Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014

Rogers Ranger auf verlorenem Posten im Auftrag der Finsterniss die Heilkriese die Fresssucht die Henkersmahlzeit & Fasten

Unten in den Kommentaren alle Video-Teile, Fullfilm ansehen


ist ein US-amerikanischer Spielfilm, den Regisseur King Vidor 1939 für Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer inszeniert hat. Der aufwändig in Farbe produzierte Abenteuerfilm, der eine Strafexpedition der britischer Kolonialarmee gegen feindliche Indianer zum Thema hat, sollte der erste Teil eines Doppelfilms über die Suche nach der Nordwestpassage werden, der den Gesamttitel Rogers' Rangers erhalten sollte, dessen zweiter Teil nach dem wirtschaftlichen Misserfolg des ersten jedoch nie produziert wurde. Der Film basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von Kenneth Roberts.

Ort der Handlung sind die britische Kronkolonie New York und das angrenzende Kanada, die Zeit ist die des Franzosen- und Indianerkrieges (1754-1764).

Langdon Towne muss Harvard verlassen, weil er das Essen dort kritisiert hat, und wird dann, weil er Maler werden will, auch noch von der Familie seiner Liebsten hinausgeworfen. Während er sich in der Dorfkneipe betrinkt, äußert er einige respektlose Dinge über die Briten und endet deswegen beinahe im Gefängnis. Um weiteren Problemen zu entgehen, fasst er die Entscheidung, sich in Crown Point Major Rogers anzuschließen, einem britischen Offizier, der eine Strafexpedition gegen eine Gruppe von Indianern leiten soll, die mit den gegnerischen Franzosen im Bunde stehen. Es gelingt, die Indianer bis auf den letzten Mann niederzumetzeln, der lange Rückweg in die britische Kolonie erweist sich jedoch als äußerst hart. Die Expedition, die bereits seit dem Hinweg von der Proviantzufuhr abgeschnitten ist, wird wiederholt angegriffen. Towne, der im Verlaufe der Handlung vom zivilisationsverwöhnten Feingeist zum Ranger erzogen wird, erleidet eine Verwundung und entgeht nur knapp dem Zurückgelassenwerden in der Wildnis. Dank des Gottvertrauens und des unerschütterlichen Willens des charismatischen Major Rogers, der seine Männer mit Erfolg immer wieder zu eigentlich unmöglichen Leistungen antreibt, erreichen 50 Überlebende jedoch das rettende britische Fort. Zu überwinden waren zuvor ein Bergrücken, über den die Männer ihre Boote schleppen mussten, und ein reißender Strom, den sie nur durchwaten können, indem sie eine menschliche Kette bilden.

Der Film endet mit Major Rogers' Entsendung zu einer erneuten Expedition. Diesmals soll er die Nordwestpassage finden. Towne bleibt bei seiner Braut und wird bald nach London gehen, um dort ein bedeutender Maler zu werden.

Der Film, der auf der ersten Hälfte von Kenneth Roberts Roman Northwest Passage (1937) basiert, wurde 1939 an Drehorten in der Kaskadenkette in Oregon und rund um McCall, Idaho produziert. Vidor berichtete, dass man sich auf den ersten Buchteil beschränkte, um das Heldenbild von Rogers nicht anzweifeln zu müssen, der im zweiten Teil des Romans an den weiteren Geschehnissen zerbricht. Phil Hardy nennt als weiteren Grund, warum kein zweiter Teil mehr folgte, dass Tracy nicht wieder mit Vidor arbeiten wollte.

Der Film kam in den USA am 23. Februar 1940 in die Kinos. In Westdeutschland begann die Kinoauswertung erst 1955.

Zwischen 1958 und 1959 produzierte MGM die gleichnamige gleichnamigen Fernsehserie. In der Fernsehadaption übernahm Keith Larsen die Rolle von Spencer Tracy, Buddy Ebsen spielte die Rolle von Walter Brennan und Don Burnett stellte die Rolle von Robert Young dar.

