Aplastic anemia
Autoimmune disease
Immune Suppression
Allergy reactions
Brain swelling
Blood Reactions
Bullous pemphigoid
Hemolytic anemia
Leukemia, lymphoma
Liver disorders
Multiple sclerosis
Optic neuropathy
Rett syndrome
SIDS/cot death
Vaccination related:
Chromosome Changes
Animal experiments:
Adjuvant arthritis
Animal Studies
Myelin basic protein (MBP) induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE)
Collagen induced arthritis
DPT vaccines
Mercury inducing disease
Vaccines inducing disease
Nutrients & immunity
Breast feeding
Vitamin A & child mortality
Vitamin C
Vitamin C articles
Vitamin E
Vitamin K

Measles deaths & pneumonia
Steroid varicella
Steroid tuberculosis
Drug induced aseptic meningitis
Drug associated polio

Disease theory (own page here)

Acid and alkaline
American food pyramid
Antibody Theory
Apple cider vinegar
Autism increase
Bad breath
Blood type diet
Bonding (attachment)
Books (metals & junk food)
Bowel disease
Breast feeding
Cancer Microbe
CD4 test
Diagnosis lies
Dirty water
Disease decline
Disease incidence
Drugs depleting nutrients
E coli
Energy (human)
Food combining

Food pyramid
Germs vs toxins
Germ theory
Gut flora
Healing crisis
Herd Immunity
Health Hazards
Hering’s Law of Cure

"Highly infectious"
Hype Disease risk
Infectious scares
Liver/gallbladder cleanse
Medical tests
Natural Healing
Nutrition (citations)
Nutritional doctors
Natural Healers

Nightingale, Florence
Orthomolecular & Nutritional
Measles (Positive effect of)
Measles (
Measles (
Measles (
Nutritional medicine)

Positive effect of childhood diseases
Raw food

Raw meat diet
Sugar wound remedy
Virus hunters
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Water cure
Well being

Disease cause (metals & junk food)

Disease theory books

Disease theory

Disease decline
Infections & poisons
Infection & nutrition

Herbal Naturopathy
Pesticides & disease

Bowel disease

Nutritional medicine

Positive effect of measles citations

Disease cause
Health Hazards
Infections & poisons
Infection & nutrition

Disease protection, curing
Positive effect of measles

Breast feeding

Natural Healing
Nutrition (citations)
Sugar wound remedy
The Virus hunters

Natural Healing
Nutritional Medicine

Healing systems
Apple cider vinegar

Keys to health
Acid and alkaline

Bonding (attachment)
Breast feeding
Liver/gallbladder cleanse
Raw food
Water cure


Cancer Microbe [Cancer Microbe]
Alan Cantwell

Hype disease risk
Dangers of smallpox lie   
Infectiousness of smallpox


Antibody Theory
Germs vs toxins
Herd Immunity

Disease theory doctors, scientists
Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D.
Naessens, Gaston
Wilhelm Reich
Cantwell, M.D, Alan
Kalokerinos MD.

Tilden MD, John
Levy, MD, JD, Thomas E.
Jim West 

Natural Healers



Orthomolecular & Nutritional Medicine
Alternative Viewpoint (vaccination)
Disease statistics
Positive effect of childhood diseases

Poison diseases made out to be 'Infectious'
Pharmaceutical AIDS
Legionnaires Disease
Spanish Flu

Toxic Oil Syndrome


Vaccine contaminants
Bird viruses
Simian cytomegalovirus

Poison  researchers
David Crowe
Jim West (Polio--- DDT)
Ralph R. Scobey, M.D. (eg DDT)
Morton S. Biskind, M.D. (eg DDT)
Mark Purdey (BSE)

Lanka, Dr Stefan

Bonnie Bassler (bacteria)

Child health
George M. Morley, M.B., Ch. B., FACOG (cord clamping)
Dr Robert Reisinger (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)
Hilary Butler (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)
Archie Kalokerinos MD.

Bert Hellinger
Michael Gurian
Miller, Alice
James W. Prescott, Ph.D.
John Bowlby
Michael Mendizza
Virginia Satir
Ashley Montagu
Joseph Chilton Pearce

Nutritional medicine (own page here):

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
Nutrition and Infection

Addiction (Heroin)
Addiction (Alcohol)
Addiction (Sugar)
Addiction (Pharma)
Cot Death
Heart Disease
Mental Illness

TB & Nutrition
TB & Iron

TB & nutrition
Vitamin C and Tuberculosis
TB & Vitamin D

Vitamin B1(thiamine, thiamin)
B3 (Niacin)
Flax oil
Nutrition (citations)
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E


Nutrient Sources

Banner quotes
Nutrition from food banners
Nutritional Doctor

Infection & nutrition
Drugs depleting nutrients

Anti-Vitamin studies 
The Vitamin C Conspiracy

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
Food pyramid

Sites & Journals
Nutritional medical doctor quotes


Drugs depleting nutrients

Vitamin C (own page here):

Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
Doctors and scientists
Anti-Vitamin studies 
Media articles

Quote banners
Vitamin C
Nutritional medicine banners

Diet/nutrition and smallpox
Infection & nutrition quotes
Crib death
Anti Viral


Addiction (heroin)
Cot Death

Drug addiction
Heart disease
Viral hepatitis
Smallpox 1880

Measles 1949
Meningitis 1974
Heart Disease
Polio 1949
Whooping Cough

Nutritional doctors (own page here):

Natural Healers
Beres, Dr Jozsef
Bieler, M.D., Henry G.
Binzel, Jr., M.D.,Philip E.
Budwig, Johanna
Bush, Dr. Sydney
Campbell-McBride, Natasha
Cannell, John , MD
Cathcart, M.D.
Cheraskin, M.D., D.M.D.1
Clapp, Larry
Clemetson, Dr. C.A.B.
Cowan, M.D.,Thomas S.
Day, Phillip
Dettman, Glen

DOMmisse, MD, FRCPC, John V
Erasmus, Udo
Fonorow PhD, MS, MBA, Owen R.

Gaby, MD, Alan R.
Glidden, Peter
Griesz-Brisson, Dr Margarita (UK)
Hay, Dr William
Hemilä, Harri
Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. , Abram
Holford, Patrick
Kalokerinos M.D., Archie
   Banner quotes

Kingsley, Dr Patrick
Klenner MD
   Klenner quotes
Krebs, Ernst T.
Kushi, Michio
Lee, Dr Royal
Levy, MD, JD, Thomas E.
Lonsdale, M.D., F.A.C.A.M., Derrick
Melamede, Dr Bob
Mellanby, Edward M.D., F.R.C.P., F.R.S.
Scott-Mumby, MD, BCh, Keith
O'Shea, DC, Tim
Passwater, Ph.D, Richard
Pauling, Linus
Pallares, Dr Sodi
Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D.,Carl C.

Quillan, M.D., Patrick
Rath MD

Richards M.B, B Ch.
Saul PhD.
Sandler, M.D., Benjamin P.
Shute, M.D Wilfrid, and Evan Shute, M.D.
Smith, Lendon M.D.
Stone, Dr. Irwin
Szent-Györgyi, Ph.D.,  Albert von
Vonderplanitz, Aajonus
Wallach, Joel
Whitaker, Julian M.D.

Wigmore, Ann
Willner, M.D.
Wilson, MD, FICB, Lawrence
Wilson, William Griffin
Wright, M.D.

Raw food Advocates:
Ann Wigmore 
Rabbi Gabriel Cousens M.D.
David Wolfe
Victoria Boutenko
Victor Kulvinskas
Kristine Nolfi
Brian Clement, C.N., N.M.D., Ph.D
Normon Walker
Stanley S. Bass
Vinny Pinto
Aajonus Vonderplanitz

Child health (own page here):

Quote banners
Books (psychological, child rearing)

Child abuse
Family Abuse

Human Abuse

Acetaminophen (Paracetamol, Tylenol, Panadol, Calpol, Salzone, )
American Academy of Pediatrics
Anti D
Baby sleeping position
Bed sharing
Benzodiazepine babies
Birth defects
Blood brain barrier
Boarding schools
Bonding (attachment)
 & Bottle-feeding
Brittle bones and child abuse
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS)
Child abuse
Child 'Protective' Services
Circumcision (male)
Cord Clamping
orporal punishment / spanking
Cot death, crib-death, SIDS
Court Abuse of Children
Crying It Out
Day care (under 5)
Dirty water
Drugs in pregnancy
Ear infections
E coli
Family Courts

Family Abuse
Family Courts

Female genital mutilation
Foetus hazard quotes
Gut flora
Junk food
Masculinity and Femininity
Miller, Alice
Missing children
Monogamy & polygamy
Obstetrics and Gynaecology (OB/GYN)
Poisonous pedagogy
Positive effect of childhood diseases

Premarital sex
Question a doctor and lose your child
Sleeping position
Suppression of child health knowledge
Suppressing sexuality
Ultrasound Unsound? (Collection of info)
Vitamin K
Weaning age
Well being

Quote banners
Infections & poisons
Infection & nutrition
Drugs depleting nutrients

Breast and bottlefeeding
James W. Prescott, Ph.D.
Hilary Butler
Archie Kalokerinos MD.
Foetus & Child Health Hazard

Third World export of baby milk

The Family Bed

The Magical Child

The Diseases
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Cot death, crib-death, SIDS
Meningitis prevention
Polio Causes