„Im Gewand spannender Unterhaltung verherrlicht Vidor das „harte Mannestum“ des Soldaten und rechtfertigt das Massaker an den Indianern. Formal nicht uninteressant.“

– Lexikon des Internationalen Films

„Wie Samuel FullersMerrill's Marauders streicht der Film die Anstrengung heraus, die den Marsch prägt und die schließlich aus den Männern ausgezehrte Wilde macht, von denen einer sogar einmal dem Kannibalismus erliegt.“

Phil Hardy: The Encyclopedia of Western Movies.[3]

Die Kameraarbeit von Sidney Wagner und William V. Skall wurde 1941 für einen Oscar nominiert, dieser Preis ging schließlich jedoch an George Barnes für seine Arbeit in Rebecca.

Aintjos ::    Warum ich diesen Film gepostet habe?: 

"Rogers Rangers", mògen Insider in der Handlung die Botschaften erkennen, die man ansonsten wegen im Vordergrund stehende Action nicht bemerkt ... 

Die Selbstheilung das Fasten die Heilkrise die Hungersucht, Kannibalismus & Co ... u.v.a. Dinge mehr . 


 Dear Aintjos,

Questions, questions, and more questions.

They all want to know why Qi is so important to
your health. “You can’t see Qi, you can’t touch
it, and how do I know that Qi Gong exercises will
keep you healthier and younger?"

"Come train with me in the morning for a few

After that, students and patients report that they
have much more energy.

After two sessions, Julia called me at seven
o’clock in the morning. I asked her why she called
so early. She said that she’s been up since five
and had more energy than she did in her entire
life. She cleaned the house, went jogging for
forty-five minutes, came home, made breakfast, and
it’s only seven o’clock in the morning! She
definitely is a believer in Qi and Qi Gong now.

Here are some information to chew on about Qi

There are many different kinds of Qi and they all
function in different ways to keep us healthy. Qi
is the energy of the body, of the meridians, of
food, and of the universe. If you are
Qi-deficient, then, you’re going to be out of
energy for sure. Gu Qi is energy that is derived
from food. It is the first stage in the
transformation of food to energy. Food is first
digested by the stomach and then sent to the
spleen to make Gu Qi, still in unusable form. The
Gu Qi is sent from the spleen and stomach to the
lungs and the heart. That’s where it combines with
air to form Zong Qi. The Zong Qi has the function
of nourishing the heart and lungs and forms the
basis for the involuntary functions of the
heartbeat, respiration, and the heart’s function
of governing the blood and blood vessels. When
it’s weak, the extremities, especially the hands,
will be weak or cold. It influences speech and the
strength of voice. It also has a strong effect on
the emotion and there are usually emotional
problems. On the other hand, the Wei Qi is our
defense system, our protective armor which
protects the body from attack, wind, cold, heat,
and dampness, and it aids in nourishing the skin
and muscles. These are just a few functions of Qi.

Qi also has six different actions. In the Flying
Crane Qi Gong program
we use all of them: Rising, Falling, Gathering,
Lifting, Opening, and Closing. These actions of Qi
affect every organ in the body as well as the
emotions. When we practice on a regular basis, the
Qi is flowing and feeding the body, mind, and
spirit with rich Qi and oxygen that will keep you
disease-free. What happens is when the Qi is
stagnating, energy blocks begin to happen, first
in the spirit body, then the energy body and,
finally, your physical body...and boom! You’re

Sickness just doesn't happen. No one gets cancer
overnight. It first affects the other two bodies,
the Spirit body and the Energy body, and then, by
the time the disease raises its ugly head, it’s
too late. That’s why, regular practice is so
important to keep everything flowing and healthy.
Practice will lock in the muscle memory and soon
you will embody the work. The Flying Crane Qi Gong
will quickly help you open up the flow of Qi in
all the meridians and you will stay disease-free
and full of energy!

Pick up your copy today.