George M. Morley, M.B., Ch. B., FACOG (cord clamping)
Dr Robert Reisinger (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)
Hilary Butler (gut flora, breast-feeding and the effect of vaccines on babies.)
Catharina Svanborg (breastmilk)
Archie Kalokerinos MD. (Cot-death)

The Osteopathic Centre for Children

Jack Newman, MD, FRCPC. (Breastfeeding)
Veronika Sophia Robinson  (Breastfeeding)

Dr Benjamin Spock

Touch The Future

The Origins of Peace and Violence

Psychology [Psychology]
Bert Hellinger
Michael Gurian
Miller, Alice
James W. Prescott, Ph.D.
John Bowlby
Michael Mendizza
Virginia Satir
Ashley Montagu
Joseph Chilton Pearce
Dr. Lynne Wrennall

Bruno Bettelheim
Freud, Sigmund


Shaken Baby Syndrome
Michael D Innis
Mohammed A. Al-Bayati
F. Edward Yazbak MD
Viera Scheibner, Ph.D.
Charles Pragnell

Gina Ford

The Allopathic medical industry (own page here):

Hospitals, Clinics
Medical Schools
Vaccine "Nonprofit" Groups

Government committees
Health and Human Services Policy Committee

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
British Medical Journal
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
New England Journal of Medicine

Charities [Charities]
Alzheimer's Charities

American Cancer Society (ACS)
American Diabetes Association
American Dietetic Association
American Heart Association
Autism Speaks
Cancer Research Campaign
Every Child By Two
Invest in ME (IiME)
Imperial Cancer Research Fund
Multiple Sclerosis Society
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)
National Autistic Society
National Eczema Society
Pink ribbon & National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Red Cross
Sense about Science

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA)
Alzheimer's Charities
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)
British Humanist Association (BHA)
British International Doctors Association (BIDA)
British Medical  Association (BMA)
British Medical Journal
British Psychological Society
Campaign Against Health Fraud (UK)
Cancer Research Campaign
Cochrane Collaboration
Committee on Safety of Medicines (CSM) 
Department of Health (DOH)
Every Child By Two
Food Standards Agency
General Medical Council (GMC)
House of Commons Science and Technology Committee (HoC S&TC)
Imperial Cancer Research Fund
Institute of Child Health
Institute of Psychiatry
Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
Medicines Control Agency (MCA)
Medical Research Council
Multiple Sclerosis Society
National Institute for Clinical Excellence
National Autistic Society
National Eczema Society
Research Defence Society
Public Health Laboratory Service
Royal College of Paediatrics  and Child Health
Royal Society of Medicine
Royal College of Nursing (RCN)
Royal College of Physicians
Royal Society
Sense about Science

"Independent" advocates:
Immunization Action Coalition
Institute of Vaccine Safety
National Network for Immunization Information
Children's Vaccine Initiative
Immunization Gateway 
National Healthy Mothers Healthy Babies Coalition (HMHB)

Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

HealthFraud Groups [Quackbusters]
American Council on Science and Health
Coordinating Conference on Health Information (CCHI) 

HealthWatch/Campaign Against Health Fraud (UK) 
American National Council Against Health Fraud
Skeptics Society
UK Skeptic
ASKE, the Association for Skeptical Enquiry


Alzheimer's Charities
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Cancer Society (ACS)
American College of Cardiology
American Council on Science and Health
American Diabetes Association
American Dietetic Association
American Heart Association
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
American Medical Association (AMA)
American National Council Against Health Fraud
American Obesity Association
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
California Medical Association
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)
Federal Interagency Autism Advisory Committee (IACC)
Health and Human Services Policy Committee
Infectious Diseases Society of America
Institute of Medicine (IOM)
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
National Institutes of Health
New England Journal of Medicine
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC)

Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI)
World Health Organisation (WHO)
   World Food Program (WFP)
United Nations (UN)
European Scientific Working Group on Influenza (ESWI)
Red Cross

Government committees
Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage)

European Scientific Working group on Influenza (ESWI)
World Psychiatric Association

European Medicines Agency (EMEA)

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations

Vaccine/drug Makers [Corporatocracy Allopathy Inc]
American Home Products
Baxter Healthcare Ltd
Berna Biotech
Boehringer Ingelheim
Chiron  formerly Medeva
Eli Lilly
Evans Vaccine Powderject
Glaxo SmithKline
Johnson & Johnson/McNeil
MerckAventis Pasteur MSD Ltd  
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Pasteur Institute
Solvay Healthcare Ltd
Wellcome Foundation
Wyeth Lederle    American Home Products

Allopathy Inc Experts (Inc media, politics), own page here):

'Revolving door'

Allen, Frances
Anderson of FMD scam fame
Aaronovitch, David
Armstrong, Mac
Aston, CCDC, Robert
Atwood, IV, MD
Baum, Michael
Bartlett, Jamie
Beard, Dr Nick
Bedford, Helen
Biederman, Dr. Joseph
Blakemore, Colin
Borland, Sophie
Boseley, Sarah
Campbell, Nicky
Chan, Margaret
Chopra, Deepak
Cockburn, Andrew
Cohen, Nick