I wish you the best in your Health, Wealth, and

Dr. Wu Dhi

Dr. Wu Dhi

Befriend me on Facebook:

Subscribe to my YouTube channel:

Dr. Wu Dhi was born Sherwood Swartz but mostly
known as 'Woody' to friends and family. As a student
of various traditions he as received various names
and titles over the years as is appropriate in those
schools. Among these names was Wu Di, very similar
to the pronunciation of Woody, in China the name
means 'has no enemies'. Wu Di was later renamed by
a Tibetan Lama to Wu Dhi with an 'h'. Although this
may not seem like that much of a change from Wu Di
or even Woody for that matter, it is in fact a high
honor to receive such a name directly from a Lama.
Dhi in this case is the Sanskrit seed syllable 'Dhi' and
associated with the great wisdom holder Manjurshri.

Dr. Wu Dhi has been a pioneer in alternative health
care for over 30 years and a master of Medical Qi
Gong. Dr. Wu Dhi completed his advance studies in
neurology under the direction of Professor Sun at the
prestigious Heilongjiang, University of Traditional
Chinese Medicine in Harbin P.R.China.

Golden Skies Productions

18205 Biscayne Blvd.
Suite 2214
Aventura, FL 33160
Tel: 305-407-0120

... the secret of
levitation & the detox operation

hi, can you tell me how long it would take to detoxify the body deeply? year or five years or ten years of a life-long depending on how you live and where you live, every day you'll poisoned, the body detoxifies every day, because there is no set time does not exist.

yeah its a question I know cannot really be answered "detoxification" is a misleading word

thank you for the resources

constipation seems to be the most pervasive issue ive encoutnered

I have to remember detoxification is moment to moment

changes every instant
 Aintjos:... Detoxification is the right word, because the body makes the gau
Detoxification is the right word, because the body does exactly

very true

"His alimentary tract, reaching up from the mouth of the anus to his throat, is filled with a morbid mucus--undigested, decayed and retained food-substances, all of which are in a state of fermentation and putrefaction. His intestines have never had a perfect cleansing during his entire life."

so its simple...its about removal

not "adding" anything

sorry one last you think probiotics are useless? I do not feel they are necessary or helpful...but only "add" more to the mix....I would say something like kelp and spirulina would be more effective
 Aintjos:...It is human to human different ...

that was my thought, thank you these links...Im reading them right now and feel better already reading them

this is dead on comes down to what the human poisoning has .. important is sports movement and fresh air .. dance acrobatics joy - happyness live in nature, see internet look "BiGuFu Qi Gong" and other Tai Chi, dance ballet - Shaolin Kung Fu, singing, making music and live in joy ... these are the secrets of living on light ... ...

Thank you Aintjos, my heart feels great joy right now

"sports movement and fresh air " YES I have done 60km+/day of cycling fast and continuous movement everyday for maybe 25 days now

I am starting to reap the fruits of leg, hip, torso movement

the movement mixed with deep intake of oxygen is like experiencing new life

air is more nutritious than any food

its no wonder I always loved cycling so much
Aintjos ... 

even if you look at pro cyclists they have the most dynamic bodies

thank you
16. Januar 00:06

from a place of you think the word to describe it is "joy"?

creativity, motivation, clarity, energy, etc...

you my experience the throat/thyroid has a great deal to do with a lot of fnctions

the "make or break it" center
16. Januar 22:08

can I ask about levitation...Is this the essence of cultivating qi throughout the intestines?

and extract prenatal qi from the gonads up into ascending channels?

okay so a little confused about gonadal qi is used succinctly for rising energy...basically like brahmachariya?
you can see the levitation effects in the Acrobatics movement.. Ballett Breakdancing Yogaacrobatic Circus China Kung Fu fighting Tapdancing floating by Fred Astaire ... Robot Dance ... and other movements ...

right, there is basically no weight or energy in the lower body

also, taken with an energy spectrometer... @ 4:30 you can see the "energy distribution" this is similar to levitation
this is a feeling like superconductor magnetic .. like a magnetik field, you feeling is like you are in a magnetic field,, like astronautic in a spaceship .. without gravity ...

ahhh...yes like being in a vacuum

so zero entropy or zero interaction with "external"
wenn you dance or acrobatic, you go to an other Dimension, you recive the energie from the 5 dimension

descending qi happens when external/gravity overpowers?
The Qi Machine is the human colon 

this ist the Qi-Energy converter ...

the human colon massage

ahh I see what you're saying

so qi conversion is brain synchronization?


"non-linear" coupling

= 5d experience
yes-kundalini, the resonanz of music and the movement of dance and acrobatics thogether breathing an de feeling of joy, happines give you superconductor levitation power

breathing = prana
levitation effect in dance movements
yess prana.. or Qi Energy
look the qi energy comes from the -colon- dan tien

I knew many years ago food was useless

my stupid brain doesn't know what to spend money on LOL
living on light is the best food, living on air, fasting an eat fruits ...

so no veggies?
veggies is animal food ...

wow i never knew that
look the book from Arnold Ehret :Rational Fasting

this makes me think about the "common" man, and all the waste products contained in him...And how the world is a reflection of this

the world is onebig cesspool of waste

"garbage dump"


5d= spiritual man on fasting, fruits and water


have you heard any of tony wright stuff?
Aintjos :... Good idea with "Tony" I look now this video

thank you for re-minding me about fruits, fasting, etc...I literally forgot the animal is very "repugnant" and monkey minded
I thank you ...

some things just intuitively feel's that feeling of joy or "compatibility"
Aintjos:... right
17. Januar 01:12
Aintjos:.. Some of alle the movement it's like levitation ...
17. Januar 03:47
17. Januar 10:53

matrix dance is awesome

I still see a discontinuity with some of them though...

it doesn't seem they have cultivated the qi aspect specifically

it has become a "benefit" in practicing and spending countless hours on their dance
Tanzen bringt freude das ist gut fùr die gesundheit .. but the workout also helps at any time to survive in the wild nature or at accidents
Dancing brings joy, that is good for health ...

it sure does

;0 Im surprised people still thumbs down this LOL

what more do they want?
this is Showbisiness.. but the acrobatic is important to survive better.. yu can see the levitation effect, ... what more do they want? no matter... I'm interested in the fixed position that does workout Qi energy absorption, eat, and gives power to Levitation ...

LOL funny story..

6 days ago

I was cycling downhilll


it started to rain... I was coming around a curve and crashed hard

i never panicked...and rolled into the fall

only scraped my knee, cut my arm and hand....I stand up from fall IMMEDIATELY

no pain, no problem

I got on back right away and continue to bike downhill
Yes, I know well, those things I have already experienced many

it was kind of exciting

losing control, like free feeling
Aintjos:... did you know this?
I must go to postoffice, see you later ...

okay ttel

OMG about the illuminati video...that is SO CRAZY!
17. Januar 15:05

Yes ...
Dance and Dance is not the same dance, and, music and music is not the same music ... the QI-energy ist the same and the levitation is the same, but... but the purpose is different. Dance for the light, or Dance for the darkness ... ... that's a big difference

yeah big you think that is true some of the things they say?
Aintjos:... I know this is so ... I am dancer and warrior and I participated spirit world for many channel lings and survive in the wild nature ...
I dance in the past, the musical comedy style, like Fred Astaire an Gene Kelly romantic dance -tapdance...

I can definitely see when there is a possession or "movement" which is not of natre


oh wow tapdance, that's amazing

that's good humor and good spirit

I appreciate your additions on FB

very happy and high spirit
Aintjos:.. the movemets are different and the music is different ... swing music is different ...

yes and especially in these modern days, there is a lot of unfriendly energy

but The energy ist the same and the levitation is the same, you know wath I mean ?

yes, the levitation is actual physiological manifestation

it is natural law

the purpose is different

yes totally

one is a pure energy

this other one is an "ego" fueled energy

it evokes ego inpeople
18. Januar 11:32

do you know the correlation between levitation and brainwave?

ie: levitation = higher delta

adhd/mental problem associated to brainwave
Aintjos:... yes

so then qi is delta?