Connor, Steve
Cooper, Louis Z
Cooper, Anderson , CNN

Cox, Anthony
Creagh, Mary
Davis, Nigel  & Sir Crispin
Dawkins, Richard
DeMeo, Ph.D., James
Deer, Brian
Dixon, Dr. Patrick
Doll, Richard

Donaldson, Liam
Dr Oz
Elliman, David
Emond, Alan
Ernst, Edzard
Evans, Stephen
Faine, Jon
Finn, Adam
Fink, Aaron J.
Fitzpatrick, Michael

Flegg, Peter J
Fombonne, Eric
Fowler, Norman
Fumento, Michael
French, Professor Christopher
Frist, Bill
Gallo, Robert

Gerberding, Julie
Giannangeli, Marco
Gill, AA
Gillberg, Christoper
Gibson MP

Goldacre, Ben
Gornall, Jonathan
Gorski, MD, PhD, David H.
Godlee, Dr Fiona FRCP
Gottlieb, Scott
Green, Saul
Gupta, Dr. Sanjay
Hall, Andrew
Halsey MD, Neil
Hammond, Dr Phil
Hari, Johann
Harris, Evan
Harris, Gardiner
Healey, John
Hart, Alan
Hemming, John
Henderson, Mark
Hilleman Ph.D, Maurice R.
Hitchens, Peter
Hope, Jenny
Horton, Dr Richard
Jarvis, Sarah
Jakab, Zsuzsanna
Jennings, Lance
Johnson, Tim
Kassianos, Dr George
Katz, Samuel
Kay, Jonathan
Kilmeade, Brian
King, David
Krebs, Sir John
Kumar, Dr Surendra
Lachmann, Sir Peter
Langman, Professor Michael
Lansley, Andrew
Laurance, Jeremy
Leonard, Rosemary
Leventhal, Dr. Bennet
Liddle, Rod
Lindsey, Kimberly Quinlan
Lipstadt, Deborah
Lord, Dr. Catherine
Madsen, Kreesten
Marcovitch, Harvey
Marks, Vincent
McKie, Robin
McSweegan, Edward
Meadow, Roy
Miller, Elizabeth
Montagnier, Luc
Morgan, Piers
Mortimer, Edward

Miller, Elizabeth
Mnookin, Seth
Morgan, Piers
Novella, Steven
Nuki, Professor George
Nuki, Paul
Osterhaus, Albert
Offit, Paul A.
Oxford, John
Oz, Dr
Park, Alice
Parry, Vivienne
Paterson, Owen
Phillips, Melanie

Poland, Dr. Greg
Rake, Dr Katherine
Randerson, James
Randi, James
Richmond, Caroline
Rooker, Jeffrey William
Ross, Gilbert
Rotblat, Dr F
Rumsfeld, Donald
Rutter, Professor Sir Michael
Sainsbury, Lord David
Salisbury, David
Sanders, Tom
Sasieni, Professor Peter
Saunders, Richard
Schreibman, Laura
Schwarcz, Dr. Joe
Scurr, Dr Martin
Sebelius, Dr. Kathleen

Segal, Jakob
Shermer, Michael
Sikora, Karol
Singh, Simon
Smith, Dick
Smith, Tara C.
Southall, Professor David
Specter, Michael
Spelman, Caroline
Stoppard, Dr Miriam
Snyderman,Dr. Nancy
Taverne, Lord Dick
Thompson, Damian
Thompson, Mark
Thorsen, Poul
Taylor, Brent
Tayloe, David
Taylor, Michael
Trevor-Roper, Hugh
Turner, Nikki
Vilsack, Tom
Wainberg, Mark
Wessely, Simon

Wheen, Francis
Woods, Professor Kent
Yeo, Tim

Times group


Vaccine advocates

Putz the pharma shill

Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS)

Noam Chomsky
Amy Goodman

Bill Gates
Tim Berners-Lee

The Very Reverend Graham Forbes

Edward Bernays


Vaccine statistics (own page here):

Deaths USA 1900-1987
Deaths 1901-1995 (England & Wales)
Measles deaths totals 1901 to vaccination (UK)
Deaths 1850-1890 England pdf
Smallpox vaccination

Holocaust death statistics

Autism increase
Disease incidence

Well being

Statistical ploys
Autism and genetics
change in diagnosis

Infant death rate
Disparities in Infant Mortality
[2007] United States Has Higher Death Rate Than Most Other Countries

Miller, Clifford G. (Rubella, mumps stats)

Statistics (visual--graphs, pie charts)

Disease increase
Vaccine disease decline
Smallpox vaccine failure
Smallpox case mortality