Qi is a "feeling" electricity magnet infrared ultraviolet and other components oscillations vibrations and more ...

I think this feeling is also entwined with a "delta" spark in the brain

these are the non-linear "high amplitudunal" waves

his clothing "feels" like a wind blowing

Aintjos:... yes ...

I understand the science of the tumor...when the organism is in a "vacuum", dna is reverted to "natural" order

Aintjos:... here the whole video ...

"There are a number of theories which have helped form this research. It has now been proven (Dr. Vladimir Poponin – link) that in a vacuum container, photons (the elementary quantum particles of light) spin randomly around. If a strand of DNA is introduced into the vacuum container, the photons line themselves up along the length of the double helix DNA. On removing the DNA strand, the photons remain in the double helix configuration, thus acting as a blueprint for the DNA it was in contact with."
Aintjos:... yes I know this

this is music
Aintjos: ... this is dancing


18. Januar 14:45
19. Januar 10:47

do you think the brainwaves are not good over long time?
Aintjos:.. they are always good, but the human is too poisoned, that's the problem

ah I mean the brainwaves "bring up" stuff that the human doesn't want to see?
Aintjos:.. hm.. ah ...yes ...

yeah, I used holosync today for around 4 hours

I was brought to a state of supreme clarity

where I saw things with the addition of their relevance to life and death

as they relate to soul/inherent livelihood

very intense
Aintjos:... I can understand, but I can not see how you can 

well, the brainwave brought me to a state of deep connectedness to the nature of being...upon experiencing the nature of being, I understood what is implicate to life on a very deep level

and from this place of "seeing" you can see what is life promoting and not life promoting

therefore, I see the importance of living light

transcending beyond polarity and not judging experience as positive or negative/good or bad

no mind, no ego, simply moving in the name of the soul


Aintjos:... understand, I experience so well in my garden and in nature when I go hiking
and when I'm dancing

yes, I think for's simply a matter of biking everyday for the next few months, and by way of momentum, the energy will start to be pleasant all the time

it's only when energy stops moving I think

that the mind catches up
Aintjos:... yes
20. Januar 10:16

I had a vision about the chi

the way the brain works...

the "mandala" is the core of the zero ground

when the brain goes deeper and deeper into the cosmos, it "interacts" with the zero ground more and more

think of it this way

a spider is weaving a web

the brain is like a spider weaving the very dynamics of the mandala

until finally it has completely weaved the spherical mandala


do you know who is "liferegenerator"?
21. Januar 11:59

do you know how this world is created?

Aintjos:... Liferegenerator = Joy-Happyness = Love


and I just watched this video by alex putney

towards the end of the video it shows how "sound" starts the stream of creation

im sorry wrong video...

these very "old" sounds root back to the beginning

from the sounds come the first sounds of tribes and from there sparks the creation of the world

the ancient artifacts re-"mind" us of the beginning

return us to the start

the sounds are "primordial"

sacred whatever you want to call it

but it is the root
Aintjos:...yes, ...
thank you "Tláloc's Fire by Alex Putney " 

yes, nice depiction by Alex
Aintjos:... yess .. see you later, must go ...

31. Januar 13:35

levitation as you would explain it...this is the ascension of the soul yes?

same thing, or different than what you are talking about?
2. Februar 11:14

do you mind if I share one of your resources on my page, or do you wish for privacy?
Aintjos:... all free

One thing I realize is once you lose the "crocodile" scaly skin anxiety...You realize you don't have to be a "small minded" constipated animal who has "stingy" mentally

actually I was wondering if the "natural hygiene" can be found in English?

You know I read about this concept of Crocodiles who lose their tails when threatened/hunted...The anxiety causes the breaking of the "hard/calcified" skin...


Something about this is SO true...I look at people now and I see precisely this crocodile "amphibious" quality about them...They are SO constipated in their thinking

so full of fear...they are "stuck" in very instinctive pattern of animal behaviour

This happened today to me when I go to grocery store...I went to buy something...I "dance" in like I am levitating or full of light...

She responds in FEAR...Oh my God! I don't know how to process this "weird" person who is flying around....She looks at me in FEAR and reverts to a reptile like behaviour



The Reptile Stori engl. Rudolf Steiner
German ...

awesome thank you

the human being does not live by eating
with eat, the human dies ...

yep, and food surrounds the human "non-being" stores, restaurants, etc


food becomes "wired" as mem(water)-ory(light) into the human nervous system

addiction unfolds from the wiring of the memory

therefore..."re-wiring" can also take form from brain-optimization...using alpha/theta/delta brinwaves

delta puts the human back into "primordial" soup where it can "reset" itself from the level of purity

food/entropy/impurity also TAKES SHAPE AS "beta-brainwaves"

beta is synonyme for "toxin"

anyone with beta waves...has impurity

Jasmuheen talks a lot about DEEP healing therapy

you go into a 6 day camp...No light, immersion of the brain into deeper and deeper delta waves


delta connects to the essence...the soul "re-identifies" with creation, and "forgets" its' occupation with the false/toxic food world

alpha/theta is the beginning of magic

monks who meditate for many years, show high levels of "gamma" waves

Aintjos:... full screen

gamma shown to control all communication processes of the brain
Aintjos:... yess

they say gamma/theta state is the shamanic state

McDonalds = Death LOL

thanks again

Aintjos: ... thank you

co creators...changers for the best

continual enlightenment and learning

never a stoppage of unfoldment

this is happiness and joy
3. Februar 08:53

i guess there are no benefits whatsoever to drinking coffee beans..

8. Februar 18:47

do you have the writing about the "human gag reflex" as its' weird "stuffing" ritual to explain the true aspect of food?
13. Februar 18:50

would you prefer that i keep that file "confidential"?
Aintjos:... it ist free

yes, but out of respect for your "privacy"

'is a letter from Anander to Jasmuheen 

ah okay wonderful

i have been guiding myself into a deeper and deeper state of delta over the last 2 weeks...Today I finally realized how things change on the level of "dream"..I experienced the "profound" change in course of action/choice, and also experienced how the unconscious creates peoples' beliefs and "ideas"..Totally "created" but not accurate
Aintjos:...well, go on ...

okay, and anyways, this is the magic and the joy knowing that ultiamtely we are always in control of everything

the key is to escape the illusion of that "dynamic" of perception...The "common" perception is robotic and backward/forward...

truer perception is circular, and involves spinning always

dancing YES!!

true movement is efforless and perfectoin

like how water flows


uncovering the unconscious, reveals "the blind spot"

the blind spot is the place wwhich has been "missed" for peoples' entire life

once unocvered, people start to look rediculous

water is the perfect medittion

water does not "exhzust" therefore, if focused on it creates an inexhaustible mind

did facebook send you a "10th birthday" look back at your timeline?

because water seeks dark, Heaviness, and depth under the earth, then the mind /soul will be "leaded" to the darkness and heaviness in the deepest places, here the soul is reunited

the mind is non-existent
13. Februar 21:15

Aintjos:...I am you, you are me, who are we?

mere possibilities?
14. Februar 22:31

i think many people cannot experience love because they have no idea what it really is

I like Swing Musik - And I like Forest

Aintjos:... Yes .. 
Rock & Roll
But, this is... wizard of Rythm .. Magic ... swing ... take trouble away ...


pulls one out of time
Aintjos:... yess Akrobatic like nicolas brother's :DE

yeah, i love the tribal drums too..gets the heart and root moving
Aintjos:... the movement charge Qi energy, all dancers and all acrobatic, charge Qi dynamic energy with movements ... ... this is Kung Fu secret ...

absolutely...they must "realize" this energy in the process of practicing and dancing

like maybee 1 year, 2 years into their "craft"..something happens on a deeper level energetically
Aintjos:... superconductor levitation dance

yeah it's inevitable

like cyclists...they all have similar bodies

that's not "coincidence"

it's levitation clearly

body, mind, energy is liquid

thinking is liquid, dreams are liquid, behaviour "changes"
Aintjos:... yess

"higher" mind

loss of polarity

me personally, I want to master the "lower" dark aspect of energy

to understand it fully


this one is funky


very elevated soul
15. Februar 08:44
30. Mai 17:45

hi it possible in high states of qi is "peeing" sperm?
30. Mai 20:01

Aintjos:...Detoxification reaction, only, at people with cooked food ... ...


wow, very interesting

thank you

makes sense though
Aintjos:...Too much cum = too much sex = too much people ... overpopulation ... eliminate them cooked food, and so, no overpopulation ... ...

good point

same reason why dogs are neutered 

Aintjos:... Yes, unfortunately, not necessary ...

i know hey

i always wondered why my dads dogs were over "sexual"

he fed them incessantly

cooked garbage food

then he blames them for behaviour

yes ... i know ... ...

I thought before that the higher sperm was from brahmachariya cultivation
Aintjos:... Possibly the case about a stimulation arises as a side effect ...

good point..what would "irritate" such a condition

probably not a yogic practice alone
Aintjos:... eat a lot easier sometimes cooked ?


didn't realize how it creeps up like that

thank you body for working well
6. Juni 23:18

can all the effects from food intake in general be reversed?

Aintjos: ...

...Ballet posture, so that, the Qi energy can better flow for thè health ...
Ballet attitude ... hence the energy, the Qi can flow better .. not only thè perfection in dance, but also thè health ... daily care of the energy, the daily blessing .. the bless themselves with the blessing of movement, the movement is the mantra .. the movement is the prayer ... pray daily, mean daily move, the ballet brings just the right movements to the Qi to collect nature, as it is called in BiGu Fu Qi Gong, daily Qi of nature gather, that's ballet training ... the right attitude provides exactly the -receiving antenna, the universal Mudra ... in all ballet movements and poses, we find this mudras ... with this antennas, we receiving the Qi ..
with Ballet posture, can the qi energy, flow better, for the health
Ballettgrundhaltung damit die Energie, das Qi, besser fliessen kann .. nicht nur fùr die perfektion im Tanz, sondern auch fùr die Gesundheit ... die tàgliche Pflege der Energie, die tàgliche segnung .. das sich segnen mit dem Segen der bewegung, die bewegung ist das Mantra.. die bewegung ist das gebet ... tàglich beten, bedeutet sich tàglich bewegen, das ballett bringt genau die richtigen bewegungen um das Qi der Natur zu sammeln, so wie es im BiGu Fu Qi Gong heisst, tàglich das Qi der Natur sammeln, genau das ist Balletttraining ... die richtige Haltung stellt genau die empfangs-Antenne, das Universal Mudra ... in allen Ballett bewegungen und Posen finden wir diese Mudras... Antennen fùr den Qi empfang ....Ballet Körperhaltung, so kann auch die Qi-Energie besser für die Gesundheit fließen ...
And on top of all that ... BREATHE!

The full 1999 Broadway musical "Fosse", as broadcasted by PBS' "Great Performances" in 2002. Choreography by Bob Fosse and Ann Reinking "Fosse" reunites and recreates dance numbers...
  • Newt Lyfe gefällt das.
  • Newt Lyfe The way of the dancer...The energy, behaviour, development...Everything is electrical. Everything leads to the ascent. This is the good life.Der Weg des Tänzers...Die Energie, Verhalten, Entwicklung...Es ist alles elektrisch. Alles führt zu den Aufstieg. Das ist das gute Leben.  

 fortsetzung folgt?

 Die Verbindung zwischen dem Essen und derEntgiftung ...
